Letter dated 29 January 2004 from the Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Netherlands, together with the Statement of the Republic of Yemen

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Embassy of

The Republic ofYemen
Surinarnest - 2585GG The Hague
Fax070-35633 12 Courinternationalede Justice

InternatioCourtof Justice ;flJA j@ 2004 /18

The Hague, 29 January2003.

International Court of Justice
Peace Palace
2517KJ The Hague

Ref: 1112004

To the kind attentionof Mr. Philip Couvreur,

Dear Sir,

1 have the pleasure to fonvard hereby, the Yemeni Statement addressed to the
International Courtof Justice in accordance with para2,article 66 from the Court

Please accept, Mr. Couvreur, the assurancesof my highest consideration.Statementfrom the Republicof Yemen,
Submitted to the sessionof the International CourtofJustice in accordance4th
paragraph2, article 66 of thecourt's Statute

Presidingjudge of theInternationalCourt of Justice,

Judgesof the InternationalCourtofJustice,

This is ahistoricalmoment,as theesteemedInternationalCourtof Justicestarts
lookinginto therequestsubrnittedbythe GeneralAssemblyof the UnitedNations
concemingthe legalconsequencesof the wallbeingbuiltby the Israeli occupation
authorities on Palestiniantemtories,in accordancewiththe stipulations of the

resolutiondated December 1 2th2003,no. AIRESIES-10114w , hichis precededbythe
previousresolution [rom the 10thextraordinarymeeting which took placeon October
2 1st 2003,and aisothe previousresolutionsofthe GeneralAssembly, which include
resolutionno. 181inNovember 1947whichdivided Palestineintotwo States,one
Araband oneJewish,andthe relevantresolutionsof theSecurityCouncil, 13of these
are significant,beginningwithresolutionno.242 dated November22"d1967and no.

338dated October1973,andending withresolutionno. 1515 dated Novemberlgh

The Republicof Yemenreaffirmsthat al1theseresolutionsarebased on legalrules
whichare inherentin international law.The mostimportantof these des are, thatno
country willbe permittedto forciblyenteranotherland andthe applicabilityof the4h

Geneva Conventionand theadditional1st protocol tothe Palestinian occupied
territones, whichinclude EastJerusalem.
The RepublicofYemen also reaffirmsthatthe Israeli settlements inthe Palestinian
occupiedtemtories, includingEastJerusalem,areillegaland regardsthese
settlementsasan obstacleon theroadto peace andeconomicand social development,
andrequests thatal1activities relatingto settlementare ceased.

Asthe InternationalCourtof Justiceis aware,the aforementioned resolution is
recalling the previousresolutions,whichindicatethatthe actionstakenby the
occupation authoritytochangethe identityand demographicstructureof East
Jetusalem haveno legitimacywhatsoever. Thisresolutionalsoexpressesthe deep
concern atthe constructionofthewallbythe Israelioccupation authoritieson
Palestinianoccupiedtemtories, includingthe area insideand around EastJerusalem.

The resolutionregardsthe buildingof thiswallas an act against Armistice Lineof
1949 (thegreen line),which has resultedinthe confiscationand destruction of
Palestinianland and resources.andthedistuption ofthe livesof hundredsof
thousandsof civilianinhabitantslivingunderthe occupation,and thetotal
appropriationof largeareasof land.The resolution refersto the rejectionbythe internationalcommunityfor the
constructionofthiswall and the devastating impactof this on Palestiniancivilians,
and considers the wallas being an obstacle on theroadto peaceinthe Middle East
region.Theresolutionaisomakesreference tothecommissionon hurnanrights report
and thecircurnstancesof Palestinianhumanrightsin the occupiedtemtones since
1967,andalso thereportbythe Secretary Generalof the UN, whichhe submittedin

orderto implementthe resolutionof the GeneralAssemblyon October21" 2003
pertainingto thewail, in whichthe Secretary General emphasisesthatastimepasses
moredificulties willarise withrespect to therealityfactor, whereasthe Israeli
occupationauthoritiescontinueto refuse to yieldto the stipulationsof international
lawconcemingthe construction of thewalland the consequencesthereof.


The Republic ofYemenmakereferenceto anintemationalruling,establishedin
internationallawand al1laws,whichstipulates that norightscan be derivedfrom
\\Tongdoing. If weare to assumethat thewaritselfis an act of aggression,thenthe
conclusioncanbe madethat ailthe effects thereofandthe occupationof tenitones of

other statesshouldbe regardedas a crime against internationallaw.The illegitimacy
of militaryoccupationis clearlystatedin article2, paragraph4 of theUNCharter,
which prohibitsthe applicationof force byUNmembersin internationalrelations,
and any threatsof forcefd actionsagainst the integrityand politicalsovereigntyof
anynation.Therefore,in accordancewiththe UN Charter, militaryoccupationis
illegal,as article2-4 of thischarthasa broad scopeof applicationinmanyareas

concerningviolence andthe impact thereof. Thestipulationsdo notonlyprohibitthe
use of forceininternationalrelations,but alsoprohibitshreateningof usingit.

Buildingthe wailbythe authority ofthe Israeli occupationis considereda crime
whichisprohibitedbyvirtueof internationallaw. Article49 of the4th Geneva
Conventionof 1949 prohibitscollective and individuaiobligatorydeportation of

people and banningfrom occupied lands. Article5 of the InternationalConvention
refersto combating ailfom of racialdiscriminationforailpeople,regardlessof their
race,origonor colour,al1persons havethe rightto movefreelywithinthe (occupied)
country,and to leaveany country, includingtheirown,andto retum.


Constructingthewallbythe authorityof theIsraelioccupationentailsthatprivate
landwillbe confiscated.Thisis in contradictionwith article17ofthe Universal
Declarationof HumanRights. Also themilitas. occupationact prohibitsappropnating
fundsfrom civiliansduringmilitaryoccupation.Article33 of the GenevaConvention
of 1949 also prohibitsappropriatingmoneyfrom civiliansand illegalactions against

theirpropeq.The authorityof the Israeli occupationhas destroyed wholevillages.It has destroyed
manyhouses,and culturaland religiousinstitutions. Its aimisto destroy the link
whichconnects the Palestinians totheirculturalandreligiousidentity,therefore
obtaintotaldominationand control ofthe occupiedterritory,which effectivelymeans
robbinçthe Paiestinian people oftheir roots.


The Republicof Yemen refers tothis,basedon UN reports andthe consequences
relatingto the constructionof the wail.

Therewas -and still i-an internationalunanirnitywithrespectto the conclusionthat
buildingthe wailwill only resultin negativeresults. Thissubject was in fact debated

intensivelyin Israelitself, we will returnto thismatterlater.
In additionto the political impact of thewallon thePalestinianpeople, the
constructionof the wailalso resultedin significantlosses;on human,economicand
social aspects,forexample:
- It appearsthat the production ofoliveswilldecreaseby an average of 2200ton
per annum, as thousandsof ancienttreeswill becut.
- The production of fruitwilldecreasebyan averageof 50,000tomes per

annumand vegetableproductionwilldecreaseby anaverageof 100,000tonnes per
- Grazingareaswillbe lost forapproximately10,000 head of cattle.
- The destruction ofhundredsofgreenhouses,birds and animal farms,which
willleadto substantialaccumulativelossesforthePalestinianeconomy.
- Constructingthe wall asa racialbanier inthenorthof the bankhas resultedin
the loss of8600hectares inKalkiliahwhichis 72% of its irrigated land .Furthemore,
kaikiliahahas become the largestjail inthe world,followingthe actionsof the Israeli

occupiers, theseactions includedsurrounding kalkiliah withthe racialisolation wall,
wires andtrenches onfour sides, withthe exceptionof one8 meterwideentrance
whichis guardedbythe Israeli occupiers, theseguards openand closethisgate as
theyplease.This was statedbythe 42.000inhabitantsofkaikiliah in their appealfor
help dated 16-10-2003; whichwas directed tothe Secretary-Generalof the Arab
League,who senta letterSecurityCouncilon5-11-2003.
- Building thewailwill resultin the confiscation of 12%of the bank'sland.

Thetotalnumber of settlers followingcompletionof thewailwill be 343.000. This
planhas also confiscated30 waterwellsin the provinceof kalkiliah and the province
of Tolkarm,which resultinthe Palestinianslosing 18%of their shareof thisarea.
Followingtotal destruction oftheir economythe landbelongingto259 Palestinian
villages willbe annexed.
- The 2nd stage ofthis plan willbe the isolationofJemalem fromthe bank,in
additionto the isolationof 200.000Palestiniansinsidethe green line.

A studycanied outbythe World Bankindicates estimatesthat are sirnilarto the
figuresobtainedin other studies,that thedividingwail canswallow 12%of the West
Bankland. Accordinçto the study,the first stage of theconstructionof the wail hascauseddirectlossesto approsimately 12,000Paiestiniansliving in 15 villages. Upon
completion,there wil1be 95.000Palestinians livingbetweenthe wailand the green
line,of ivhom61.000 livein the in the area ofJenisalem(according tothe Israeli

With regk to sociallosses,the largestoperationofdemolishingPalestinianhouses
and infrastructurewillbe executedduringthe fourstagesof buildingthe wall. A
recentAmnestyInternationalreport indicates thatthewallwillhave serious
economicand socialeffectson morethan200.000Palestiniansliving in
municipalitiesand villagesin the vicinity ofthewall.

The wail willisolatedozens ofPalestinian villagesfrom theWestBank
- Buildingthe wail is a breachof intenationally laid down and recognised
humanrights.It deprivesPaiestiniansof theirright tomovefi-eely,and aiso their
rightof ownership throughthe confiscation of their land and deprivingthem of
theirsourceof living as a result ofthelossof theiragriculturailand, whichistheir

solesourceof living. It willalsodisrupttheirdailylife asthe wallwill isolate
themfromtheirnaturaihabitatand willresultintheir homesbeingdemolished.
280buildingshave alreadybeen demolished.

We,inthe Republicof Yemen,agreewith theideasof the Secretary-Generalas
formulatedin paragraphE of the aforementioned report,whichare asfollows:

1. The authorityof the Israeli occupationrefuses tocomplywiththe requestof
the General-Assemblyto stop buildingthewall insidePalestiniantenitones.
2. Building thewallcauses deep concemandhasa negative impacton future
3. The securityof Israelshouldnotbe guaranteedby means conflictingwiththe
mles of intemationallaw,and meanswhichmay obstmctthe prospectof peace inthe

long term by impedingthe establishmentof a durableindependent Palestinianstate
whichcan coexist with theneighbouringcountries,or byincreasingthe sufferingof
the Palestinians.
4. It is therefore evidentthatthe securityof bothPaiestinian and Israelipeople
canonlybe achievedthrougha fair,integrated,peacefül,permanent settlementbased
on SecurityCouncilresolutions, no.242 of 1967andno. 338 of 1973,in sucha way

asindicatedin SecurityCouncilresolutions,no. 1397of2002 andno. 1515of2003.

Mr. Presidingjudge,

Weare confidentthat the court is fully awareof thefollowingpoliticai implicationsas
a resultof thiswall:

1. No recognitionof resolutionno. 242,ivhichdemandsthe withdrawalof the
Israelioccupationbackto the border asit wasbeforeJune 4* 1967.
2. Imposingtheviews ofthe occupationauthorityas de factoreality andone-
sidedstipulationof theborder drawing.
3. KeepingsettlementspocketsinsidetheWestBank,which divideit into three
separaiedareas.Manypeople have tackled theissue of thePalestinianlossesas a resultof the

constructionof the wall.The Secretary-Generalof theUNhasalsotackledthis issue
in his reporito the 10thextraordinarymeeting onthe illegalIsraeliactionsin
occupied ~&tJerusalemand theother parts of the Palestinian occupied temtories on
Alsothe IsraeliFoundation for HumanRights"Betselim"has presented a
comprehensivereportinwhichthe foundation esplainsthe Palestinianeconomic,

socialand politicallossesin detail.The foundation"Betselim"pointedout that this
wall is beingbuiltinsidethetemtories of the WestBank andreach adepthof 6-7 km
in someareas.
The areaof landlocatedbetween thewalland thegreenline betweenSalenand Al-
Kannais approximately69.500hectares, 7.200hectaresof whichisthe area of land
designatedfor theconstructionof 10settlements.

Esteemedladiesand gentlemen,

TheRepublic of Yemenis confident that therequestof theGeneral-Assemblyfor
consultativeopinionfrom your courtis a legitimaterequest.Wehave greathope that
the InternationalCourt of Justicewillstatets legal opinionwithrespectto the extent
to which therightsof thePalestinianswill bebreachedthroughtheconstructionof

this wall,in conformancewith the stipulations of theGenevaConventionof 1949and
the otherrelatedinternationalconventions,andto prohibitthe occupationauthoriw
from effectinganychangeswithrespectto the situationin theoccupiedtemtories.

Thank youverymuch.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Letter dated 29 January 2004 from the Ambassador of the Republic of Yemen to the Netherlands, together with the Statement of the Republic of Yemen
