Special Agreement concluded on March 25th, 1948

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ON MARCH25th, 1948

The Government of tlie People's Republic of Albania, repre-
si:nted by their Agent Mr. Kahrenian Ylli, EI~VO~ Extraordinary
and Rlinister Plenipotentiary of Albania at Paris ;

the Governrnerit of thc United Kingdom of Great Britain aiid
Northern Ireland, represented by their Agent Mr. W. E. Beckett,
C,,M.G.,K.C., Legül Adviser to the Foreign Office ;

Have accepted thc present Special Agreement, which has been
drawn uy as a result of the Resolution of the Security Council of
the 9th April 1947, for the purpose of submitting to the Inter-
national Court of Justice for decision the following questions:-
II) 1sAlbania responsible under international law for the
esplosions which occurred on the 22nd October 1946 in Alba-
nian waters and for the damagc and loss of human life which
resulted from them and is there any dut)' to pay compen-
(2) Has the United Kiiigdom undcr international lairr
violated the sovereignty of the Albanian People's Republic

by reasoii of the acts of the Royal Navy in Albanian waters
oii the ~2nd Octoher and on the 12th and ~3th November
1946 and is there an' duty to give satisfaction ?
The Parties.agree that the present Special Agreement shall be
Oiiotified to the InternationalCourt of Justice immediately after
the delit-ery on thc 25th March of its judgment on the question
of jurisdiction.
The Parties requeçt the Court, having regard to the present
Special Agreement, to makc snch orders with regard to procedure,
in coiiformity with the Statute and the Rules of the Court, as
the Court may deem fit, after having consulted the Agents of
the Parties.

In upitness ivhereof the above-mentioned Agents, being duly
a.uthorized by their Governments to this effect, have signed the
present Special Agreement.
Ilone this 25thday of March, 1948, at midday, at The Hague,
in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in 3
single copy which shall be deposited with the International Court
of Justice.
(Siglied) \Y. E. BECKETT.

(Signed)KAHHEJ~ A SI-I.

Document Long Title

Special Agreement concluded on March 25th, 1948
