Avena and other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America) - Provisional Measures - Court to give its Order on Wednesday 5 February 2003 at 3 p.m.

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel: +31 (0)70 302 23 23 Cables: Intercourt,
The Hague. Fax: +31 (0)70 364 99 28. Telex: 32323. E-mail address:
[email protected]. Internet address: http://www.ICJ-cij.org.

Press Release

No 200317
30 January 2003

Avena and other Mexican Nationals
(Mexico v. United States of America)

Provisional Measures

Court to give its Order on Wednesday 5 February 2003 at 3 p.m.

THE HAGUE, 30 January 2003 The International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial
organ of the United Nations, will deliver its Order on the request for the indication of Provisional
Measures submitted by Mexico in the case conceming Avena and other Mexican Nationals
(Mexico v United States of America), on Wednesday 5 February 2003 at 3 p rn

The President of the Court, Judge Gilbert Guillaume, will read the Order, which will have
binding effect for the Parties, at a public sitting which will take place in the Great Hall of Justice at
the Peace Palace in The Hague, the seatthe Court

Historyof the proceedings

Mexico filed its request for the indication of provisional measures on 9 January 2003 after
bringing proceedings against the UnitedStates in a dispute conceming alleged violations of
Articles 5 and 36 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 24 April 1963 with respect to
sorne 50 Mexican nationals who have been sentenced to death in certain states of the United States
(see Press Release 200311)

In its request Mexico asked that, pending final judgment in the case, the Court indicate that
the United States take ali measures necessary to ensure that no Mexican national be executed and
thatno execution dates be set for any Mexican national, that the United States report to the Court
the actions it has taken in that respect, and that it ensure thats taken that might prejudice
the rightsf the United Mexican States or its nationals with respect to any decision this Court may
render on the merits the case

Public hearings were held on Tuesday 21 January 2003 At those hearings, Mexico
confirmed its request for the indicationrovisional measures while the United States asked the
Court to reject that request and not to indicate any such measures -2-


1 The public sitting will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of the Peace Palace in The Hague,

Netherlands Mobile telephones and beepers are allowed in the courtroom provided they are turned
offor set on silent mode Any offending deviee will be temporarily retained

2 Members of the Press may attend on presentation of a press card The tables reserved for
them are situated to the far leftthe public entranceto the courtroom

3 Photographs and TV shots may be taken for a few minutes only at the opening of the

sitting The Court's proceedings will be displayed live on a large TV screen in the Press Room,
located on the ground floorof the Peace Palace (Room 5) In the Press Room, it will be possible for
TV crews to connect recording equipment directly to the Court's new video system, but advance
notice of this should be given to the Information Department There is also a facility for the

connection of sound-onlyequipment to the Court's audio system during the proceedings

4 At the end of the sitting, a press release, a summary of the Court's Order and the full text
of the Order will be distributed in the Press Room

5 AU the above-mentioned documents will also be available at that time on the Court's
website (www icj-cij org)

6 Members of the Press who wish to make telephone caUsmay use the phone located in the
Press Room for collect calls or the public telephones in the Post Office in the basement of the
Peace Palace

7 Mr ArthurWitteveen, First Secretary of the Court (tel +31-70-3022336), and
Mrs Laurence Blairon and Mr Boris Heim, Information Officers, are available to deal with any
requests from thePress and for the requirements ofTV crews (tel +31-70-302 2337, e-mail address


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Avena and other Mexican Nationals (Mexico v. United States of America) - Provisional Measures - Court to give its Order on Wednesday 5 February 2003 at 3 p.m.
