Nigeria files a request for an interpretation of the Judgment of 11 June 1998 on Preliminary Objections - Cameroon to submit written observations by 3 December 1998

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for immediale release

No. 98/34
29 October 1998

Nigeria files a reguest for an interprof the Judgmentof 11 June 1998
on PreliminaryObjections

Cameroon to submit written observations by 3 December 1998

THE HAGUE, 29 October 1998. On 28 October 1998, Nigeria filed a request for an
• interpretation of the Judgment delivered on 11 June 1998 by the Interriational Court of Justice (ICJ)
on the preliminary objections raîsed by Nigeria in the case brought against it by Cameroon
concerning the land and maritime boundary dispute between these two countries.

Thisis the first time that the ICJ bas been seised of a request for the interpretation of a
judgment on prelim~n oaeytions while the proceedings on the merits are still pending.

Since a request for the interpretation of a judgment is made either by an application or by
the notification of a special agreement, it gives rise to a new case. Nigeria's request, which does
not fall into the categorycidental proceedings, does not therefore form part of the current
proceedings in the case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and
Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria).

In its request, Nigeria sets out that "One aspect of the case before the Court is the alleged
international responsibility borneria for certain incidents said to have occurred at various
places in Bakassi and Lake Chad and along the length of the frontier between those two regions".

Nigeria contends that Cameroon bas made "allegations involving a number of such incidents in its
Application of 29 March 1994, its Additional Application of 6 June 1994, its Observations of
• 30 April 1996 on Nigeria's Preliminary Objections, and during the oral hearings held from
2-11 March1998", and that Cameroon bas also said that it "would be able to provide information
as to other incidents on sorne unspecified future occasion".

In the view of Nigeria, the Court's Judgment "does not specify which of these alleged
incidents are to be considered as part of the merits of the case" and accordingly, "the meaning and
scope of the Judgment requires interpretation" as provided by Article 98 of the Rules of Court.

The full text Nigeria's submissions reads as follows:

"Nigeria requests the Court to adjudge and declare that the Court's Judgment of
11 June 1998 is to be interpreted as meaning that:

so fars concems the international responsibility which Nigeria is said to bear
for certain alleged incidents: - 2 -

W the dispute before the Court does not include any alleged incidents other than
(at most) those specified in Cameroon's Applicationf 29 March 1994 and
Additional Applicationof 6 June 1994;

.(!;ùCameroon's freedom to present additional facts and legal considerations relates
(at most) only to those specified in Cameroon's Application of 29 March 1994
and Additional Applicationof 6 June 1994; and

ill the question whether facts alleged by Cameroon are established or not relates (at
most) only to those specified in Cameroon's Application9 March 1994 and
Additional Applicationof 6 June 1994."

Nîgeria's request has been transmitted to Cameroon. JudgeOda, Senior Judge, acting

Presidentof the Court, has fixed 3 December 1998 as the time-limit for Cameroon to file written

Website address of the Court:

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Th. Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (tel: 31-70-302 23 36)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (tel:70-302 23 37)
E-mail address:information@icj -

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Document Long Title

Nigeria files a request for an interpretation of the Judgment of 11 June 1998 on Preliminary Objections - Cameroon to submit written observations by 3 December 1998
