Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) - Conclusion of the hearings on the issue of the jurisdiction of the Court - The Court is ready to consider its Judgment

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Peace Palace. 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel.(31·70·302 23 23). Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.
Telefax (31-70-364 99 28). Telex 32323.lntemet address: http: // www.icj·

for immediaterelease

6 April2000

Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999
{Pakistanv. lndia)

Conclusion of the hearings on the issue of the jurisdiction of the Court

The Court is readv to consider its Judgment

THE HAGUE, 6 April 2000. The public hearings in the case concerning the Aerîal Incident of
10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which started on Monday
3 April2000, were concluded today, enabling Members of the Court to start their deliberations.

The Court bas to decide whetheihas jurisdiction to deal with the merits of the dispute. India has
challenged thatjurisdictionraising preliminary objections.

The Court's Judgment will be delivered in three to four months' time.will be read during a
public sitting at a datee announced later.

During the hearings, the delegation of Pakistan was led by Mr. Amir A. Shadani, Chargé d'affaires
ad interimf the Embassy of Pakistan in the Netherlands, Acting Agent, and the delegation of India by
H.E. Mr. Prabhakar Menou, Ambassador oflndia to the Netherlands, Agent.


Internai Judicial Practice of the Court with respect to deliberations

As outlinedin the Internai Judicial Practice of the Court with respect to deliberations, Members of
the Court will saon hold a preliminary discussion at which the President will outline the issues which
• require discussionnd decision by the Court.

After initial consideration, a full deliberation will be held during which, on the basis of the views
expressed, a Drafting Committee will be chosen by secret ballot. That Conunittee will consist
judgesholding the majority view and the President ifhe shares that vîew.

The draft text prepared by the Drafting Committee will go through two readingsMeanwhile,

judges who wish to do so may prepare a separate or dissenting opinion. The final vote wiii be taken after
adoptionof the fmal text in the second reading.

The transcripts of the hearings of 3 ta 6 April 2000, as weil as the written pleadings, are available
on the Court's website (address:

Information Department:
Mr. ArthurWitteveen, First Secretary 31 70 302 23 36)

Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (+ 31 70 302 23 37)
E-mail address: informatîon@icj·

ICJ document subtitle

- Conclusion of the hearings on the issue of the jurisdiction of the Court - The Court is ready to consider its Judgment

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aerial Incident of 10 August 1999 (Pakistan v. India) - Conclusion of the hearings on the issue of the jurisdiction of the Court - The Court is ready to consider its Judgment
