Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America) - Case removed from the Court's List at the request of Paraguay

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for immediaterelease

No. 98/36
11 November 1998

Case concerning the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

<Paraguay v. United States of America)

Case removed from the Court's List at the reguest of Paraguay

THE HAGUE, 11 November 1998. The case brought to the International Court of Justice
(ICJ) on 3 April 1998 by Paraguay agaînst the United States of America in respect of a dispute
conceming the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations bas been removed from the Court's List
at the request of Paraguay.

By a letter of 2 November 1998, the Govemment of Paraguay informed the Court that,
despite the fact that it bad filed a Memorial on the merits of the case on 9 October last, it did not
wish to go on with the proceedings and requested that the case be removed from the Court's List.

A copy of this letter was immediately communicated to the Govemment of the United States
of America, which was informed that Judge Shigeru Oda, the senior judge, acting pursuant to
the Ru!es of Court, fixed 30 November 1998 as the time-limit within which the United States could
state whether it opposed Paraguay's discontinuance.

By a letterf 3 November 1998, the United States informed the Court that it concurred in
the discontinuance and in the request that the case be removed from the List.

• Accordingly, on 10 November 1998 the Court made an Order recording the discontinuance
of the proceedings and directing the removal of the case from the Court's List.

The dispute broughtby Paraguay to the Court concerned alleged violations of the Vienna
Convention on Consular Relations of 24 Aprill963 wîth respect to the case ofMr. Angel Francisco

Breard, a Paraguayan national convicted ofmurder in Virginia (United States), whose execution bad
been scheduled for 14 April 1998 and who was eventually executed on that date.

Website address of the Court:

Information Office:
Mr. Arthur Witteveen, Secretary of the Court (tel: 31-70-302 2336)
Mrs. Laurence Blairon, Information Officer (tel: 31-70-302 2337)
E-mail address: information@icj

ICJ document subtitle

- Case removed from the Court's List at the request of Paraguay

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (Paraguay v. United States of America) - Case removed from the Court's List at the request of Paraguay
