Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Proceedings on the merits

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel.(0?0-302 23 23).Cables: Intercourt, The Hague.

Telefax (070-364 99 28). Telex 32323.

for immediate releaae

No. 96/34
20 December 1996

Case concerning Oil Platfonns
(lslamic Reoublic of Iran v. United States of America)

Proceedings on the merits

The following informationis communicated to the Press by the Registry of the International
Court of Justice:

On 16 December 1993, within the time-limit for the filing of its Counter-Memorial, the

United Statesof America filed a preliminary objection to the jurisdiction of tin the above

By its Judgment of 12 December 1996 (see Press CommuniquéNo. 96/33), the Court found
that it bad jurisdiction, on the basisticle XXI, paragraph 2, of the Treaty of Amity, Economie
Relations, and Consular Rightsof 15 August 1955, to entertain the claims made by the Islamic

Republic of Iran under Article X, paragraph 1, of that Treaty.

Following that Judgment, time-limits for the written proceedings on the merits bad to be
fixed. Taking into account the agreement of the Parties, the President of the Court, by an Order
of 16 December 1996, bas fixed 23 June 1997 as the time-limit for the Counter-Memorial of the

United States of America.

The subsequent procedure is reserved for further decision.

ICJ document subtitle

- Proceedings on the merits

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of America) - Proceedings on the merits
