Nicaragua withdraws request for provisional measures in its case against Honduras

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323

for unmediate rslease
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No. 88/9
31 &rch 1988
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Nicaragua withdraws request for provisional measures
in its case anainst Honduras

The following information is comuiunicated to the Press by the
Registry of the Interilational Court of Justice:

On 31 March 1988 Nicaragua withdrew, by a letter addressed to the

Court, the request for the indication of provisional measures which it
had made on 21 March 1988 (see Press Communique No. 8816) in its case
against Honduras concerning Border and Transborder Armed Actions. The
President of the Court has today made an Order recording the withdrawal.

The procedural situation in the case is that by July 1987 the
Parties had each fi let1 a pleading addressed to the question of the
Court's jurisdiction and the admissibility of the claim, contested by
Honduras. The opening of the oral proceedings on that question was

postponed at the request of both Parties following the signature on
7 August 1987 of the "Procedure for the establishment of a stable and
lasting peace in Central America" by the Presidents of Costa dica,
i3l Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua - the "Esquipulas II.
Agreement". That situation remains unchanged.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nicaragua withdraws request for provisional measures in its case against Honduras
