The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case brought by the United States against Italy - Time-limits are fixed for the filing of pleadings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41 Cables: Intercourt.The Hague

Telex 32323

for ~mmediatereiease

No. 87/5
5 March 1987

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with tne case
br0ugh.t by the United States against Italy

Time-limitis are fixed for the filing of pleadings

The following information is made available to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

by an Order dated 2 March 1987 the Court, by a unanimous
decision, constituted a Chamber to deal with the case brought by the
United States against Italy, and fixed time-limits for the filing of
the pleadings .

The two decisions are explained in detail below.

On 6 Pebruary 19it17 the United States filed an Application
instituting proceedings against Italy in respect of a dispute arising

out of the requisitioil by the Government of Italy of the plant and
related assets of the Elettronica Sicula S.P.A. (ELSI), a Company
which is stated to have been 100 per cent owned by two United States
corporations, the Kaytheon Company and Machlett Laboratories, Inc.

The United Stateis has requested the constitution of a chamber

composed of five judgies to hear and determine the case, pursuant to
Article 26 of the Statute of the Court. Italy has made known its
acceptance of this proposal.

Having.. . Having before it a request by the two Parties for the constitution
of a chamber, the Court accordingly decided unanimously, by an Order of
2 darch 1987, to accede to the request, and proceeded to constitute a
epecial Chamber of five judges to deal with the case. The Chamber is
composed as follows:

Judge Nagendra Singh (India), President
Judge Snigeru Uda (Japan)
Judge Koberto Ago (Italy)
Judge Stephen Schwebel (United States of ~merica)
Judge Sir Kobert Jennings (United ~ingdom)
. ,

The Court, having ascertained the views of the Parties, has also
fixed the time-limits for the filing of the initial pleadings, as
f ollows :

- 15 May 1987 for the Memorial of the United States;

- 16 November 1987 for the Counter-Memorial of Italy.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

The Court forms a Chamber to deal with the case brought by the United States against Italy - Time-limits are fixed for the filing of pleadings
