Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Costa Rica appoints an Agent

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables, lntercourl, The Hague

Telex 32323

for immedi11t11r11/11as11
Dist. 3-9-06 (1600)
P.C.}'.t;. T:ie Jlq,;uc list )-9-86 (1600)

Rest 4-9-8ô c-:t 10 a.m.
No. 86/11
3 September 1986

Border and Transborder Armed Actions
(Nicaragua v. Honduras)

Honduras appoints an Agent

The following information is communicated to the press by the

Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The Republic of Honduras bas now appointed an agent to represent it

in the proceedings brought by the Republic of Nicaragua on 28 July 1986
(Press Communiqué86/10 of 29 July 1986; the official title of the case

is now as given above). This step is in accordance with Article 42,

paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court ("The Parties shall be
represented by agents").

The Agent of Nicaragua (appointed at the time the Application was

filed) is Mr. Carlos ArgUello Gômez, the Ambassador of Nicaragua to the

Netherlands; the Agent of Honduras is Mr. Mario Carias, who has also
been appointed as Ambassador of Honduras to the Netherlands.

In its communication, dated 29 August 1986, making this appointment,
the Government of Honduras also indicates that it is of the view that the

Court has no jurisdiction over the matters contained in the Nicaraguan
Application; it reserves the right to expand and explain its view in a

subsequent written pleading, and expresses the hope that the Court will

confine all preliminary pleadings, by all Parties, exclusively to the
issue of jurisdiction and admissibility.

ICJ document subtitle

- Costa Rica appoints an Agent

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Honduras) - Costa Rica appoints an Agent
