Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - Court to give its Judgment on 3 June 1985

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace, 2517KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague


for tmmediate release

No. 85/10
21 May 1985

Continental1Shelf (LibvanArab JamahirivaIMalta)

Court to give its Judgmenton 3 June 1985

The following information is communicated to the Press by the Registry
of the InternationalCourt of Justice:

The Court will hcllda public sittingat 10 a.m. on 3 June 1985 in the
Peace Palace, for the purpose of del-iveringitsJudgment inthe Continental
Shelf case between the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malta.


1. The public sitting will be held in the Great Hall of Justice of the
Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to attend it after
presentationof a press identificationcard or an admission card, whichmay
be obtained upon application. The tables reservedfor them are situated on

the far left of the puiblicentrance to the courtroom.

2. Photographsma.ybe taken before the opening and during the first few
minutes of the sitting; also a few minutes towardsthe end. Filming for cinema
or televisionpurposes is however subjectto special authorization.

3. In the Press F.oom,located on the ground floor of the Peace Palace
(Room 5), the reading of the Court's Judgmentwill be relayed through a

4. After the close of the sitting, Press communiqués summarizingthe
decision will be distributed in the Press Room (No. 5).

5. Members of the Press may use only the public telephonesin the Post
Office in the basement:of the Palace.

6. Mr. C. Poux, First Secretary of the Court (telephoneextension 233),
or, in his absence,Mr. Noble (extension 248) will be available to deal with
any requests for informationby members of the press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Court to give its Judgment on 3 June 1985

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - Court to give its Judgment on 3 June 1985
