Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Closure of hearing

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

Telex 32323
- Communiqiu6
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No. 84/36
18 October 1984

-ilitary and Paramilitary Activitie-s in and against
Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) --

Closiire of hearing

The following iriformation is communicated to the press by tl-ie
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

Retween 8 and 18 October 1984 the Court heard the arguments put

forward on behalf of,, first, the Government of Nicaragua and,
subsequently, the Government of the United States of America on the
questions of the Court's jurisdiction to entertain the dispute and of
the admissibility of the Application filed by Nicaragua against the
United States. The hearing is now concluded.

Nicaragua's case on those questions was presented at four public
sittings on 8, 9 and 10 October 1984 (see Press Communiqué No. 84/33).

That of the United States was presented at four public sittings on 15 and
16 October 1984 by the Agent of the United States, the Hon. Davis R. Robinson,
by Mr. Patrick M. Norton as Deputy-Agent and Counsel, and by the following
Counsel: Professors Hyres S. McDougal, Louis B. Sohn and John Norton Moore.

On 17 and 18 October 1984, respectively, each Government put forward
at a public sitting its replies to the oral arguments of its opponent.

H.E. Mr. Carlos ~rgüello Gomez, as Agent, and Mr. Paul S. Reichler, as
Counsel and Advocate, presented Nicaragua's reply; the Hon. Davis R. Robinson,
as Agent, and Mr. Paitrick M. Norton, as Deputy-Agent and Counsel, presented
that of the United States.

At the conclusion of the arguments of his Government, each Agent read
out its final submisçions.

The Court will inow proceed to its deliberation on the questions
concerned. The press will in due course be informed of the date upon
which it will. del ive:^ its decision.

A of those who appeared for the respective Parties before the
Court is given below. The Government of Nicaragua was represented as follows:

Agent and Counsel: H.E. Mr. Carlos ArgÜello Gomez, Ambassador
of Nicaragua;

Counsel and Advocates: Mr. Ian Brownlie, Q.C., F.B.A., Chichele
Professor of Public International Law in
the University of Oxford; Fellow of Al1 Souls

College, Oxford;

Hon. Abram Chàyes, Felix Frankfurter
Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; Fellow,
American Academy of Arts and Sciences;

Mr. Alain Pellet, professeur à l'université
de Paris-Nord et à l'Institut d'études
politiques de Paris;

Mr. Paul S. Reichler, Reichler and Appelbaum,
Washington, D.C.; Member of the Bar of the
United States Supreme Court; Member of the
Bar of the District of Columbia;

Counsel : Mr. Augusto Zamora Rodriguez, Legal Adviser
to Foreign Ministry of the Republic of
Nicaragua ;

Ms. Judith C. Appelbaum, Reichler and
Appelbaum, Washington, D.C.; Member of the
Bar of the District of Columbia and the
State of Cal ifornia;

Mr. Paul W. Kahn, Reichler and Appelbaum,
Washington, D.C.; Member of the Bar of
the District of Columbia. The Government of the United States of America was represerited
as follows:

Agent and Counsel: Hon. Davis R. Robinson, Legal Adviscr,
United States Department of State;

Deputy-Agent s and C:ounsel : Mr. Daniel W. McGovern, Pr incipal 1)epirty
Legal Adviser, United States Department
of State;

Mr. Patrick M. Norton, Assistant Legal
Adviser, United States Department of

Mr. Ted A. Borek, Assistant Legal Adviser,
United States Department of State;

Mr. Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Professor
of Law Emeritus, Yale University, Yale
Law School, New Haven, Connecticut;

Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law,
New York Law School, New York, New Yoi-k;

Mr. John Norton Moore, Walter L. Brown
Professor of Law, University of Virginia

School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia;

Mr. Fred L. Morrison, Professor of Law,
The Law School of the University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota;

Mr. Stefan A. Riesenfeld, Professor of Law,
University of California School of Law,
Berkeley, California, and Hastings College
of the Law, San Francisco, California;

Mr. Louis B. Sohn, Woodruff Professor of

International Law, University of Georgia
School of Law, Athens, Georgia; Remis
Professor of International Law Emeritus,
Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts;

Ms. Frances A. Armstrong, Attorney-Adviser,
Office of the Legal Adviser, United States
Department of State;

Mr. Michael J. Danaher, Member of the Bar

of the State of California;

Ms . Joan E . Donoghue , At torney-Adv iser ,
Office of the Legal Adviser, United States
Department of State;Attorney-Advises : Ms. Mary W. Ennis, Attorney-Adviser,
(continued) Officeof theLegal Adviser,United States
Departmentof State ;

Mr. PeterM. Olson,Attorney-Adviser,

Officeof the Legal Adviser,United States
Departmentof State ;

Mr, Jonathan B. Schwartz, Attorney-Adviser,
Officeof the LegalAdviser,United States
Departmentof State;

Ms. JamisonM. Selby,Attorney-Adviser,
Officeof the Legal Adviser,United States
Departmentof State;

Mr. George Taft,Attorney-Adviser, Office
of the Legal Adviser,United States
Department ofState;
Ms. Gayle R. Teicher,Attorney-Adviser,
Officeof the Legal Adviser,United States
Departmentof State.

ICJ document subtitle

- Closure of hearing

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Closure of hearing
