Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - Solemn Declaration by two judges ad hoc

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Date of the Document
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Peace Palace, 251'7 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

for ~mmediaterelesse
No. 83/4
11 October 1983

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab JamahiriyalMalta)

Solemn Declaration by two judges ad hoc

The following information is made available to the press by the
Registry of the Interna.tiona1 Court of Justice:

On Friday 14 October 1983 at 12.30 p.m. the Court will hold a public
sitting at which Mr. Jiménez de Aréchaga and Mr. Castaceda will make the
solemn declaration provided for in the Statute and Rules of Court as
judges ad hoc chosen respectively by the Government of the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya and the Government of Malta in the case concerning the

continental Shelf (Libyan Arab ~amahiriyal~alta) .

On 26 July 1982 tbe Court was notified of a Special Agreement
concluded between the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malta by which the two
States submitted to the Court a dispute concerning the delimitation of
the continental shelf b'etween them.

The written proceedings are at present in progress. The Parties

filed the first round of pleadings - Memorials - on 26 April 1983 within
a time-limit fixed for them by Order of 27 July 1982. The filing of the
second round of pleadings - Counter-Memorials - is to take place by
26 October 1983, the time-limit fixed by an Order of 26 April 1983.

Since neither of the States parties to the proceedings has a judge
of its nationality on the bench, each of them is entitled, under

Article 31 of the Statute, to choose a judge ad hoc to sit in the case as
a judge along with the Members of the Court. In the present case the
Government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya has chosen Mr. Jiménez de
Aréchaga, and the Government of Malta has chosen Mr. Castaneda as judge
ad hoc. In that capacity, they will make the solemn declaration provided
for in the Statute and the Rules.

Attached hereto are brief biographies of the two judges ad hoc.

\ \ \'-3 .


1. The public sdtting 75114. be held In the Great Hall of Justice of the
Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to attend it on
presentation of Zn admission card, which may be obtained upon application.

The tables reserved for éhern are sieuated on the far left of the public
entrance to the couraseom.

2. Photographs may be taken before the opening, during the first few

minutes of the sitting, and at the moment whera each judge ad hoc makes his
solemn decl-aration. FiPming for cinema or television purposes is however
subject to special autharizatlon.

3. In the Press Room, located on the groünd floor of the Peace Palace
(Room 5), the proceedings w2ll he relayed through a loudspeaker.

4. Members of the Press may use the four public telephones in the Post

Office in the basement of the Palace.

5. Mr. C. Poux, Flrst Secretary of the Court (telephone extension 233),
or, in his absence, Plr. Nohle (extension 245) will be available to deal

with any requests for information by nembens of the Press. Annex to PressCommuniaué No. 8314


Born at Montevideo on8 June 1918.

Doctorof Law,University of Urugua (1942).

Professorof International Laa wt the MontevideoLaw School

Memberof the International Law Commissi ofnthe UnitedNations
(1961-1969) and Chairmanof its fifteenth sessio(n1963). Delegateof
Uruguayto the two sessions of the UnitedNationsConference on the
Law of Treatiesand Rapporteurof the Committeeof theWhole (Vienna,

Memberof the InternationalCourtof Justice£rom6 February1970
to 5 February 1979; Presideo nt theCourt£rom 1976 to 1979. Judge
ad hoc inthe case concerningthe Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya )

Memberof the Curatorium of theHagueAcademyof International Law.
Memberof the Instituteof International Law. ManleyO. Hudsonmedallist
of the AmericanSocietyof International Law (1978).

Counselfor Spainin the Barcelona Traction,Lightand Power Company,
Limitedcasebeforethe International Courtof Justice(1966-1969).

Under-Secretaroyf State for Foreign Affair (1950-1952).Secretary
of theNationalCouncilof Government(1952-1955).Ministerof the

Authorof numerous works and articles.


Born in Mexico, 1 October 1921.

Professorof InternationalLaw at the National University of Mexico.

Member of theMexican delegation to the UnitedNations (1951-1953);
Director-General, International Organizations,in the Ministryof Foreign
Affairs (1959-1961and 1965-1970); Ambassadorto Egypt (1962-1965);
PermanentRepresentative of Mexico to theinternational organizationin
Geneva (1971-1976); Head of theMexican delegation to the Third United
Nations Conferenceon the Law of theSea (1973-1982) ; Member (since1967)
and Chairman (1973)of the International Law Commission of the United

Secretaryof State (1977). Ministerof Foreign Affairs (1979-1982).
Holds the titleof Ambassador Emeritus. Ambassadoto Francesince 1983.

Member of the Instituteof InternationalLaw; Member of theSociété
françaisepour ledroit internationalM ;embet of theInternational Law
Association;Member of the Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americand oe Derecho

Author of variousworks in InternationalLaw.

ICJ document subtitle

- Solemn Declaration by two judges ad hoc

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - Solemn Declaration by two judges ad hoc
