Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Progress of the hearing

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323 '

uno [ficiel
fer rmrnsdiatershe3ase

Continental Shclf (Tuc-ia/LiEycn ilrab Janiahiry-a)

Proeress of the hearin-

The follciwlng infcrnlation is made available to the Press by
the Registry of che Xnternatiofial Court of Justice:

The Court bscl;an its public sittinps in the case concerninf: tEir
Shelf betweeri Tunisia and the Libyan AraO Janâhiriya on
16 September 1981. 2et:~een 15 :ira?25 Septeaber it heard oral arpnents
presented on behalf of Tunisia. As £rom Tucsdag 27 Se-tember, it
will be hearing oral arguments 3n Seha:: f~f the Libyan Arab Janiahiriya.

The following addressed the Court during this first round of

oral arguments :

Mr. Sadok iieln'rd, CO-agent and coiinsel :

Ffr. Robert Y, .:c~inings, tqr. Georges Abi -Faab, llr. Pierre-Marie 2u~uy~
lfr. René-,jean Dupuy, ?fr. %chel T7lrally and MT. TicidI?en hchour,
counsel and ?-dvocates ,

Mr. Habif. Lazreg, ?II-.Carlo ?-Torelli, 'lr. U.?niel Çtc?nley and
Pir. Rcbert Laffitte, experts.

Lists of the representatives of Tunisi,? and the Libyan Arab
Janahir iya are given below. Yhe Severment oÎ Tunisia is represcntê6. Fy:

Agent :

1i.E. Mr. Slip Benghazi, ?,~bassa~nr of Ti~ni~ia to the Uetherlands:

Professor Scdck FiclalCi, Deân cf the Faciilt.7 of Law,
Political Science and Fconon.ics, Tunis;

A5visers to the Goverr~qe~t 3

?,fr. jii aouziri, Dialmetic Ccunsellor and f,?mer Minister ,

Ccunsel and Ac?vxa.tes-

Mr . Robert Y. Jennin~s , Q. C. , 1.ihewell Professor of International
Law at the Univcrsitv of Ccmbritlge, Lresident l ~ the Institute
of International Law,

!Ir. René-Jean Dri~ily, Frofessor a.$ the Collège ;?e France, Wember
cf the Institute iif Interncttional Zzw, Secretam--Generctl of the
Hague P-c?i!emy of Tntern-tioiul Lm--

:.%-.Michel Virally. Profcssor r7t the l'niv-rsity of L2v, k;c~nomics

an2 Social Sciences Paris, a:?$ et the Gretiuati Inntitute of
Internetional StuJies, Cenevz, $"?ber of -the Institute of
Intern3tianc~l Law,

?Ir. Ceorges iibi-Ea~.~b ?of ess?r of Internat: on%!. Lzw at t,iie
Grzduate Institute of Tnternztional Utunies, Geneva, FLssocizte

of the Institute cf Internatio~ul I.Pw~

1-r. Yûl?h Ben -4chour, Frofessor zt th(. Fscultj cf IGW, Politics
and Econonics , Tvni s,

?Y. Pierre-Narie CUFU~~, Frofessor at the University of Law,
Econornics ar1gLSOC<-21Sciences, Pzris;

Legal Advisers:

Mr. Hnbib Slim, Lecturer irithe Faculty cf Lwr, ~lnd Econonics,


Y. Mohmed Tv:culdi Mnrsit, Director cf Conventions in the
Office of the Prime Mirlister,

Yz . Je-rerny P. C3.rver, Solicitcr (~owarCi ~ha.nce) :Experts :

Mr . Robert 1,o.ffittt: Prof essor eneritus nt the French Eaticnzl
Fluseurr! of Naturai History, sometine Professor of Geolog~r nnd
former Dean of the Science Pn.ciilty, I'i.lgiers, sonetine President
of the Seological Society of Frsnce- Ucnornry Chaiman of the
XDlth Internz~tionnl Geologici~l Corigreys (~,nrLs, 1986) ,

ivlr, Cario ?~rrelli, Professor of Anplie6 Georhysics aiil Director
of the Institutc 3jT1li1ies -i,ni?Annliecl Gso.i:hysics 5.t the University
of Trieste, fcrner Vice-Chairna- of the Intrrnat,ional Oceancgrqhic
Cormission of Unesco (196'7-1/7~), Ckiairnan of tbe Geology and
Geo-hysics,tc?e of the Ir~ternnticn~l Comissioq for the
Seientific Stildy ~1' the Mediterrmean Sea,

?Ir. Rabib Lazreg, ï'.Yc . Geolocist , vinistry of the N~ttione,l

Mr . Daniel Je, Stanley, 1) .c .. Oceanogrmher , consultant ;n
oce~nography and narine geolom xt Weshinpt?~, D.C. g

Technicel Advisers:

Commander li'l-~delwûln_alL i ~iyouni, Yinistry of Defence (Naq),

Nr. Kamel Rekil:, Engineer, alumnus of the 3cole Polytechnique,
Paris, Kinistrsr of the Vational Fcqncmy;


Ilrs. Henr* k'ebazac,, ~?rchlvist, nn?nistry of the Nationcl Econony ,

Frr. %mir Ch:~Pfai, Secretzry :~t the Tunisisn Enhnssy to the
Netherlands ,

Mr. Lazhar Rouoni, Assistant Iecturcr in the Faculty of USW,
Political Science and Fconomics, Tunis,

Tlr. Fcdkel Fiussa, f'-ssistznt in the Fsculty of Law, political
Science nnd Econoxics , '_imiç,

Mr. Ridha Ber, Hanned., Assfstant in the Faculty of Law, Political
Science and Pcoi;ci=ics, Tunis

h!r. Raouf X~~rrai, i;ssisti.,nt Lccturer in cc-ography at the University,

IMr, Farouk Saimttnculi , Lawyer, Xinistry of the T3ationcl Economg,

bk . Zoubeir I\laznuni, Lawpr, Ministry of the ;Taticna1 Economy. The Governr~ent of the Libyan Arab Jmahiriya is representêd by:

II. E.?dr. Kamel II. El Xnghur , $a-basçador ;


blr. kbdelrazeg El-b?~rt a6.i Suleiman, FroCessor oî ~nte~naticnal
Law at the University of ~~.rgounis, Senchmi;

Counsel and hct.vocates:-

Professor Derek. W. Bowet-t, Q.C., Presir!ci:t of Weens' College,
Cmbridge .

Mr, Herbert W. Eriggs, Goldwin Sinith FroCesscr of Internationcl
Law emeritus, Corne11 University,

htr. Claude-Albert Colliard, Bonorzry Dean, Prcfessor of International
Law at the University of Paris 1,

YI. ICeith Highet I~Tember of the I\JewYork and Di.strict of C~l.~bia
Bars ,

Mr. Antonio Yilalinto~pi, Professor of -the Faculty of Law at. the
University 3f Rorne ,

Sir Francis A. Vallat, K.C.M.G., Q,.C., Professor erieritils 9f
International Law at the Uriiversity of London, Mexber of the

International Law Conmission, Member of the Institute of
International f'zw,

?.Ir. Walter D., Menbcr of the IJew York and District of
Columbia Bars ;

RCvisers :

Ph-. Amin A. Misssllati, Professor of Geologj, Al-Fnteh
University Tri.>c%i,

Fir. Omar Iimnuda, Professcr of Geoloyy , r>l-Fateh University,


Flr. Alaw,-.,r, kaçis tant, Professor. of Geogr-hy, Al-Fateh
University, Tri-oli,

P~lr. blohammed Jarna1 Ghellali , Ca?insellor, Departnent cf Legs1 and

Treaty Af'fairs, r'ecple 's Buleair for Floreigr! Liaison, Tripoli,

Zr. Seif Jahme , YnrS.time Departinent : 71~ipo11, MT. Sden Krista, Csrtographic Depsrtxent, Secretariat of Oil,

IV!?. Muftah Srneide:, Third Secretary, People's P,ure~,ilfor

Forelgr. Liaison ;

blr. Frank H. Fabry cius, Professor of Geolocÿ nt the institute
of Geolam and !.llrierçilo~y, Technical Universi +y of Yunich,

blr. Claudia Vit,%-fiin zi , Feoder in Geotra:ky ;i~iivers ity ColTese ,
London ;

Mr. Rohan R. Puntly,

Ik. Richard I.,!eese, Doctor of Laws ,

Flr. Mustapha Y, Yassten, a member of the Institute of International

Law, who was to have appearec! as cnunsel and advocate for the Llhyan /,rab
Jamahiriya, (lied on 20 Septeajber iCii31.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress of the hearing

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Progress of the hearing
