Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - Time-Limit Fixed for the Filing of Replies

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel44941. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague
Telex 32323

for ~mmediaterelease

No. 83/3
29 July 1983

Delimitationof the :MaritimeBoundarv inthe
Gulf of Maine Area
(CanadaIUnitedStates of America)

Tirne-LimitFixed for the Filingof Repl-ies

The following informatioins made availableto thepress by the
Registryof theInternationalCourt of Justice:

By an Order of 27 July 1983,the submissionof repliesby Canada and
the United States in thepresentcas,ehasbeen aiithorizednd the time-limit
for their filingfixed at 12 December1983.

Canada and the United States h.avesubmittedto a speciallyformed
Chamberof the InternationalCourt ofJusticea disputeover the boundary
separatingthe fishery zonesand continental shelvesof the two countries
off the AtlanticCoast in the Gulf of Maine area. The proceedings were
institutedon 25 November 1981by the filingof aSpecialAgreement.

The Chamberwas constituted by anOrder of theCourt on 20 January 1982
It is composedas follows:Judge Ago, President of theChamber;Judges Gros,
Mosler and Schwebel;Judge ad hoc Cohen. This was the first time in the
history ofthe Court that theparties to a disputehad made use of the
possibilities,embodiedin the Statuteand Rules of theCourt, of sending
their case to a specialchamberinsteadof to thefull Court.

The Parties have alreadysubmittedtwo pleadings. The first pleadings
(the Memorials)had been filed on 27 September 1982and thesecond pleadings
(the Counter-Memorials) habdeen filed on 28 June 1983. Provisionis made
for the possibility ofanotherround of pleadings (the Replies)in the
Special Agreementby which Canadaand the United Statesbroughttheir dispute
before the Chamberconstitutedby the Court. It is the submission of these
replies whichthe Order of 27 July 1983 madeby thePresidentof the Chamber

has authorized.
-.,CS,7 -73

ICJ document subtitle

- Time-Limit Fixed for the Filing of Replies

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - Time-Limit Fixed for the Filing of Replies
