Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Court to give its decision on Tuesday 14 April 1981

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel .2 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, Tho!Hague

Telex 32323

Cornmuni~lrué I
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if for~mmadiare rakas~

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r HO. 81/5
, , * 2 Ld ? 11 kpril 1981
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4 Continental Shelf (~unisia/~ibysn rk~b J.mmhiriya )

'Iibpplication by Malta for pemission to intervene)

Court to give its decisi.rin on Tueedav 34 Avril. 1961

The following information is comunicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The Court will hold a public sit.ting at 4 p.m. on Tuesflay
Ih April 1981 in the Peace Palace, for the purpose of delivering its
docision in respect of the applicetion submitted by the Government of
llalta for permission to intervene under Article 62 of the Stutute in
the Cmtinental Shelf case between Tmisin end the Libyan Arab



1. The public sitting will be held in the Grest Hrtll of Justice of
the Peace Palace. Meabers of the Press will be enti.tled to attend it
on presentation of an aclmission card, which m3y be obtained upon
application. The tables reserved for then are situated on the far
left of the public entrance to the cc;urtrocm.

2. Photographs may be taken before the ope~ing, during the first
five ninutes of the sitting; and also f3r a few vlinutes tqtrnrds the
end. Filli1iri.g forcinema 3r television purposes is however subject to
special authcrizati~n.

3. In the Prass Roon, located on the ground floor of the Peace
Palace (~oon 5), the reading cf the Courtss decision willbe relayed
through a loudspeaker .

4. After the close of the sitting, Press ~ommuni~u6s summarizing
the decision will be distributed in the Press Rgrril (Nt?. 5).

5. Members of the Press Iaay use only the public telephones in the
Post Office in the baserrient cf the Palace.

6. Xr. C. Poux, First Secretary of the Court (tele-lione extensicn 233),
or, in his absence, Mr. Noble (cxtensi,~n 248) will be available to deal with

any requests for information by mmbers of the Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Court to give its decision on Tuesday 14 April 1981

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Court to give its decision on Tuesday 14 April 1981
