Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Hearing to open at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 21 October 1980

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Peace Palace,2517 KJ The Hague.Tel.92 44 41. Cables:IntercourtThe Hague

Tetex 32323

a0. SO/ll
16 October 1980

Interpretation of tne Agreementof 25 March 1952
between the \&O and Emt .

The following Inforn~tion iç made mailable to the Pressby the
Registryof the Idernation-al Courtof Justice:

The Court is to hold ~ublic sittings ss from IO a.m. on Tuesday
21 Qctober-1980for the purpose of hearlnnthe ors1 statements of
goverments in respect of the questions subdtted to the Courtfor its
adviseryopinion by the kssern5ly of .hé World Bealth Organization.

These questionsrelateto tbe WHO Regional Office for the
Eastern Mediterraneen a.nd areas fcllows:
1. -Arethe negotiaticn and notice provisionsof section 37
of the Agreementcf 25 March 1951 Setween the World Heslth
e Organization md Egypt applicablein the e'verit th&t either
psrty tc the agreement wishes to have the regional affice
. transferreii.frornthe territoryof Emt?
. .

2. If SC, what would be the legal respo~s?l;iilitiesof bzth
the World Beelth Organization and Eg&, witb rea;zrdtcithe
regional affice in Alexandria, during ehe two-year pericd
between notice a~d terenaiion of the Agreemertt?"

This.. . This 1s the text of the section 37 aentioned above:

"Thepresent Agreement may be revised at tne request

of eitherpasty. In this event the two pareies shall
consult each other concerning the modifications to be md~ in
its provisions. If the negotiations 3o hot resultin 8n
understanding within one year, the present Agreement may be
denouncedby either party civina two yearshoticf:.''

In acccrdance with the prockd&e laid down by the Ccuxt's
Statute, the World Heatth Orpnizatlon and its member States were

informeci that the Courtvas srepmed to recei.e statementsfroci them.

The following States presented written statements: . ,
Bolivia, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Syrian Arzb ~e~u'blic,
United krab Emira,tes, United States.

Egypt, Syris, the United lirab Emiratesand the United States
have annomced their intention af submitting oral statements dço.

. .

Following the recent death of first Judge 3axter and-then
Judge Sarazi, the Court is composed as folLows:

. .
&esident Sir Humyihrey Waldock; 'vice-FTesiàent TRS~~D 6lawdk Flias ;
Judges Isa+t,çForster; cindré Gros, Manfred Lachs, Platon 3. Morozov,
Nagendra Singh, ~os6 Maria Ruda, Hermann hJosler., Shigeru Qdà,
Roberto Ago, Abdullah El-Erianand.~osé Sette-Camara. . Annex to Press Communiqu6 No. 80/11


1. The public sittings will be held in the Great I!sll of Justice
of the Peace Palace. Members of the Press will be entitled to erttend
them on prasentation of an adnissic.n tard: which mây be obtained upon
application. The tables reserved for them are situeùted on the far
left of the public entrmce to the courtroom.

2. Fhotographs may be taken before the openins, during the first
five minutes of the sitting; and also for n few minutes towards

the end. Fihing for cinerna or television purposes is however subject
to special suthorization.

3. In the Press Room, located on tiie ground floor of the Peace
Palace (~oom 5), the oral proceedings will be relzyed through e

4. Members of the Press may ilse only the four public telephones
in the Post gffice in the basenient of the Falace.

5. IvIr.C. Poux, First Secretary of the Court (telephone extension
233) ? or, in his absence- Fr. Noble (extemion 248) will be available
to deal with any requests for information by nembers of the Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing to open at 10a.m. on Tuesday 21 October 1980

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Hearing to open at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 21 October 1980
