Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - The Chamber formed to deal with the case is to hold an opening meeting at 11 a.m. on Friday, 29 Janu

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Peace Palace, 2517 K3 The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Gables: intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323

- Cummuniqué
un0 fficial
for rmmediae t release

Gulf of Maine Are5
-% '..Y5
--~anzdtt/"United States of America) --.-

The Chamber formed tc deal vit-the case
is to hold. an opc~ing meting at
11 a.m. on Friday, 29 Ja:iuary 1982

The following information is made available to thé press by thQ2

Registry of the International Court of Justice:

The Chamber which, by &n Order of 20 January 1982, the Court has
formed to des1 with the dispute between Canadr and the Ui:ited Stutzs
over the boundary separatiiig the fislieries zones arlu continental

shelf areas of the ~WG countries off the Atlantic coast in the
Gulf of Maine will hold its first public meeting at 11 a.9. 3n Friday.
29 January 1982 in the Japanese Room cf the Peace Pt~lace.

As already annourlcc?d, the Order of 20 Sanuary 19.82 recoraed the

election to the Chamber of Judges Gros, Ruda, Masler, Aga and Schwebel
and toolr note c)f the fairt thüt, iriapplicati~n of .'irticle 31, paragragh 14,
of the Statute of' the Court, the Acting Presidei~t :lad requested Jud~e Rudct
to give place in düe co,urse to the judge ad hoc to 'be chosen isy Canada mà
that Judge Ruda had indicated hïs resdiness to do SC.

Canadn has now chosen a judge ad hoc, and Judgè Ruclz has àuly given
place to birn. Sne person chosen is Professor Maxwèll Coileri, biographic~l
details of whom Zre annexed to this comnuniqu~.

Accordingly, the Ch3mber whict wiil bc dealing with the case is
composed as follows : Judges Gros, i4osler, kigo anci Sckwtii-)el; Judge
ad hoc Cohen. It is for the Charih~r to elect its Pr~sid~lnt.

At the public meet,iiîg of 29 Janunry 1982 %nnounced above,
Pr~fessor Maxwell Cohen will as judge rd hoc makc the solemn declsration
proviàed for in the St2,tute and liules of Court. :üini:x to Son:iuniqutS No. 82/2


Born at Winnipeg, Manitoba, ail 17 Marc11 1919.

Educateci zt the 'Jniversity of f4anitoba, 3; (1930); LLR (1934);
Northwestern Univêrsil;ÿ, LLM (1936 ) ; Hesecrch Fellow at Harvard
Law School ( 1337-38 ) 5 Honourcry LLL)University of New Brunswick.

University of Manitch?, York üniversity, University r~f Ottawa,

Bishops University ; lionournry DCL Dalk~ousie University ; Ca.lled
tc; the i3ar of the Prc~rincc. of Mn-iitoba (1339) of thc Province of
Quebec (1347) ; I~;?oiriter? Queen's Cqunçe?. (1960 ); Officcr of
the Order of Canada (:~97G).

Professor Zneritus of LEW, McGill Vniversity (1978); Formerly
MacDoneld Professor of L2,w, NcGiLl üiiivcrçity (1964-71 ) ; Director
of tlie Institute of Air and Syacc Law, f,lcGill University (1962-66);
Dean of' the Faculty of Law, McCill University (1964-69); Recipient
of the John Zead Gold ivfedal awarded by the Canadian Council on

Internationel Law Yor 'I1eachirlg c211d Scholarshig in International Law;
Scholar-in-Residence , University of Ottawa (1380-82) ; hajunct
I'rofesçor of Lstw and 1:nter.national Hel-ationç, Carleton University,
Ottawa (1980- ) .

President of the Canadian Zranch, Internc?tional Law Association

(1952-58); President of Montreal Section, International Law
kssociztion (19'58-62! , Ronourary 'iice-President , Canadinn Branch,
International Law iissociation (1969- ); Canadinn Chairman of the
Canada--USA International Joint Commission under 1909 Boundary Waters
Sreaty (13714-79) ; Life I*IemEcr of the Czrl~di a-1 Council of International

Lav; Past Clzairman of' thé Canadia? Bar k,ssoclation, Constitutional
afid International Law S?ction (1967-71).

IIonourary Vice-lresid~nt, lmcrica:1 Society of International Law

(1981- ) ; Meriber of tile Executi ve Council -- a:ld Cemittee, American
Society of Inter~ntion?~l Lew (1954-62); rresiderit, Montreal Ernnch,
Royal Comonweal-th Society anci T4embe.r ~f'the Nztior,al 3xecutive
(1961-64); Menber of the Nztional Fxecutivc, United Nations
Associaticn in Csn~da (1948-71); Illember of' the IJutional Acadeny
of Arbitrators.

Junior Counsel, Conbines Invêstig?t,ion Conmission (1938-40);
Served in thc cana dia^ Army (1940-46) with final rank of Major
(oversens); Chairman, Départmcnt cf Economics and Political Science,Canadian Amy University in EngianCl (maki 'liniversity) (-9&5-:16) j. Chaim~zii, Ven 's Clothlz; Industry (19b8-.5~) ; !:.xecutivc
.Assistant to the Director Gener:z.l, Uciteü Kations :I'echnical liçsistanc;i
Administration (UI?TA) (1950-51) ; DE Technic,%l Exi~ert (LTY'TB~ , ~ooslùvia)

(1956); , Sleuiber of tlie Cnnafiian 2elcca~ion t.3 Ghe Uni",cl Nztions
(1959-60) ; Vhairnan, Canzdian Zra:icki, River's Cotna:ittee oL thc
International Lm Association (1956-65); A;:pointi?d by th<: Governnent
of Canada Royal Commission on Gc-~ernnent Or{p-ii ;isl:i~.n (~12,ssco Coili~i~isçicn )
to invc?stigate imd report On the Department cf Exf-,ii.rnr',l.Affsl'.rs(ljj62):

Chaiman, Special Cornmittee of the Government of CsnsSa on Ente
Pro~aganda in Cans.cta (1965-66); Speeis.i ~oui;sel t,o k-i: Governiicnt c?f
Met: Brunswick on Constit:ltional 1,ak- 2nd Fcderal-i'rs~~ncinl .!ntters
(1967-70); Chairnian, Royal Cornmi.sçion or, Lakou~. I,::gislatior!,
Newfoundland ( 1969-72 ).

Presiderit, Quebec Advisory Council.. on the ii~drliriistï-.abion of 2uçticc
(1972.-'74); Chairman of the Advisory Ccrmitti:? or1 Marlne sr.d
Environmental Conf erences (LZW of the ~ca) , Dc~artment of T:itcrnal
Affzlirs and Department of the Envirorlncnt (1971-74 ) ; Chnir~rslî ,
First Border Review, .Znvirc>nrnent3.1 Contaciinants Cic.t, Governn:ent of

Canada (1974--69); Consul.t.ant, bi~ter Rcsources Br?~!ïc:?, U~;ite).d Kstions
Secretariat, Department of Techniccl. Cooperatior axL 9cvelc;'meril:

Member , Board of Editors , Canadinn Yearbook of Tnter11::tiona.l iJa-cr;
Author of' lcgal articles in th: Canadian -Ezr Rcv~,~, Zr-itish Y??r Ec;c)kIr
of International L~T, Pme~ican JFur:~a,l cf In?;er~ti~.,na'l. L.. etc. ;
Contributor to Zuro--an Uegal arid Polit; ical Journ>l s. t!-ic Ne%,York I'imt. 5 ,
Christian - Scienc~? Mo~itor , etc. ; Fuhlicntions excee3. 250 les53.1 napers,
md 500 general politir.= and rel:.ted. ar-kicles , includinc: Law ~nd
Politics in Space, 1963; Poninion-Frovi~iciitl F'rc-ibl.eriiç1945;
tolumbis fc.1ire.r'I'reaty (vit21 tiie Dcp-.rtment of
Yresentation by the: &verni!lent of CansC7. to th? Per1iaxer.t i;f Cana,da
(1964) 5 h hé Regi:w of Eouridary Wxters -- Tlie C:~^i:~ilinr~-T.Jni-tcciStatt.:;
Experience" , Ra.gde Acadeniy Lect.ures (197 5) ; 1?::rei~;: ilff airs Editctr,
Sa-turday Mi&.t magazine (1957-6 )5 Fcatilres co;:t.ribizt.or on Biintional
and InterEational Affsirs, ()+tavz Joi~"rial, 3l;tawri ~-'it::?--..
WirmirJtii p'ree l+es s , To*onto Gic!7;.\??r,;l 5I;zi.l.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Chamber formed to deal with the case is to hold an opening meeting at 11 a.m. on Friday, 29 january 1982

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - The Chamber formed to deal with the case is to hold an opening meeting at 11 a.m. on Friday, 29 January 1982
