Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Closure of the hearing

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. -"'" -" -------

Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323

uno [ficial
for ~mmsdiats release

21 October 1981

--usurc of th----hearing

The followin,; infcrm<+tior, is n.itl2 ?vailable to the press by
the Re-istry of the Internaticniil Ccurt df Justicr:

The public hearing in the case ccncernin~ the .-ontinental Shelf
hetween Tu;rlisi~ ar!d the L>iby:?n Ara.b J8r;i.nhiriy- cclae to an end c?n
21 October 1381.

The seco12d rxnd of the oral 2r~cr>edincs toc-k place hefore thz

Court between 13 anJ 21 Octokr, Qral arguments were presentêd on
bchalf cf Tunisiz and tnén on iehalf of the li\ysn hreb Jamahiriyz,
At a closeu! sittinp, ri filia W?S çhown at the rrquest of Turiisia. The
first round ha,! taken place hetwesn 16 Sentember and 9 Octnber.

T5e fo'llowi~i- aif,drcssed tlic Court duri-nt, the second round r:f
oral arguments, betwecn 13 and 21 3ctcber:

For Tunisia:

H.E. 14r. Çlinj 3;3n,;iiaz-i,,?~>nt;

Mr. R:,bert Y. Jexirtlrigs, Wr . Geor~es ).hi--S.iab W. JenC-Jean Dupiiy
and ?Ir. biichel :iirrtlly, Courrsel and advocates .

For the Lihyaa Arab jaqa!-!iriyaW

H.Y. Mr. Ba?-iel El Mnghur, Agent;

Sir Zrancis Vallat, Ilr. Jnroni~ Malint~ppi, Hr. Claude-Albert Colliard,
bfr. Derck 5:. 39wett 2nd frr. Yeith qi-het, Courlsel and slvocates,

Tkre Court requestec! the rigcnts ~f the Partids 1-3 renain ,?.v,~ilat;le
fer the provisicn o.: ariy further information thlt it miqht require. It
will nciw proceed to delitcxatt i;; privatc.. The press will te informed

when, in due course:, th+ Znurt is about tu sleiiver jiid~rîeiit.

ICJ document subtitle

- Closure of the hearing

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Closure of the hearing
