United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Court's decision on request for provisional measures to be made known at public sitting on 15 December

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Feace Palace, 2517KJ The Hague.Tel. 92 44 41 L'ables:IntercourtThe Hague

fortmmadiete release

No. 79/6 . ,
14 December 1979 '

United States Bipl~mtic and Consular Staff in Tehran
(~nited States of America v. Iran)

Court 's deci sionon reyst for provisional measures
to be ma& knmn ot pü'tlic sittir:~ un 15 Deceniber

The followinginformation is commu~icatedto the press by the Registry
of the InternationalCourt ef Zustice: . .

At the public hearing held by the Court 0x110 Decenber 1979
Ml-. Benjamin R. Civiletti and Pr. Roberts B. Owen put forward arguments
in support of the reguest for the indicatian of provisionalmeasures
which the United States hed filed on 29 Noveraber.

Various questions were put tu the Age~tof the United States by
the Court anfi by two of ils Menbers on th^ conclusion -ifthe hearing.

The Governuent of the United States wzs re-resenteO .S fallows:

0 Agent : The Honorable Roberts B. Owen, the Legal Adviser,

Department of Stete;

Counçel: The Honorable Benj an:in R. Civiletti , Attorney -General
of the Uniked States,

14r. Stephen M. GchwebeL, Deputy Legal Adviser;

Adviser: Mr. David R. Sm11, Assistant Legal Adviser Tor
Iqear Eastern and South Asian Affairs.

The Governnent of Iran was not representcd at the hearing.

The Court% decision on the United States request for provisional
measureswill be rendered in the fora of an Order which wiLl te read

out at a public sitting in the Peace Palace on 15 Decenber 1979. The
houe will be announcsdlater. Annex to Press Comuniriué No. 7916


1, The public hearingwill be held in the Great Hall of Justice of
the Peace PaLace, Meorbers of the Presswillbe enticled to attend it
on presentationof an admissioncasd,whicbmay be obtained clon
application. The rables seservzdfor then are situate8on the far left
oi the public entrance CO the courtroon,

2. Photographs rnaybe taken liefore the opening 2nd duxingthe firçt
few ninutesof the sitting. Filnine for cinemaor television Furposes

is however subject to special authorization.

3. In the PressRoon, locatedon the ground floor of the Peace
Palace (Room5), the oral proceeainga wi ll be reLzyed rhrough a
loudspeak r.

4. Members of the Press may use only the public telephonesin th2
Pogt Office in the base~ent of the Pahce.

5, Mr. C, Poux, First Secretary of thc Court (telephone
extension 2331, or, in his absence, ?Ir, E. Noble (extensicin 248) will be
available to dealwith any requests for infornationby ~enbexs of the
Fres S.

ICJ document subtitle

- Court's decision on request for provisional measures to be made known at public sitting on 15 December

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Court's decision on request for provisional measures to be made known at public sitting on 15 December
