Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Progress of the hearing

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323

Communiqué -

No. 21/13
'23ctoSer 19RL

.-ontinental Uhelf (TiinisialLibyan Arab ;ama!iiriy-.)

I'ropress- of the hearing

The following information is malle ûvailable to the T'ress hy the
Registry of the Internatinnal Court of Juçticcr

The first round of the oral proceetlings in the cczse concerning
the Continental She1.f between Tunisis ond the Libyan Ara3 Jamnhiriy3
has now ended,

Between 2Q Septcmber and ? October 19Û1 the Court heard orai
arguments preçented .>nbehalf of the Libyan Ar& Jamabiriya. Questions
were put by Judras Gros, tlosler, qd? znd Çchwcbel to one or botli Parties.
üctween 16 and 25 Septe~nber, the Court hnd hczrd oral arrmne:lts
presented on behalf of Tunisia.

The hearin: wil.1 be resumed at 3 p.m. Tuesdny 13 October with
a second round in wl-iich argument will bc ngïin presented on behalf
of Tunisia and the 1,i'sym Jarnahiriya, in thot order.

The followinp, addressed the Court on Lehnlf of the Libyan Aral,
Jarnahiriya between 23 September nnd 9 Octnbcr during the first round
of the hearing:

1I.E. :4r. Kamel ri. Z1 Ib;;hur, a::ent;

Sir Francis ValLat, Mr . Antonio >!al ictonpi, Nr . Claude-Albert
Colliard, Yr. Derek W, frowett, 'Ir. herbert :;. sri;:gs :-nd Iqr. Keith Hishet,
counsel and advocatcs

Mr. Claur!io Vitn-Flnzi, expert;

?Ir. Omar Yammur:a, adviser;:

Mr. Frank Ii. Fabricius, expert, was qucçtioned ty Hr. Derek LI.Dowett
on behalf ~f th2 Lihyan tra: J,~m:hiriya thtrl Fy Lr. Yichel Virnlly on
behalf of Tunisiz.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress of the hearing

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Progress of the hearing
