Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Time-limit for the filing of the Memorials

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Peace Palace,2517KJ ThfiHagueTel.92 4441 Cabks: Intercourt,The Hague


No. '79/1
20 Februany 1379

Continental Shelf (~unisia/~ib~a nrab Jamahiriya)

The following information is made available 50 the press by

~ the Registry of the Internstional Court of Justice:

- Elyan Order nf 20 Febmary 1979 the vice-~reiiden~ tf the

Courthas fixed 30 i.:a1980 as the the-lirni-tfor the filing of
the Menorials in the case concerning the question of the

dellniitation of the continental shelf between Tunisia and the

Li byan Arab Jamahiriya.

The>case has been pending kfore the Cou13 since1 December 1978,

when tkieGovernent of Twiisia notified to the Elegistrar a Special

Agreerndt concluded between Tu'isiaand the Libycn Areb Jmahiriya.

On 19 February 1979 the Governent of Libya lik~wise communicated

to the Court a ccpy of the SpeciaL Agreement,

The Special Agreement makes provisionfor Mernorials to be

suhnltted within eighteen riionthsit also provides for the sukequent
filing of Counter-merno risl,

ICJ document subtitle

- Time-limit for the filing of the Memorials

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Time-limit for the filing of the Memorials
