Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Closure of oral proceedings

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Peace Palace, 2537 KJ The Hague. Tel.92 44 41 Cables: Intercourt,The Hague


Aegean Sea C mtineztal. Shelf

' @ The followinginformation Is!eavsiieble sc the p~ess b: tne
~egistr, cf the Internaiiuiwl Cmrt ~f 2usticr:

At public sittinps on 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16 and 17 Qctober 1978
the Court heard oral argument on ti:e -es:ion ~f :ts jurisdicilon in
the Aegean se& Cantinefitel Siielf case (~rerce v. Trirke::), presented on
behalfof the Governnent of Treece b; :inL~sairdcr K«ns tartopoulos , as
Agent of Greece, lir. Ecuromicie;, a .Le zàvocate ard ni,ur.sel, and
Pir. Evrigenia 2nd Prcf esso~s O' ~or'nell, W Visscher , Weii -mi Tinto,

as advocates and counsel.

DUrlnp; these hearings, queztiix-!~ 7;:ci.i: pu5:-thi Fresidect , hoth
Gn .the Court's 2nd oii his oh% bcnslf, 2nd @y ;JUÇ~S i;rczi Dillnrd,
Sir Hu::phre, bizlàoclr anfiFJcsler. ,Tge c<j:;.r2-~~- requ~sted Îur'jler
explariatfons with ??eml1d tc jrie ci'the d.zc:merts deprisited !,;!<;reece,

The Goverment of Greece ras represented 5s fo:lcirs:

Agent : H.E. !a. Sctirios ICcnstântcpoulos ,
- Anbassaecr of Grcece at The fiz~ue;
Agent, advocate Mr. Cvnsta~tin Econornide~ , Legal Adviser
ana counsel: nn6. Zeed of th5 Leqal Department of the
Creelc ;-1inir;tr:of Fcref gz Affairs;

Advocates an6 counsel : Fr. D.P. ~'~~nr?eli, Q.C.,
i'!ember ;3f English Ezr, Ci-iiehele
Professer of Internrtionai La, in the

Ufiiversit~- ol' Oxf~rfi;

Pir. Faul dE :!isscher, Prclfessor in the

Paculty cf Lzw, Liniversit; of Louv?&in;

m. Frospcr Weil .... Advocates and counsel (continued) !,:r. Prosper Weil, Frofessor in the
Facult,~ of Law and Economics,
Unf versity of faris;

Tnr. Dirnitrivs Evrisenis, Dean ~f'the
Bcult., of Larr and Eccinomics ,
University of Thesseloniki;

Advocate and counsel: Mr. Errmanuel Rcucounas. Lrofesscr
in the Bcult: of Law, UnivorsTty
of Athens;

Expert advi ser : !,Ir.ChristosMacherltsas, Special
Counsellor, Le@ kpartment of
the Greek Ministry of Fçreign Affairs,

The TurkSshGoverment was not representedat the hearings.


The Court will now proceed to its deliberation, As thisdeliberation
is secret (Statu-te, Art. 54, para. 3), no further inforsation on the
case will be given, whether orally or in writing, wiil s press communiqcé
is issued to annomce the date of the ~ublicsittlngat uhick the
Judgrnent will be delivered,

ICJ document subtitle

- Closure of oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Closure of oral proceedings
