United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - A telegram is sent to both Governments

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ TheHague. Tel .2 44 41 Cables: htercourt, The Hague


for~mmediafe releese

No. 79/4
30 Novenber 1979

United States Diplornatic and Consular Staff in Tehran
(Uni"~ed States cif'iliiericav. Iran)

The followlnginformationis co~,mwaicated to the press hy the

l Registry of the Internatiofial Court of Justice:

The Regisçrar,on th<: instructionscf the Eresidcnt nf the Court,
has sent the follcwing télegram tc the Govcrnncntof the United States
and the Goverm~~nt of Iran:

IHnve honoür to refcr to aijpliintion by anited States of
Lmerica institutitig proceeciicgs against Irar;on tuenty-ninc Novenber

and to sirnultaner?us request filad by Uzlited States for idkation
of provisionel Eeeçures. The Pr~sidenr directs FLZ tu express his
hope thzt the two go'vert~ments corlcern~dwili Lake into account rhe
r'actthat thè matter is now sub judics Scfcre the Irtternationsl
Court. This being- so the Preside~ït in çonfsmitu wi:h Article 74.
paragraph 4, of the Rules (;f Csurt Jraws the attentiur, tif both perties
to the need to act in such a w3y as wi;l e~sble any or&r th2 Court

nay make or&the requesrfor provisicnalneasures tu have its
appropriate effects. Siwilerconr.iunicatio?z edaressed todsy to
e Goverment of /Ünite~ States O£ ~mericz/lra~, Court will hald
publicharing; at an early date tc aff~rJ srtles the upportunity
of presenting tIieir observations orisequestfcr interin measutes.
Projected dack and time for such hearingç is I+onday 10 Dece~ber at

ICJ document subtitle

- A telegram is sent to both Governments

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - A telegram is sent to both Governments
