Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Date for the opening of hearings on the question of the Court's jurisdiction

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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kacc Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. 7.1.92 41 11 Cab,..: ~~o~COYI(, The Hague

uno ficial
for irnm~d/@r meleeae

..cge+in fie2Continents 1 Shelf

The follovrin, inorm.tion is rwde avail2ble Lo the press bg the
Registp of the Interimtionr3 1 Court of Justice.

The Intermtianal court of J~stice, acceding to 3 request by
the Covorment of Greece, has fixed 4 Octo!?cr 19% as the &te for
the ~pening of hcarings 012the ques.cior! of the ~'ourt's jurisciiction

in the proceedings;r the -.?,e&e?n Ses pontinenta P Shelf
instituted by GGreece against arkey on 10 ?iigust 1976.

It a9y 13e rec~lled tlilt, in .In grder oc 11 Septecber 1976, the
Court h-2d decided -i,i;~the written plesdings in the case should first
5e qddresrsed to the q&~estion OP iis jurisdiction. By an Order of
14 October 1376 it 11nd fimd time-lirnits Tar the f iling or these
pieadini;~. Tna origi:~? 1 tix-li xLts were extendeci ~.tthe request of

the Greek Govern!ien"t!;i "fiOrder of 12 P.pril 1977 hiiving regnrd to
negotir7 tions betr.reen.ti?_tv!o St.tes. The Oovernment of Greece filed
i-ts Plemorinl. within the extended period. 'illeGovernment of Tt,rkejr
did n0.t fllc .tYo~inter-I.leni 1owLathin tnc tine-limit fixed for the
purpose, wlzich expired on 24 <pril 1372, but on thnt date the
Reglstrar of rie Court received 9 letter iy which the Government of
1rkeyp believinz tlle Ccwt tu 'cerrt,thout ,jurisdiction, informeci the
ourt thrit it did not i;zte;ld to qppoint sn qgent or scbrnît FI
2 C

ICJ document subtitle

- Date for the opening of hearings on the question of the Court's jurisdiction

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - Date for the opening of hearings on the question of the Court's jurisdiction
