Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) - Partial Acceptance of South African Requ

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Peace Palace.TheHague· Tel.392« . CablesIntercourt. TheHague
. ,



No. 70/8
28 f·mgust 1970

Legal Consequences for States 'of the Continued Presence
of South Africa in Nami tin (South' l,,]'-;'\-fri thstading ot~i
------·-·-Sècuri ty '-CouDii~Reso-l~_ _!76--T~70 j-------------

-_._.---~-----Êxten isn-of-TTme~fITmit----·-·~---·-----

The fo11owing information i8 communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

On 5 August 1970 the President of the Court had fixed
23 September 1970 as the time-limit within which the 126 Member states

of the United Nations might submit written statements concerning the
advisory opinion requested of the Court by the Security Counci1 of the
United Nations.

Further decisi.ons have been taken in this respect.

In the first place~ on 21 August 1970~ the five States which are
not members of the United Nations but are nevertheless entitled ta
e.ppear before the Court were notified that the Court was prepared ta
receive written statements from them (see Art. 66, para. 2,of the

Statute of the Court), These five States are Liechtenstei Snn~Marino,
Switzerland, the ~ederal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Viet-Nam.

Furthermore J on 28 August J the President, decided ta extend ta
19 November 1970 the time-limit for the submission of written statements
by States. This decision was taken fo11owing Ilrequest by the
Government of South Afriea seeking an extension of the time-limit ta
31 Jetnuary 1971.

The subsequent procedure is reserved for further decision.

ICJ document subtitle

- Partial Acceptance of South African Request for Extension of Time-limit

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970) - Partial Acceptance of South African Request for Extension of Time-limit
