Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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The following information fromthe Registry of the International
Uourt of Justice bs csmwicated to the Press:

Further tcicommuniqué No, 64/2 of 3.February 1964, the hour fixed
for the openingon IlMasch of the public hearings in the case
concerning the Baroelona Tracfion,Light and Power CompanyLimited
(NEW Applicstion: 1962) (~elgium 1. spain) (~reliminar ybjectiom)
ia 10.30 a.m.

At the beginningof the heaing, ,the Court will install four new
Hembers who were electedby the General Assenblyand Seourity Gouncil
of the United Nations in October 1963. The Judges concerned are
Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, Mr.
Luis Padilla Merva, M, Isaac Forster
and M. Andr6 Gros. A biogralhical note concerning theae Sudges iei
appended to the present communiqué.

The Judges ail1 de the solsu declmation provided for in
Articles 20 of the Ststute and 5 of the Rulea of Court.

Before heasing oral argument in the case ~oncerning the Bwcelona
Sraction,,Light aridPower Company Limited(~reliminary 0bjeotions) the
Court will procéed to the installation of M. Enrique C. Armand-Ugon,
former President of the Bigh Court of Jus the of bTruguay, and
M. Wa1ter.J. Ganehof van der Meersch, Avocat ggnéral tu the Belgim
Court of Cassation, Professor at Brussels University, who, in
accordance with Article 31 of the Statute of the Court, have been
deslgnatedby the Governments of Spain and Belgim sespectlvely to ait
a8 judges
hoc'in this case. Biographies of' theae judges are also
a?penaed hereto.

fhe Parties before the Court will be repreaentedas follows:

M. Juan M. Castro-Rial, Legal Adviserto the
Nids try of Foreign Aff airs;

Advocates and Na-Roberto Aga, Professor of Internationa Llaw
Comme1 t af the University cf Rome;

M. Paul ~u~~enheirn, Professor of International

Law at the University of Geneva;'

M. AntohiaMalintoppi, Professor of International
Law at ,the Univesalty of Caaerino; .

M. Paul Reuter, Professor of Internationa law
at the Univemi ty of Paris y . ,

Sir Kumphrey Waldock, C.M.G., O.B.E., Q.G.,
GhicheleFrofessorof,PublicInternational Law,
Wversity of Oxford;

M. MaartenBoa, Professor of Internationa larJ
at the University of Utrecht;

hT,Jorge Carreras,Professor of Procedural Law
at the University of famplona;

M. Eduardo G, de Enterria, Maftre des requQtes,

M. Federico de Cas'troy Bravo, Legal Adviser,
Mini~try of ForeignAffairs;

M. Antonio de Euna~arega., .. BI.Antonio de Lwia Garcia, Legal Adviser,
Minis txy of ~o~ei~n Affairs ;

M. JoseMaria Triaa de Bes , ~e~al' Adviser,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

Secretflry: M. Maziano Baselga y Nantecbn, First Seoretary
a* .the Spanish Ernbassy atThe Hague.

Agent: MI YvesDevadder, Segal Adviser ta the Minisby
of Foreign Affalrs and,Exterml Trsdeg

'Counseli ' hhe Suzanne Baatid, Prof essorat the Paris
Faculty of Law and Economics;

M* HenriBolin,Professoremeritus at the Iiaw
Faculty of the Free University of Brussels ând
Honoracy Professorat the Strasbourg Law
Paculty, Advocate at the Brussels Court of
Apped ;

NI*Georgea Sauser-HallP ,rofeasor emesitus of
the Univeraitie sf Geneva andNeuchhtel;

M. JeanVanRp, Professor at the LawFaculty
of theFree University of Brussels and Advocate
at the Belgian Court of Cassation5

M. Angela Piero Sereni, Profeasor a£ the .- .
Bologna Paculty of Law, Member of the Italiw
Bar and the PJewYork State and Eederal Bara;

Sir John Foster, Q.G., Manber of theEnglish


Nr. Eli La~tergacht ~ember of the Ehgliah Bar m-
and Lecturer at Cambridge Univesaity;

Assistant Coumel' M* ~fchel Waelbroeck,Lecturer at the Free
and Secsetmg: , Unlverslty of Brussela;

Expert-Goumel M. Leonards Prieto ~as'tro, Dean emeritus and
in Spanish lawt Profeaaor at the Madrid LawFaculty;

BI. José GironTena, Professor at the Valladolid
LamFaoul ty.

The Hague, 10Nasch 1964~ SIR MWrll!,illZaFRULU lMAN

Born February 6th9 1833. Bachelor of Arts onou ours)Punjab
University (1911), Bachela~ of Lags (~irs t Class ~onaurs) University
of London (19143, Doctor..oL faw3 (honoris causa) Cambridge (1937)~
Barrls-ker-at-Law, LincoJn si Inn, London (1914). Practlsed as
Advocate of Lahore, High Court (Tndia, now ~akistan) , 1914-1935.
Member of Punjab Legislative Assembly, 1927-1935. Delegate to
Round Table Conferenceson IndianReforms , London, 1930,1931 and 1932.
Ministes of Education, Health and Lands, India, 1932. Delegate to
' Joint Select Cornittee of.both Houses of Parliament on Indian
Constitutional Bef orme, London, 1933, Mini ster OF Railv~ye and
Commerce, India,1935-1938. Kinister of Commerce, Industries and
Labour, India, 1938-1939. Minis ter of Law and War Supply , India,
Leaderof Indian Delegation to Assemblyof League of
Nations,41December 1939. Jüdge, Supreme Courtof India, 1941-1947.

India's Minister to China (chmgking) on deputation £rom Supreme
Court, 1942. Constitutional Adviser to Hie Bighnessthe Ruler of
Bhopaf , June 1947-Deaember 1947.. Minister O£ Foreign A£fairs,
December 1947-0c5ober 1954. ~udge of the Intesn~tional Court of
Justice 1954-1961 to fil1 the wlexpired term of the late
Sir Benegal Rau; Vioe-President of the Court9 1958-1961. Permanent
Representative of Pakistan to.the United Nations, August 1961-
February 1964. President of. the General Assembly of the United
Nations, 17th Session, 1962-1963.

Bornin Zamora, Michoach, Mexico, in 1898. .

Educa tion:

Graduated from the Faculty of Law in the National University of
Mexico and from George Washington University School of Law,
Washington, D.C.; attended the Faculty of Law and Social Sciencein
the University of Buenos Aires, Argentins, and the School of Economics
and Political Science in London; Docteur R.C., Université de


Served se Secretaryof Embassy or Charge diAffnires i'nBuends
Aires,Washington, D.C., London and Madrid; appointedEnvoy
Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in 1933 and in that
capacity has represented his country in the UnitedStates, El Salvdor,
Costa Rica,Panama,Uruguay and Paraguay, the Netherlands, Denrnark

and Cuba; promoted to the rank of AmbassadorExtraordinary and
Plenipotentlary in 1945, and assigne& to London as Repreaentative
of Mexico in the ExecutiveCornitteeof the PrepasatOry Commissionof
the United Nations; Permanent Representative of Nexico to the
United Nations from 1946 to 3952; in .theMexlcm Goverment has hela
the Office of Under-Secsetary of Education and Fine Arts, of
Assistant Secretary of Labour and SocialPrevision, and Secretasy
for Foreign Affairs, from1952 to 1958; in international conferences
has held the followingcommissions:Mexican delegate to the
International Labour Conference, Geneva, 1978, to the League of

Nations ....Nations Aasembly,Geneva, 1938, and tu the United Nations Conferenoe
on Food and Agriculture, Hot Springs, Virginia, 1943; Technical
Adviser to theX'iexican delegationin the Inter-American Conference
to deal wlth war and Peace Problems, Chap6ltepec, MexicoCity, 3.945;
Adviser to theNexican delegationin the Conference for the
Organization of the UnitedNations, San Francisco,April 1945; ,
Chief Representative of Mexico in the Preparatory Carniesion of the
UnitedNations, London, August 1945; Delegate ta the first part
of the first aessionof the General Aasembly, London, 1945%
Delegateta the Assembly of UNESCO, London; Repre~entative ofMexioo
in the Executive Comniittee of the PreparatoryCommission of UESESGO,
Landon; Chief delegate to the last General Bssemblyof the League
of Natione, Genevap 1946; Representative of Mexico in the Security
Corncilof the United Mations, Representative
ofMexicoin the Atomic Energy CommissionetoYthe,UnitedNations, New
Delegate and Deputy Chairman of the Mexican delegation to
the second partof the first session of ths'GeneraA lssembly, New Yorkj
Chairman of the,Mexicad nelegation to thefirst specialsession of
the General Aesembly, April-May 1947; Chairman of the Mexican
delegation to the secondsessionof the General Assembly, September-
Navember, 1947; Chairman of the Mexicandelegationto Ghe aeoond
specialsession of the General Assembly,April-May 1948; First
President of the Interim Gomittee (~ittle ~asembly) to the United
Nations, 1948; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the third
aeselonof the General Assembly (first.part), September-Decembe l40;
Chairrnanof the Mexican delegation to the thlrd sessionof the
General Asserably (second part), April-May 1949; Bepre~en-bative of
Mexicoin the Trusteesbip Comcil, 1947-1949 Yice-Presiden of the
Trustees'nlp Council, 1949; .Chairman of the Mexican delegation to
the fourth sesslon of the GeneralAssembly,New York 1949; Chairman
of the Mexicandelegation te the tenth sessianof the Economic and
Social Coucil; Chairman of the Mexican delegation tu the fifth
session of the General Assambly, New York, 1950; Memberaf the
Cornmittee ofGood Office8 appointed under General Assernblg
resolution 498 (v), 1951; Chairmch of the Mexican delegaiion to the
sixth eessionof the General Assembly,Paris, 1951; President of the
sixthseasionof the General Assembly, Paris, 1951; ~hairm& of the
Mexican delegation to the seventh session of the General hssembly,
New York, 1952: CbaLrman of the Mexkcau delegnfion to the eighth

seasionof the General Assembly, New York, 1953; Chairman of the
Mexfcan delegation to theTenthInter-AmericaC nonference, Caracas,
1954; Chairmanof the Mexicandelegation to the ninth sesaion of the
General Assembly, New York, 1954; Chairman of theMexicsan delegation
to the Commemosatia Mneetings of the Tenth Anniversaryof the Signing
of the Charter of the UnitedNationa, San Francisco, 20-25 Jwie 1955;
Member of the International Law Commisaion, Geneva, May 1955;
Chairman of the Mexicandelegation to the tenth seasion of the
General Aasembly, New York, 1955; Bonorary President of the ThLrd
Meeting of the Intar-America nouncll of Suriste,Mexico,Janwq-
Febmaq 1.9569 Chairman of the Mexioandelegatian 'tathe eleventh ::LT
session of the General bssembly, New York, 1956; Vice-President,
Internationa lawComission, ninth aession,Geneva, April-June 1957;
Chairman of theMsxican delegatian to the twelfth aessionof the
GenersbXAssembly, New York, 1955; Chairmm of the Mexicaui delegation
to the thirteenth sessionof the GeneralBssembly, New York, 3958;
Permanent Representative of Mexico to tiieUnited Nation$, 1 December
1958; Preaident of the UnitedNations Disarmament Commission,
September 1959; Chairman of the Mexican delegation to the fourteenth - .-

- J

of the General hssembly,New York, 1959; President,of the International
Law Commission, twelfth session,Ganeva, 1960; Chairmm of the

Mexican delegation to the fifteenth sessjon of the General dssembly.


Born at Dakar, Senegal, on 14 dugust 1907.

Gareer :

hppointed to the Generol tate tCeounsel is Department for French
West Africa, 30 December1930; Deputy judge, BIarch 1933: Deputy
to the Procureur at Condrry, Guinea, Sune 1933; Procureur de la
République at LomésTogo, July 1942; Gounsellorin the Budit Office
of French West Africa, Januasy 1947; Presidentof a Chamber of the
Court of Appeal of French West Africn, S,eptembex 1957; Secretary-
Generifl of the Gwernment of Senegal, 1958; ~irst" Presidentof the
Supxeme Court of Senegal at Dakar (whichcombines the Court of
Cassation, the Councilof Stete and the Audit office) , 1960; ' ~ember
0 of the Cornittee of Experts on the Application of finternatio-1
~abo-7 Conventions and Recommendation ,sNovenber 1958 ; Meaber of

the Commission sppointedunder Article 26 of the Constitution of the
International .~bbour ~jrgmisation to examine the cornplaint f iled by
the Government'of Ghanaconcerningobse'rvnnce by the,Goverment of
Portugal of +he ~orced Labour Convention (NO. 105) , 1957 1961-1962.


Born at Douai, Fra-ce, on 19 May 1908.

Education: . .

Doctor of Law,and wimer of the awards of the Faculties of Law
of Lyons and Paris.

Assistantlecturer in the Faculty of Law of Paris, 1930; Bead~r
in the Faculty of Law of Nancy, 19j49 and of Toulouse, 1937; Agrégé
in Public Law, 1938; on mission to the University of Rio de Janeiro,
1939; Titular Trofossor, 1942; Legal Adviser to the FrenchNational
Committee,London, 1941; Legal ddviser to the French Embassy in

London, 1946; Legal Expert of the Ministry of Foreign dffairs since
1947; Member of the PermanentCommissionof Arbitrntion between
Denmark and Grsece since 1949; Member of the .Permanent Court of
Arbitration, 1950; representative to the Central Commissionfor the
Navigation of the Rhine since 1950; Chairman of the Permanent
Comission of Conciliation md Arbitration bebveen Demark and Turkey
since 1353; CoUlcillo~ of State on spe~ial service since 1954;
Associateof the institut^ of International Lgwg Member of the
ExecutiveCommitteeof the French Centre of Comparative Lam; Member
of the International Lsiy Commissionsince 1961; Agent of the
Goverment of the French Republic in six cases befere theInternational
Court of Justice; counsel befor~ the Franco-Thai Conciliation

Commissionin 1946; agent before the nrbitral tribunalset up to

decide ....deoide the Albanian gold case in 1951; agent beforethe Franco-
SwissPermanentConciliation Commission in two dispute^ in1954;
agent beforethe Franco-TtaliaC nonciliation Commission in 1955;

counsel In the Lake Lmoux case beforethe Franco-Sganish Arbitral
Tribunal in 1957; representative of France in the United Nations
Bar CrimesCommission in 1943; in the cornittee on the future of the
Permanent Court of International Justice in 1944; in the Europe,m
kdvisory Gomittee in 1944; Chairmanof the Allied Commission on
Beparations in 1945; representative in the Council ,ofAlinisters
for Foreign Affairs from 1946 to 1955; to the Peace Conference in
1946; te the BelgradeConferonce to consider FreeNavigation 'of the
Danubein 1948; to the Conference of dix on the SchumanPlan in 1950;
to the Geneva. Smit Conference in 1955; and to the London Conference
on the Suez Canal in.1956; Chairman of the Legnl Commission for the
Moselle Treaty In 1956; Chairman of the Frenchdelegationto the ho
Geneva Conferences on the Lzwof the Sea in 1956 and 19605 Meniber
of the Frenchdelegation to vnrious sessions of the United Nations
General Aasembly md Security Council.


Survivance de la saiaon diEtat, Paria, (1932)~ 590 pages; Les
roblèmea politiques de liEuro e, London, (1943) 160 pages (spaah
tranelation, Buenos AiresJ(&) ); Le e tatnt international de
ational, (1937); La Conférence de

Montrem et le statut des étrangers en Egypte, chronique-% ~alLoz~
Liimmwiité de juridiction de l'Etat, Gazette du Palais,
juridiquede lldllemagne, Revuo générale de
droit i---ernational pub=, (1947); Le recourscontreles décisiony
d 'or~anismei snternationa-,in t1M41ange~ seorgeTScelleif, (1950) ;
Remargues sur lo cancilintion internationalei ,n "MSlanges Achille '
Mestreii, (1956); 1 motodi de protezione deai interessinasio.-li
nelleoommunitàeconomiche europee, in ~oguni-tà Internazionale,
(1958), No. 2; i ken taire de la sentence d"arbitrage du lac Lano=,
Revue genksale de droit international public, (1958); La négociation
diplomatique, in Les Affaires étranghrea , (1959 ) La Convention
de Genèvesur les pêcheries,lectures The Hague hcaderny of
International Law, (1959 9) Entre deux conf exences sur Le drolt_a--&
mer, in "MélangesJ. Basdevanttl ,aris, (1960); Textes et;doc-+n~-nm
in CO-operation with Paul Reuter, 500 pages, Paris,
L'or anisatianintsrnz,tiomle de la sécurité de la myigatioq
aérienne 9-~m-- ..--


Born at Colonia Valdense (Uruguay) onAugust 10th,1893.

Bachelor in Arts and Sciences, 1912; Boctor in Law and Social
Sciences, 1918; Provincial Attorney,igLF3; Judge of Coristof First
Instanoe, 2920; Judg~ in the Court of Bppeal, 1938; President,
Bigh Courtof Justice, 1949. ~elegate of Uruguay ta the TneLfth OrdinarySession of the

League of Nations in Geneva, 1931; deiegate for the lxwyess of
Uruguay to the Second Inter-fimericm Conference of Labvyers, Rio de
Jmeiro, 1943; President of the delegati on of Uruguay to the firsd\
past of the Third Session of the General dssenibly of the United
Nations, Paris, 1946; Delegateof Uruguzyand Costa Rica to the
first meeting of the Inter-Bmerican Counçil of Jusrists, Rio de Janeiro,
1950; Presidentof the delegationof Uruguay to the Fifth Sesaion
of the General Lsaemblyof the United Nations, 1950.

Judge of the High Court of Justice from 1945 to 1951. Member
of theWational Cormissions fos the Dxaftingof the Codes of
Procedure and Cornerce in 1933. From 1929 to 1933, Idember of the
Corncil of the FacuZty of Lam and Social Soionces. Judge of the
International Court of Justice 1952-19 16.

3 June 1361: hiember of the Commission of Inquiryappointed
under Article 26 of the Constitution of the International Labour
Organisation to examine the camplaintfiledby the Government af Ghana
concerningthe observanceby the Governmentof Portugal of the

Abolition of ForcedLabous Gonvention, 1957 (NO. 105) .

Chaiman of the Commissionof Inquiry appointed
the Constitution of the International Labour
Organisation ta examine the cornplaint filed by the Government of
Portugalconcerningthe observanceby the Governmentof Liberiaof the
Forced Labour Convention, 1950 (NO. 29).


Born in Bruges (~el~iurn) on 18 May 1900.

Procureur du Roi at BrusseXs, 1933-1940; Auditeux général at
the BelgianMilitary Court, 1940-1547; Avocat général to the Cour de
Cassation of Belgiwi aince 14 Februzry 1947. Honorary Agent for the
Belgim Covesnment bef ore the Belgian-Germa, BeLgian-kustrian, BelgiGm-

Bulgarian and Belgian-Elwigarim Mixed Arbitral Tribunalscreated
under Articles 304 of the Treaty of Versailles, 255 of the Treaty of
Saint-Germain, 188 of the Treaty of Neuilly and 279 of the Treaty
of Trianon, respectively. Prof essor at the University of Brussels
since 1938; Chairs of BelgianConatitutional Law! Public Law, and
Advanceci Stiidies in Public Law in the Façulty of Law; Prof essor of
the International Faculty of Comparative La%yat Luxembourg, sub j&ct:
Comp~rative Consti tutional Law. Presidentof the Belgian Inter-
University Centre for Public Law; Presidentof the Inskitute of
Europan Studies of the Universityof Brussels p Vice-President of
the Belgian Inter-University Centre for Comparative Law; Holder

of Chair of Law of European Qrgxnizations in the BrusselsFaculty
of Law, Author of nany publications,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
