Northern Cameroons - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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Communiqué No. 63/5
(unof ficial)

The follawing Information from the Registry of the International
Court of Justice is comunicated ta the Press:
. ,
The Internation3,l Court of Justice will hold a publicsitting on
YT~uursday, 19 Septcmber 1963 nt 4 pornoin the Peaçe Palace at TiltHague.

Ti.: sitting tri11 be the first in the oral hearings in the case
concerning the Northern Cmeroons, brought before the Courton JO May 1961
by an application af the Gcvcrnment of the Federal Republic t5f Cameroon
against the Governmen of the United Kingdom of Great Bi-itein and
Northern I~~:;land,

On 14 tLu;;ds1462 a document containing certain prelimînary
objections to the jurisdictio nf the Court was filed by the Goverment
of the United Kingdom. The Observations and Submissior~s of the Govern-
ment of the Federal Republicof Gameroon in regard to these objections
were filed on 27 June 1969,

During the coming hearings the Court will deal with the prelimlnary

ob jec.Cions,

The sitting will be devoted first to the installation of
M. Ph. Beb a Don, brha, in accordance with Article 31 of the Statute of
the Court, has b~en chosen by the Government of the Federal Republic of
Cmeroonto sit as judge ad hoc inthis case. Ph-.Ph. Beb a kn Ls
iunbassador of the Federal Bepublic of Caiieroon in Parts,

The Parties willbe represented as follows:

The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland :

Agent : Sir Frenci s Vallat , K,C,IIG., Q.C ,,
Legal Adviser 50 the Foreign Office;

Assistant Agent: 1k. P. J. fillott, an Assistant Legal.
Adviser, Foreign Office;

Rt, Hon. Sir John Hobson, O.B.E., T.D., Q.G.,
M,P., Attorney-General;

Mr, $I,E, Bathurst, C.PI,G,, G,B.E,,
a member of the English 8ar;

Jtr.D.H .N, Johnson, Professor of
Internationa and Air Law in the
Univer sity of London;


Kr, P.R,A. Mansfield, West and Central
African Department,Foreign Office .

-,e .... .> I
."- .-. -.


TheGovernment of the Pederal Republic of Gameroon:

Agent : H,E, M, Vincent de Paul. handa, Ambassador
af the Federal Republic of Cmeroon to
-i Benelux;

Assistant Agent: M. Paul Engo, Judge;,

Cciunsel: M. Prosper Weil,Professor at the Nice
Facultg of Law and Economics (University
of ~ix-Marseille) ;

M, Robert Parant, Judge, Director of
Judicial Affairs and of the Sed,
1. itinistry of Justice;

. .. I
Advi sers: M. El Hadji MoussaYaya, Deguty,Vice-Pic'esident
of theFederal b.tional bssembly;

M. Eïoi Langoul, ~hnseiller refcrendaire of
the Supreme Court of Eastern Cameroon,
Principal Priv~ke Secretary to the, Minlater
of State for Ju5tie.e and Beeper of ,the .Seals;

Pl, Frango i-Xavier Tchoungui, Principal -
Private Secrëtary to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs ;

Experts: ' M. Chsrlcs Debbasch, Lecturer aprégé at the
Facultyof Law and Ecenomics of the
Uiriveraity of Grenoble;

Pi* Paul Isoart,Assistant Lecturer at the
Nice Faculty of Law and Econorrrics ,

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Northern Cameroons - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
