Northern Cameroons - Hearing of 19 September 1963

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The;ringInforma ti-on fr~ii~the Zegisiry ~f' the Interna t~olzal.
C.urt cf Justiceis camunlcatzd tç the Press:

Tcday, 19 Septeixlser 1963, at 4, the Ccurt of

Justice held the first af the public hwrings on the Preliminary
.c3,ec~-.,,.,tln the jwisdictii:n of the C.ut, raiseci i)y the Goverlment
~f the United Kingdrn cf Great Britain and Ro~the~n I~eland in the
case c:? the $TGrthern Ganeroons(~amerzion -v. United 1~j.n;dcn).

Aftcr ::pening the sitting and briei'1.y recûllin(j the stages in

the 'mit t en grcceedingscovered since the ins titutioii of the
prrceedings by Garn~r~on ùy ari Ap~lica.ti:.n flled on 3;: iday 1.961 {see
Conwuiziqué Mt.. 61./16), th President~f the Guurt 9s-ceedeci tr the
jnsLallatic-n of the judge -ad hoc desL;.na td >y Canerconin açc,
mitl: Ar-ticle 31, para<:rapki 2 of 'Che Statute, narnely Nrii~sieu~. Phi 1B~lcil
Beb a Don, AmbassaScz :if the Federnl Repub1j.c of Ganeroenin Paris.

Th::President then awiciunccd tiiat Judge C~.?rdciva, rrho was prcveïit ed
5; tl)r state rf his health fr:m bsing pr2çen-t a-t;The Hague, wculd be
unable to sit in the presen-l; pr..ceedin~s.

Havina nt;ted the presence ii~ Court cf the repxesen-tat~.ves r!f the
Parties, the President called up->n the dgeh f~r the Etverment of the
'Jnited Kingdcn, Sir Francis Va!.la-t;. I

S5.rFrancis mzde a prel.irnfinary dec1arati.r.n to hog leave for
the Attorney-General tL addres s the Gvurt . The Preaj.der?_.i; csill.eup;..n
the Attorney-GeneralS ,ir Jcbn Tïcbecln, vih- begail the pr~:;entatj:, n cf
the case on behalf of the Uniked Kingdoni, He ~vill c~i?tinue bis speech
at the hearing tcmorr..;~, 25 Scpternber, r-rhich will spen at 1Li.jCy a+D,

*---t:for re pr esent ativ ees of th~~r-eegssii t_h_-~~~~~,~~~~~~-c~~;~~=-i~~~.&
-ssued dqring the heariniy:s in ehe-case

Since represenlatives of the Press can be present at each sitting
and 1;htaln at the end of each dag the veï3bntin rec1:rd nf the day's
pri.ceed inLs, .th2 Regis try ~inev nr~.t;pr pnae tr,.publish duri.rig the
hearinss, daily conmuriiqu6s wbich merely inüicatc the nnmes nS the

spea!;ers anû the 'atc l~f the ~i_ax-Lhearlng . 'i,-ïievcr,an exceptj- il
nij.~ be made irhen~ver the n~xt hharsng Is fixed ie>r n fiate othcr than
the fc llr.ïiin3 ivcrlcing day.

As a generaj. i.11.l.e thCnust v;,sit .n Sat~rde,~ m(irill'i12
duri~:g tbese pr ce~(3.i.azs.

The hague, 19 Septenber 1963

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Northern Cameroons - Hearing of 19 September 1963
