Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - The United Nations General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion of the Court

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Cammunisu NEo. 61/21

The follawin~ information from the Registry of the International
Cotlrt of Justice is communicated to the Press:

On 27 December 1961 the Registry of the International Court of
Justice received from the Actlng Secratary-Genera ol the United Nations
a resolution of the General Assernbly of 20 December 1961 requesting an
AdvisoryOpinion of the Court on the followifigquestion:

"Do the expenditures aiiithorizedin General kssernbly

resolutions 1583 (XU) and 1590 (XII)of 20 Decernber 1960,
1595 (XV) of 3 April 1961, 1619 (XV) of 21 kpril 1961 and
1633 (XV1) of 30 October 1961 relating to the United ketions
operations in the Con20 udertxken in pursuance of the
SecurityCouncil rcsolutions of 14 ~ul~,l 22 ~uly-~ and9 Augst
1960~ and 21 ~ebrivd and 24 Navember 19612 and General Assembly
resolutions l.47 ES-IV) of 20 September 1960 and 1599(XV) ,
1600 (X~J)and 1601 (XV) of 15dpril1961,and the expenditures
autharized in General Assemblyresolutions U22 (XI) of

26 November 1956, 1089(XI) of 21 December 1956, 1090 (XI) of
27 Fsbruary 1957, U51 (XII) of 22 November 1957, 1204 (XII)
of 13 December 1957, 1337 (~111) of 13 December 1958, Wl
(XW) of 5 December 1959 =and1575 (XII) of20 December 1960
relating to the opez-a.tionsof the United Nat,ions Bsnergency
Forcs undertaken in pursuznce of General Assernbly resolutions
997 (ES-1) of 2 November 1956, 998 (~5-1)and 959 (33-1)of 4 November 1356,
1000 (!a-1) of 5hlovember 1956, 1001 (ES-1) of 7 November 1956,
1121 (XI) of 21;November 1956 and 1263(XIII) of 14 Novemb=r
1958, constitile 1expenses of the Orgzgizationl thin inthe
meanjng of !irt,icle 17, p~rx-raph 2, of the ChZrter of the
United Nctr:Lons?

1. Off icir7,l records
Year, Supplernent for July, :,urust
document 5/43&7.
2. Ibid,, document ~/4405.
3. Ibid ., document ~/4!+06.
for Jaimary ,Februarg

5, Ibid.,document ~/5002.~'

Pursuant, to Article 66, paragaph 2, af the Statute of the Court,
the President has decided that the States Members of the United
Nations are likelyto be able to furnish information on the question.
By Order of 27 Decenber 1951, he l-ia? fixed20 Febniarg 1962 as the

the-1Iml-L for the submission of writtsn st=l,temeA specialuand direct
procedure befng reservedfor furkher decisian.
communicatio notifying Menbersof the Unitod Nations of the foregohg
is being despatched by the Registrsr.

The Haye, 28 Decenber 1961.

ICJ document subtitle

- The United Nations General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion of the Court

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Expenses of the United Nations (Article 17, paragraph 2, of the Charter) - The United Nations General Assembly requests an Advisory Opinion of the Court
