Effect of Awards of Compensation made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - The Court will hold a public sitting on Tuesday 13 July 1954 to give its Advisory Opinion

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C.I.J. C:mmiqué 54/;7

non ofîicicl

Lss ronseignamcnts suiv,n,nts émmm-t du Greffz de 13.Cour
IntCrnctionalc. ci,:Justicc oi~t été mis officicuscmcnt à 12
disposition dc la prcssc:

Lc Cour ticndr? unc audience publiquc 13 mrdi 13 juillet 1954
à 16 hcurcs, au cours dc laclucllc lccturv sera donnée do son ?.vis
c~nsult~tif sur llcffct dc jugcmcnts du Tribunal ?.dministr~.tif dcs

Nc.tions Unies accord.,o?t indcsmité .

Lp. H,ayc, lc 7 juillet 1954.

(Unoff icinl)

Thc 'f ollowinç in? orm<?.tionf rom thc Rogistry of the ïritcr-
national Court of Justicc k~s bccil conmic~tcd to the Press:

The Court will hold a public sitting on 'rucsdqr, July 13th,
1954, at 4 p.m. for the rzading of it s advisory opinion on thc
offcct of aw~rds of compcns?.tion by the Unitod ?i~,tions
Ldministr,?tivc Tribun?,l.

The Hague, July 7th, 1954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Effect of Awards of Compensation made by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal - The Court will hold a public sitting on Tuesday 13 July 1954 to give its Advisory Opinion
