Sovereignty over Certain Frontier Land - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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Cornmunisue No. 59/20

(unof ficial)

The follawing information from the Registry of the International

Court of Justice is cammunicated to the Press:

The International Court of Justice will siton Monday, April 2'7th,

1959, at 10.30 a.m, at the Peace Palace at The Hague.

At this sitting the oral proceecllngs Farillbegin in the case

referred to the Courton Novcmber 27th, 1959, pursuane ta a special

agreement, signed at The Hague on Ikrch 7th, 1957 by BeLgim and the

Netherlands, under which Belgium and the Netherlands referred to the

Court thelr dispute concerning the sovereignt yver certain parcels

O of land shown the surveyand known from1836 to 18.4 3s Nos. 91

and 92, Section A, Zondereijgen. The plots in question lie In the

frontier region of Baarle-Nassa and Banrle-Duc. The Court is asked

to say to whlch of the two States sovereignty over these parcels

belong S.

The Parties vi-illbe represented by the fol1owimg:-

The KirAgdon of Belgium by :

M. Yves Devadder, Legal Adviser to the IWistry for Foreign ffffairs,

as Agent, assiated by

0 Ph Phrcel Gregoire, of the %r af the Brussels Coulrt of Appeal, -s

Cornsel ,nd

14, Louis Geeraerts, Inspecter-General of the Ministry for Foreign .

Affairs, and

$1. Alfred van der Essen, Director, IiIuiXstryfor Foreign Affairs,

as kperts

The Aingdom of the Nethsrlands bx :

M. W. Riphagen, Legal jiclviser to the Mstry for Foreign fi-ffairs,

as Agent, assizted by

Me C, R, C, "Jijckerhold !3isdom, as Cowisel, and

Me. J. Schcpel, afid

Miss L. hger s, as lTScpertsi

The Kagrle,April 23rd, 1959.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Sovereignty over Certain Frontier Land - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
