Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings

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I.C.J. CommniquE Ito. ~E-/u.
(unof ficial )

The foliowing irformtion from the Registry 05 the International
Court of Justice has ken comrnunicated to the Press.

On Sep-ternber 25th, l75P, ~?t11 a,m. the International Court of
Justice will begin hearings in the case concerning the Applicatio nf

the Convention of 1902 gove&ing the guardianship of infants
(~etherlands v. Sweden) .

Since the Court does not include upon the Bcnch any judge of the
nationality of the parties, each of the prties Mas exercised its righ2,
under Ar'üicPe 31, paragrapn 3, of the Stetu-Le, to chaoss a judge a6 hoc:
the Swedish Cavermnt has chosen PiiiPredrilc JuLius Christian Sterzel,
former Jucge of the Supreme Court of Srvcden, and the Goverlment of the
?JeLherlands h2s chosen. M. J. Offerhaus, Professor of Prtvats Inter-
national Law 3t the University of Amsterdam, *esident of the '7th and

8th Sessions of The Hague Conference on f rllrctteInternational Law.

IQi. Sterzel and.Offerhaus wi19 be iiistdlcd as judgesad hoc at
the begjnieng of the sitting,

0 ThePar Lies have infomd .the Registry that they will be
represented before khe Cou& as follows:

for thc Governent of the itietherhnds:

as Agent,

:JIW. Riphagen,

as Cornsela

Professor P. lCisch of the Law Faculty of the University of
Amterdam, '

as mer*,

hiiJ,G, Sauveplamune,

0 CF the Goverment of Sweden:

. M. Sven Dahbn, hbassador btraordinary and. PlenLpotentiary '
at The Hague,

as Counsel,

M. SGm Petr4nl hbassador, Director of Legzl Affairs at the
RoyalPiirfistry for Foreign Aff airs,

M. Henri Rolin, Professor of Interri.at3onal Law at the Free
Uilive~sit.~ of Brussels, I.lembcrof the &.r of tl-ieBrussels
Court of Appeal.

The Hague,September2@h, 1958.


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application of the Convention of 1902 Governing the Guardianship of infants (Netherlands v. Sweden) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings
