Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings which will begin on May 13th, 1957

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Comnique No. 57/2
Unoffic ial

The following Inforrriationfrom the Registryof the international
Court of Justice has been communicate o the Press:

The Court tviU hold a public sitting on Monday, May 13th, 1957,
at ll a.m. in the Peace Palace, me Hague.

The sittulg will first be devoted to the installation of a
recently elected Mernberof the Court: Dr.Wellington Koo, who al1
de the Solemn Declaration prescribed by Article 20 of the Statute of
(A currfculumvitae of Dr. Wellington Koo is attached
the Court.
hereto) .

At the sm sitting, the Court will begin the or& hearlngs in the
case of certalnNorwgian loans,

Proceedings in this case were instituted on July 6th, 195T9 by the
Governrnent of the French Republic against the Governmerit of the Kingdom
of Norway .

Following the deposit of the Application, the Court fixed 'time-
1Mts for the filing of the first two pleadings: the Mernorial of the
French ~overnment and the Cowiter-Mernorial of the Norwegian Goverment.
On April ZOth,1956, that is, within the time fUted for the filing

of the Counter-Memarial ,e Government of the Kbgdom of Norway fîied
a docwnent setting out certain prelimiaary objections to the jurisdiction
af the Court and contending that the clab submitted by the Application
was Inadmissible, The Court then fixed .a the-lMt for the filing by
the French Government of its Observations and Submissions in regard to
the ETorwegian Objections, and the Registrar informedthe Parties that it
was the Court sf intention to open the oral hearings on June 25th, 1956,
However, at the request of the Nonqegian Goverment, the Court decided
to postpone the opening of the oraï proceedings and te exLend to August
31st, 1956, the tirne-limit for the filmg of the French Observation snd
Submissions, The Government of the French Republic having, In its
Observationa snd Submissions filed on the said date, asked that it might
please the Court to join the Objections to the merits, and the Government
of the Kingdom of Norway having considered that they should not obJect there-
tu (whilst maintaining in their entiretythe Objections they had

raised), the Court joined the Objections to the merits and fixecl the-
lMts for the deposit of the remaining pleadings on the meritsr
Norwegian Counter-Mernorial, French Reply,Norwegian Rej oindes, The
of these pleadwigs was deposited on April25th, 1937 and sjnce thenthe
case ha3 been ready for hearing.

The present hearings will be devated both to the frellmjna~y
Objections and to the merits.

The Parties wiil be represented as follaws:

The ....
- r'
The Government of the French Republic

-Agent ': Professor Andre Gros, Legal Adviser of the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs
- Counael : Professor Paul Reuter, AssistantLegai Adviser of
the Ministry for Foreign Affairs

~ - Advocate: M. Le BStonnLer Marcel Poignard, of the ParisBar

-Experts : M. Ciaude Chayet, Legd- Officer of the Mlnistry
for Foreign AffaL1.s

M. Paul-Edmond Bertin, Administrateu rivil of
the Ministry of Finance

M. J.J. de Bresson,Procureur de la République,
Detached to the Mi-nistry for Foreign Affairs

Me Henri Nanneray, Barrister, af the Paris Bar.

The Government of the Kingdom of Norway _

- Agent and Counsel: Mr, Sven Arntzen, ~dvocate at the Supreme
Court of Noway

- Agent : His Excellency fi, Zars J. Jorûtad, Norwegian
Ambassador at The Hague

- Counsel . .. M. Plaurice Bourquh, Professor at the
University of Geneva and at the Graduate
Institu etof Internat ional Studies

Mr. Jens Evensen, of the Bar of the
Nomqegian Courts of dppeal.

- Experts : Mr, Frede Castberg, Rector at the University of Oslo

Plr,Jchannes Andenas, Professor at the
University of Oslo 0

Mr. Bredo Stabzll, Director at the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Norway

M. Pierre Lalivs,Professor at the
University of Geneva.

- Secretary : Mr, Ekar LBchen, Chief of Division Ln the
homegian 15initry for Foreign Affairs.

The Hague, May 8th, 3-95?. Jud~e Wellington Koo

Born in1888, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Columt3iaUniversity; Honorary

LL.D. fram Yale,Columbia, St. Johns, Aberdeen, Birmingham and Manchester

Universities; Honorary D.C.L. from Miami University.

Froml9E to 1915, served as high officlal in the Chinese Goverment;

Chdese ldinister to U.S.A. (1915-20). In 1919, President of the Chinese

Delegation to the Peace Conference and, from 1920 to 1922,Ghinese First

Pelegate to the Assemblyof the League of Nations and Chuiajs Represen-

tativeon the League Council; Chinese linister to Great Britain (1920-221 ;

a successivelC yhabman of the Chinese Govermment FinanceCamrLssion (1922);
Minister of Foreign Affaim (1922-24 ;) Acting Frh Minister (1924);

Prime Minister and Ministerof ForeLgn Affaiirs
Finance Minister(1926) ;

(1926-27); ChineseAssessorto the League of Nations Conmzission of

Enguiry regarding the Manchurian question (1932); Minister, then

hnbassador to France from 1932 to 19l.J; was during the same period

Chinese representat ive tO the Councjlof the League of Nations (1932-34)

and the kssembly of the League (1933-36-381, to the Worl?. Monetam and

Economic Conference (1933) tu the Conference for Reduction and Limitation

of Arments (1933) and to the Bmssels Conference on the Far East (1937);
Ambassador to the United Kingdom from 190 to 19.46,pa~ticipated, as the

head of the Chinese Delegation, in the work of the DümbartonOaks conver-

sations (19441 ,f the San Francisco Conference (1945), of the United

Nations Preparatory Conference (194 $5ad of the Second Part of the

First Session of the General Assembly (1946). Pn 1945, %*asappointed

Chinese ambassador to the U,S.A. and heLd that post for ten years.

Membes of the Perment Coud of Arbltration since 1948.

Author of "The Status of the filen in China;?- Columbia University

ICJ document subtitle

- Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings which will begin on May 13th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Certain Norwegian Loans (France v. Norway) - Representatives of the Parties at the oral hearings which will begin on May 13th, 1957
