Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The Court fixes a time-limit for the filing of further written statements

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Communiqué No. 56/10

The followlng infnrmatlen fron the Registryof the International
Court of Justice has been communicated to the Press:

In the case concerning Judgments of the Admirilstrative Tribunal
of the International LabourOrganisatio npon cornplaints made against
the United Nations Educatianal, Scientific and Cultural Organisation,
the Court has just fixed a,tirne-1irni.tfor the filing of further written


The mtter was referred to the Court for an Advisory Opinion by
the Fxecutive Board of UNESCO, This international organization 5s one
of those which, iR respect of its own staff rnembers, has reçognized the
jurisdictioo nf the Administrativ Teribunal establishe by khe Inter-
national Labour Organisation for hearing cornplaints by its officials
against the Idministration alleging non-observanc oe the terms of
appointment of officials, or any other relevant provision of the Staff
Regulations. Article XII of the Statut e of this Administrative

Tribunal providesthat in any case in which one of the international
organizations concerned challenge as decision of the Tribunal
confirming its jurisdiction, or considers that a decision of the Tribunal
is vitiated by a fundamental fault in the procedure followed, it may
seise the International Court of Justice, whose opinion çballbe binding.
As regardsthe presentrequest for an Opinion, the Judgments involveci
concern four officials of UNESCOwhose contracts of employmenw tere not
renewed, who appealed to the Administrativ eribunal which found in
their favour .

In Deceinber 1955, when the Requestfor an Opinion was receivedfrom

the Executive Board of UNESCO, the President of the Court decided, in
pursuance of Article 66, paragraph 2, of the Statute, that the States
14embers of WESCO and t,he organizations referred to above, were likely
ta be able to furnish infarrnation on the questions referred to the Court
and would therefore be entitled to present written atatements. For this
purpose April 30th, 1956 was fixed as a time-llmit. tiithin that the-
limit the Court received frorn UNESCO a written staternent to wtiich was
appended a staternent of the observation snd submisslons of the officials
concerned; written statements werealso received from the Guvernments
of the UnitedStates of $merlca,the French Republic, the Ùnited Kingdom
of Great 3rlCai.n and Morthern Irel~nd and the Republjlc of China. These
statement s were cornrnianicated by the Registrar to all the States and
crganiaations ref erred to above.

Since the Court does not contemplate holding oral hearings in
this case, the new the-lirnit which has just been f ixed and which
expireson Jwie 30th, 1956 will enable any of the Govements and
organizations referred to above which des2re .todo so to commentin
wriking upon the m-itten statenenta that have been filed.

The Court 1611 begin its deliberations in this case at the beginning
of Sept ember 1956.

TheHague, May 31st, f856.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court fixes a time-limit for the filing of further written statements

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgments of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO upon Complaints Made against Unesco - The Court fixes a time-limit for the filing of further written statements
