Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Hearing of February 10th, 1955

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Cornuniu4 No.

The following infO mat Lon fromthe Regiatryof the International
Court of Justice has been comunicated to the Press:

The InternaJiionalCourt of Justice to-day (February lQ-Lh,1955)
held two publicsittings at the Peace Palace in The Hague.

The first sittuig, at 11 oiclockin the forenoon, was devoted
to the seatuig of the four new Judges electedby the General Assembly

and the Security Coancll of the United Nations UI Novernber 1954.
The President paid a tribute to the retiring Judges and welcomed
the newly-electeJ dudges to the Court.

The Court sat.again at 4.30 in the afternoon for a hearing in
the Nottebohm case brought by the Government of the Principality of
Liechtenstei againstGuatemala. This case is one inwhiçh a
judgment has already been given,for onNovember Zgth, 1953 the
Court held that it had jurisdictiow nhenit rejected a freliminary
Objection raised by the Governmenj; of Guateniala; written groceedings
on the $lerits took place in the course of 1954.

The President opened the hearing to-day by calling upon the
Judges ad hoc appolnted by bath Parttes to make their solem
declaration before beuig formally isistalled on the Bench. The two

Judges -ad hoc are: Professor Pa.ulGuggenheim, Professor of Public ,
Lntérnational Law at the Institut des Hautes Etudes internationales
at Geneva, appointed by Liechtenstein nd Dr.CarlosGarcia Bauer,
Professor in the University of San Carlos, 'appointed by Guatemala. .
The President tooknote of the presence in Courtof the Agents,
Gounsel and Advocatesof the Parties, They were:

For theGovernment of Liechtenstein:

Dr. Erwin H. Loettenfeld, LI.,B, Agent;

M. Georges Sauser-Hall, Professor of International Law
at the University of Genewa;
Wr. James E.S. Fawcett, D.S.C., Mernber of the English Bar,
and Mr, Kurt Lipstein, Ph.D., Pjamber of the Fnglish Bar,


For the Government of Guatemala:

M. Victor Salomon Pinto-Juarez, Ninister, Plenipotentiary,

M.' knri Rolin, Professor of L&w in the Free University
of Brussels, and

Dr. kdolfo Molina Orantes, Dean of the Faculty of Juris-
prudence of the University of Guatemala, Cornsel.;

N. A, Dupont-Willemin Wember of the GenevaBar, .

The President thenannounced that after the closure of the
writtenproceedingst ,he Govemment of Guatemalahad ffled a number
of new documents and that Liechtenstein had objectedto their
admission. In these circumstances, in accordance with Article l+8
of the Rules, it was for the Court, after hearingthe Parties, to
reach a decision. The Presidenttherefore called upon the Agent of

the ... .. - 2 -

the Government of Liechtenstein who stated the case of Liechtenstein

on this point.

The President thencalled uponthe Agent for the Government of
Guatemala who requested Professor Henri Rolin, Gounsel, to present
the case of Guatemala.

The President asked the Agent for the Government of Liechtenstein
whether he vrished tu reply and the Agent said that he would like to
reply at le,ngtt at the next sitting of the Court.

The Court rose at 6.15 g,m,
The next hearing ri11 begin at 10.30a.m. on Friday, Rebruary
Ilth, 1955,

The Hague, February 10th, 1955.


ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of February 10th, 1955

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Nottebohm (Liechtenstein v. Guatemala) - Hearing of February 10th, 1955
