Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Sitting of May 14th, 1954

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
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Document File

Communiqué 54/8
(non-off iciel)

Les renseignements suivants; émanant du Greffe de la Cour inter-
nationale de Justice, ont étémis à la disposition de la Ijresse:

La Cour international ee Justice a tenuaujourdrhui ,4 mal,
sa dernière audiencesur la question préliminaire posée par le
Gouvernement italien en lraf faire de 1'or monktaire pris à Rome en
19L3 (Italie c. Etats-Unis diArnérique, France, Royaume-Uni de Grande-
Bretagne et d1Irlande du ~ord) .

Sir Gerald Fitzmauricej ,urisconsult eu Foreign Office, a '
terminé sa plaidoirie en réponse, au nom du Gouvernement du Royaume-
M. Guerrero, President en fonction, a alorsdéclaré la clôture
de la procedureorale.

La Raye, le 14 mai 1954.

The following in£ormiion from the Registryof the In%ernntional
Court of Justice has been comunic~ted to the Press:

The Internationa Clourt of Justice held its last publicsitting
to-day, May kbth, on the preliminary question raised by the Italian
Government in the case co~cerning the Monetary Gold remved from bme
in 19&3 (1taly v. United States of Amzrica, France, United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland).

e Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice ,egal Adviser to the Foreign Office,
completed his statement in reply on behalf of the United Kingdom

VLce-Presiden tuerrero, Acting President, then declared the
oral procedurecloseà.

The Hague, PlAy lbth, 1954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Sitting of May 14th, 1954
