Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on M

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The following infonia.tion from the 3egistry of the Internatio~al Court
of Justice has bean comunicated to t!ie Press:

At El a.m, on Monday, Ivisy 10th, 1954, the International Court of Justice

will hold a public sitting for the hearing of speeches in the case of the
Monetary Gold removed from Rome in 19.43.

Proceedings in this case were Unstituted by the ItaLian Goverment
against the Government of the French Zepublic, of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of the United States of herica by
Application dated biay 19th, 1953.

On October 3Oth, 1953, the Agent of the Italian Government, wi$hin the
the-lin-it fixed for the presentation of a Mernorial by that Gaverment, filed
in t'rieRegistry a documenteentitled "Preliminary QuestionIl. By an Order
dated November3rd, 1953, the Court fixed a the-1Wt within which the

Italian Governent might presenta written statment defining its position,
and another the-limit for the respondents to submit theis observations

Thé present hearings will. be devoted to this Preliminary Question.

The Parties will be reprezented before the Court as follows:

Fry theItalian Government:
Agent: H.E. M. Casto Caruso, Italian Ambassador at The Hague;

Caunsel: M. TomasoPerassi, Professor of International Law at
the Faculty of Rome;

For the Government of the French Republic:

---ent: 14, André Gros, Legal Adviser to the ibiinistry for Foreign

Sourisel: M. Phi3.ippe Monod, IvIinister Plenipotentiary;

For theGovernment of the United Kingdom:

A~ent: Sir Gerald G. Fitzmaurice, K.C.K.G. ,egal Adviser,
Foreign office;

Counsel: Fk. J. 2,. S. Fawcett, D.S.C., Iqmber of the aglish Bar.

The Government of the United States has stated thatit does not uitend
50 participate in the oral proceedings in this case.

InThenthe Court has adjudicated uponthe Preliminary Question in the
I~lonetaryGold case, it hi11 deal with the Advisory Opinion requested by the
General Assembly of the United Nations in the rnatter of the effect of awards
nade by the United Nations Idministrative Trfiunal.

The Hague, April 29th, 1954.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Monetary Gold Removed from Rome in 1943 (Italy v. France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States) - Representatives of the Parties at the hearings which will begin on May 10th, 1954
