Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Hearing of March 23rd, 1953

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Communiqu6 No. 53/2.
(Unof ficial)

The following information from the Eiegistry of the Inter-

national Couxi of Justice has ben communicate d o the Press,

Tg-day, March 23rd, 1753, the International Court of Justice
beld a public hearing tu exde, in its second phase, the dispute
between Greece and the United Kingdom of Grezt Britain and Borthern
Ireland concerning damage alleged ta have been suffered by a Greek
national, M, Arnbatielos, as n result of measures taken by the British
authositics, This case, inrespect of wliich proceedings had ben
instituted in April, 1951, by an Application by the Hellenic Govem-
ment, was the subject of a Judgment delivercd on July lst, 1952, on a
preljmhiargr Objection lodged by the United Kingdom; in this Judgment
the Court found that it had jurisdiction,

The Court sat under the presidency of iis Vice-Fresldsnt, M.

J. G. Guerrero, since its President, Sir Arnold McNair, is a national
of one of th2 Parties In the case. Throc Nerntxrs of the Court wese
not pre sent at kO-day s sittfn g $94.Zoricic and Golwsky, who had
informed the President tliattheir st&e of hsalth prevented them from
takhg pert in the case, and Sir Benegal Rau who was confined to kis
room owing to an indisposition. Prafcssor Spiropoulos, chosen as
Judge ad hoc by the EIcllenic Government, who had elrcndy sat in the
first phase of the case was przsent on the Bcnch.

Thc Roy21 Hallenic Government was represented before th6
Court by its A~~i~t~~~A +,ed, M. Verghis, Char& diaffaires a. l. of
C-reece at The A~gue, cind by the following Counsel: Tho Bight Kon. Sir
Fxmk Soskice, Q.C+, M.P., former Attorney-General of the United
Kingdom, M. C .John Colornbos, Q.C., LL.D., and Profcssr Henri Rolin, of

the University of Bmssels, former Fresidenk of the &lgian Senete.

The United Kingdan of Great Britain and Northern Ireland wzs
reprcsente2b by its Agent, MY. W.V. S. Evans, Assistant Legal kdviser,
Foreign Office, by the follovsj_ng Cornsel: Mr. G.G. Fitzmaurice ,;M,G.,
Second Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, Mr. J.E,S. Fawcett, D.S.C.,
Membar of the English Bar, and Mr. D.H.N. Johnson, lLssistant Legal
Ldviser, Foreign Office .
President Guerrero cc?.lleupon 1%. Henri Rolk, who beem his
stziement of the Helzcnic Coveunment s case.
Me. HenriRolriri vrill'eontin uies speech at the sittVlg which

~dll begin to-morrbw, blarch 24th, at 10-30a.m.

The Hague, PCarch 23rd, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearing of March 23rd, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Ambatielos (Greece v. United Kingdom) - Hearing of March 23rd, 1953
