Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Filing of a Preliminary Objection by the United States

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

I.C. J.

Thc: following 2nr"oriil~tion frorn ihc Rogistry of tho

International Court of justice kis been com;:unicatcd to thc Tress:

On 21st Juno, 1951, th¢ finitcd Stc.tes Ambnçs&dor t~ thc

i\fatht.rli.nds,on behalf of his C-ovcrmsfit, filed ir! the Regiçtry of

the Internationa Court of Justice z Preliïninary Objection in thc

proccodings pcnding bctwoen the Unit~d States z.nZtlie ?Lepublic of

France conccrifing the rights of natiosals of the üni.tcd Stzkcsin

Phro cco.

It is contended, in '&is Objection, thrt th2 P~ench

Goverment has failcd clearly to spcify, cither in its Api~licction

instituting proceodings or in its T5einoï.is1,tho idcniity of tlio parties

in w-iose nana on whosa beh~ii' the cusc wc?~brought, The Uilit~d

would bu hound by .the jv.dgmri_t of thc Court: in otnoll ~mrds, .would

7rencc bu bound in Its own righi-and capzsitr, or in its capccity

as Proteetor of i40rocc0, or in both 01 tli~se ccpaeitics?

Thc 7relirr;inarg Objection of th:: United Stctcs hns beari,

comiunicat¢d to the 2reiich C-ovzi-rnnientand. r.611i2.ii.uc course be .the

subject oi the usual n~tifications,

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing of a Preliminary Objection by the United States

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Filing of a Preliminary Objection by the United States
