Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Filing, by the United Kingdom, of an Application instituting proceedings against Iran

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~omnWiqu6 No, 51/22.

The following information from the Registrjr of the International
Court of Justice has been communieate do the Press;

On May 26th, 1951, LhheGoverment of the United Kingdoin
filed in the Registry of the-Internation aourt of Justice an Application
Lnstituting proceedings against the Imperia1 Governmen tf Dan in
eonnsction with the application of'the Convention dated April 29th, L933,
be tween Iran, and the Anglo-Irania Onil Company,

The United Kingdom Governmntls submissiona sre formulated
as follows in its Application:
The Court is nsked :
(a) Todeclare that theImperialGovermentof Iranaremder

a duty to submit the dispute betweenthemselves and the
Anglo-Irenian Oil Company,Limited, to arbitratiou nnder
the provisions of Article 22 of the Convention concluded on
the 29thApril,1933, bettveen the Irnperial Guvernment of
Persia and the Anglo-Persia nilCompany, Limited, and to
accep% and carry out ailyAward issued as a result of such
*w arbitra ion,

(b) Alternatlvely,

To declare Ghet the putthg into effect of the Iranian -
OilNatioi~alisat ion Act of the 1st May, 1951, In so far
as it purportsto affzct a unilamteral annulment, or
alteration of the terms, of the Convention concluded on
the 29th AprLL, 1933, between the Imperta1 Government
of Persia and the Angla-Persia Onil Company, Limited,

contrary to Articles 21 and 26 thereaf, would be an act
contrary to interm-itional 1xt1for which the Imperia1
Govermint of Iran would be international lesponsible:

(ii)To declare that Article 22 of the aforesaid Cocvention
continues to be legallg binding on the Imperia1
Goverment of Iran 2nd that,bg denylng to the Anglo-
Iranian Oil Cciripa~y,Late d, the exclusive legal
rcmedy providedin Article 22 of the aforesaid
Convention he Imperia1 kvernment bave committed a
denial of justice contraryto international law: .

(iii) To declare that the aforesaid Convent ioncannotlawfully
be annulled, or its termsalt~red, by the merial
Governiwnt of Iran, otherwisethan as the result of
agreement with the Anglo-Iranian 0i1 Company, LLmLted, or
- undcr tne conditions provLded in Article 26 of the

Conven ion :

(iv) To ad judgcthat the Imperia1 Government of Iran should give
full satisfaction and indemnity for al1 acts committed in
relation to the Angla-Iranian Oil Company,Limited, which
are contrary to internationaL law of the aforesaid
Agreement, and ta determine the manner of such satisfaction
and indemnity .

The Applicatio n as hmzdiately com.micated to the
' Iranian Goverment.

The Hague, May 28th) 1951,

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing, by the United Kingdom, of an Application instituting proceedings against Iran

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. (United Kingdom v. Iran) - Filing, by the United Kingdom, of an Application instituting proceedings against Iran
