International status of South West Africa - The General Assembly requests the Court to give an Advisory Opinion

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1.C.J. Com~liuniaué n 49/28

The followin nformation from the Registry of the

International Court of Justice has bcan communicatetd o the Press :

On Decaber 27th, 1949,thc Intcrnctional C&rt of

Justice receivcd a letter from the Sccrctary GeneraL of t3c

United Nations transrnitting the resolutio of Decernber Oth, 1949,

in which the General Assmbly requested the Intcrnationzl Court af

* Justice to glvc an advisory opinion on the following question :

" the Tnternational statlzs of the Territory of
SouthWest Africannd whct are the internationa obligations
of thc Union of South Africa arfsulg therefrom, in particular

(a) Does the Union of South Africa continue to have
internationcl1 obligctions under the mandate for
South niestAfrica and if so what arc those
obligetions ?

(b) Are ihe provisions of Chapter XI1 of the Charter

applicable, and if so, in what mnner, to the
Territory of South idest Africa ?

(c) Has the Unionof South Africz the cornpetence to
rnodify the internationzl status of the Territory
of South West Afriça, or, in the ment of a
negative reply, wherc does cmpctence rest to
determine and modify the internztione status of
the Territory ?If

The Pr esident of the International Cou-rt of Justice made

on December 30th, 1949, an Order fixing S?larch 20th, 1950, as the .

time-llrnit for filingwritten statan~nts an the question by liembers

of the United Nations.

The Hague, ~ccÉmber 30th, 1949.


Document file FR
Document Long Title

International status of South West Africa - The General Assembly requests the Court to give an Advisory Opinion
