Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges ad hoc, Agents and Counsels by each of the Parties

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ComuniquG Na. 5d3

The followin~ infam?tion, emnatin,~ f rom tka Elegistry of the

Intemztion~J Court of Justice, has been commicat~d to the Press:

In the Haya de la Torre case, now before the Internationa Court

of Justice, the Gavernnent sf Colombia md Peru hava chosen as juizes

C a6- hoc:

For Colombia : M. JO& Joaquin Caiceclo Castills,

For Feru : Pl, LuisI;ilayes yPaz Soldan.

MM. ILI?yxa and Caicedo had alreecly acteci as Juclges cd hoc in ths

JLsylum Case between the s?ns Ste.tes,

In alc5uon, Colombia h?,s a~pointcd as its :@nt M. J.G. de la Vega,

Knister of Colombia to the Netherl,mds ~yid as CounseL M. Camilo de

Brigerd anci Professor 3, Yepes.

Peru has apointed M. C. Spy-nn L~Yz~~z ES :%gent ES Gounsel

Professor G. Scelle M, J, Lopez Olivm. In adcTition, the Feruvizn
delegetion will inclucleM. F. Tuclelz, iiclvocate,M. Morales,

Parliementary Interpreter, 17.nM.. J.J. Calle y CalLe, Secretery.

Colombiadeposited its Mernorial within the the-limit fixed,

i,e. Februcry ?th, Tho timc-lirnit for the filing af the Counter-

Mernoriel by Teru is March Isth, 1951.

The Haquc, Febru~ry qth, 1951.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Haya de la Torre (Colombia/Peru) - Appointment of Judges <i>ad hoc</i>, Agents and Counsels by each of the Parties
