Written statement of Syria

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1 ICJ, Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 ("Chagos"), Advisory
Opinion, 25 February 2019, para. 144.
2 See, East Timar (Portugal v. Australia), Judgment para. 29; see also ICJ, Barcelona Traction, Light and Power
Company, Limited (New Application: 1962) (Belgium v. Spain), Second Phase, Judgment, para. 33; ICJ, Chagos, Advisory
Opinion, para. 180.
3 See ILC Commentaries Articles State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts, commentary to article 26, p.85,
para. 5; commentary to article 40, p. 113, para 5.
4 UNGA, A/RES/2625 (XXV).
5 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77 /208.
6 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77/208.
7 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77 /25.
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J~ 0.JJ J~ ~ <JY <.$-»9 ~ ~_,l 4-:_,l.h.JI ~l...:::i;JI i.:.i\~~11 ~ _);.ill ,~YI
8 See, for example, HRC, A/HRC/RES/34/29, A/HRC/RES/37 /34, A/HRC/RES/40/22, A/HRC/RES/ 49/28.
9 See, for example, A/HRC/RES/34/29, A/HRC/RES/37/34, A/HRC/RES/40/22, A/HRC/RES/49/28.
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13 See, UNSC Resolutions 242 (1967), 252 (1968), 267 (1969) and 298 (1971).
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18 ICRC, Commentary of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War, 1958,
Article 47, p. 275 "The occupation ofterritory in wartime is essentially a temporary, de facto situation, which deprives
the occupied Power of neither its statehood nor its sovereignty; it merely interferes with its power to exercise its
rights. That is what distinguishes occupation from annexation, whereby the Occupying Power acquires all or part of
the occupied territory and incorporates it in its own territory. Consequently occupation as a result of war, while
representing actual possession to all appearances, cannot imply any right whatsoever to dispose of territory. As long
as hostilities continue the Occupying Power cannot therefore annex the occupied territory, even if it occupies the
whole of the territory concerned. A decision on that point can only be reached in the peace treaty. That is a universally
recognized rule which is endorsed by jurists and confirmed by numerous rulings of international and national courts.".
19 International Conferences (The Hague), Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
and Its Annex: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land ('Hague Convention IV"), Regulation 43.
20 Hague Convention IV, Regulation 42, See, 10, Wall opinion, Separate Opinion of Judge Koroma, para. 2; Hague
convention IV, Regulation 43.
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wlr-~)'I ~ _μ1 'tJA'JI ~.J J..oWI ~\ ~G...J ,o~\ ~~I ~ ~ .34
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• ~\:JI u.a ~_jA JI CJ.JJ
-(2016) 2334
The Advisory Opinion of the Syrian Arab Republic presented to the
International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences Arising from Policies
and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Including East
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted with overwhelming majority
Resolution number 77/247, issued on 30/12/2022 to request the International Court of
Justice to render an advisory opinion on the two following issued related to the
Palestinian cause:
A- What are the legal consequences arising from Israel's continued violation of
the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, its long-term occupation
of the Palestinian territories since 1967 and its settlement on and annexation of
these territories, and from the Israeli measures aimed at changing the
demographic composition, character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem,
including adoption of relevant discriminatory legislations and measures?"
B- How do the policies and practices of "Israel" referred to in paragraph 18 above
affect the legal status of occupation, and what are the legal consequences of this
situation for all states and the United Nations?""
The philosophy of occupation, in principle, totally contradicts all the values, ethics,
laws and charters that humanity has established throughout its long history to preserve
human dignity and sanctity, to secure international peace and security, and to save the
world from the scourges and sufferings of wars. The crime of occupation has been and
continues to be one of the most serious, if not the most serious and evil crime in the
history of Mankind because of the occupation's flagrant violation of the Charter of the
United Nations, the provisions of international law, international human rights law and
international humanitarian law, and all international charters and customary rules, and
due the horrendous grave crimes committed by it. Occupation acts primarily on the
basis of usurping land by force, which is essentially prohibited under international law
and the provisions of the Charter, and of suppressing the will of the peoples seeking to
degrade their dignity and deprive them of their basic rights. Today, Israel, the
occupying power, is the clearest example of the failure of the international community
to prevent the heinous crime of occupation and to ensure the implementation of the
relevant resolutions of the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Human
Rights Council.
The Syrian Arab Republic reaffirms its full support for the Palestinian people and their
right to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state with
Jerusalem as its capital. The Syrian Arab Republic condemns the crimes of the Israeli
occupation with its systematic and continuous brutal attacks for decades against the
Palestinian people and the people of the occupied Syrian Arab Golan, and condemns
Israel's grave and continuing violations of the provisions of international law, the
Charter of the United Nations and its relevant resolutions, and the provisions of the
international humanitarian law, including provisions in Section III of the Fourth
Geneva Convention of 1949, articles 47 et seq. The Syrian Arab Republic stresses the
need to hold accountable those responsible for these violations so they will not get away
with impunity.
• First, what are the legal consequences arising from the continuous
violation by "Israel" of the right of the Palestinian people to selfdetermination
and from Israel's prolonged occupation, settlement
and annexation of the Palestinian lands occupied since 1967? What
are the legal consequences arising also from Israel's actions aimed at
changing the demographic composition, the geographical character
and the status of the city of al-Quds AI-Sharif, along with Israel's
adoption of the relevant discriminatory legislations and measures?
1. Self-Determination:
1. At the time when many countries worldwide were gaining independence and
freedom, the Palestinian people were deprived of exercising their right to selfdetermination.
The dispossession and displacement of the Palestinian people, the
denial of their rights and the discrimination against them by "Israel" continue to
impede the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people,
including their right to self-determination and the right of return to their
2. The right to self-determination is defined as the freedom of all peoples to
determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural
development without external interference. It is considered a fundamental human
right and has a wide scope of application.1 Respect for the right to selfdetermination
is also an argument and obligation erga omnes, which means that
it is a right for everyone because all states have a legal interest in it, and likewise,
it is the duty of everyone to protect this right. 2 The basic provisions of
international Humanitarian Law applicable in armed conflicts are also regarded
as "inviolable" .3
3-The right to self-determination is enshrined, among other international
instruments and conventions, in Article 1 (2) of the Charter of the United
Nations: it provides_ according to the Declaration of the UN General Assembly
containing the principles of international law on friendly relations and
cooperation between states_ that each state shall "refrain from any forced action
depriving peoples [ . .] of their right to self-determination, freedom and
independence", and each state shall "encourage, through joint and unilateral
action, the realization of the principle[ . .] of self-determination of peoples"4

The right to self-determination of peoples is also reiterated and affirmed in
Article 1 common between the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which obliges
states that are parties to these Covenants to promote the realization and respect
of this right, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United
4. The United Nations General Assembly continues to repeatedly emphasize, in
particular, the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination5. It has urged all
states, specialized agencies and organizations affiliated to the United Nations
system to continue to support the Palestinian people and assist them in achieving
1 ICJ, Legal Consequences of the Separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965 ("Chagos"), Advisory
Opinion, 25 February 2019, para. 144.
2 See, East Timar (Portugal v. Australia), Judgment para. 29; see also ICJ, Barcelona Traction, Light and Power
Company, Limited (New Application: 1962) (Belgium v. Spain), Second Phase, Judgment, para. 33; ICJ, Chagos, Advisory
Opinion, para. 180.
3 See ILC Commentaries Articles State Responsibility for Internationally Wrongful Acts, commentary to article 26, p.85,
para. 5; commentary to article 40, p. 113, para 5.
4 UNGA, A/RES/2625 (XXV).
5 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77 /208.
their right to self-determination6. The UN General Assembly has also called for the
realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, the foremost of which
are the right to self-determination and the right to establish their independent state 7
The UN Security Council called for an end to the Israeli occupation. In the same
context, the Human Rights Council continues to consistently recognize the
"inalienable, permanent and unconditional right of the Palestinian people to selfdetermination,
including their right to live in freedom, justice and dignity and their
right to have an independent state of Palestine"8
. Israel violates this right through,
for example, the establishment and continued expansion of illegal settlements in the
Occupied Palestinian Territories, including Jerusalem." 9 Of particular note here is
the discriminatory Israeli legislation of2018, the" Basic Law": "Israel as the nationstate
of the Jewish people", which recognizes the right to self-determination
exclusively for the so-called "Jewish people", and is committed to encouraging and
promoting Jewish settlement, which clearly and flagrantly means denying the right
of the Palestinian people to self-determination on their land and in their homeland.
5. Legal Consequences for" Israel": "Israel" is obliged to comply with the duty to
respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. "Israel" must put an
immediate end to the violation of its international obligations to respect the right of
the Palestinian people to self-determination by halting all actions and measures that
prevent and/or impede the exercise of the Palestinian people's right to selfdetermination,
including putting an immediate end of the occupation in all its forms
and manifestations and the related actions and practices aimed at prolonging the
occupation and continuing to deny the established inalienable rights of the
Palestinian people.
6. Legal consequences for third states: since the right to self-determination is an ergo
omnes argument and obligation on all subjects of international law, all states must
respect it and seek to achieve it. In line with the relevant resolutions of the UN General
Assembly, it is also the responsibility of all states, consistent with respect for the UN
Charter and international law, to immediately put an immediate end to the obstruction
of the Palestinian people's exercise of their right to self-determination.
6 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77 /208.
7 See, most recently, UNGA, A/RES/77 /25.
8 See, for example, HRC, A/HRC/RES/34/29, A/HRC/RES/37 /34, A/HRC/RES/ 40/22, A/HRC/RES/ 49 /28.
9 See, for example, A/HRC/RES/34/29, A/HRC/RES/37/34, A/HRC/RES/40/22, A/HRC/RES/49/28.
7. Legal consequences for the United Nations: the United Nations, in particular the
General Assembly and the Security Council, should consider the additional measures
required to put an immediate end to any obstruction preventing the Palestinian people
from obtaining their right to self-determination, and take the necessary measures to
ensure the implementation of their relevant resolutions without any further delay.
2-Prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation:
8. The illegal Israeli settlements and the system associated with them are the main
features of the illegal occupation. Settlements refer to the illegal transfer of Israeli
settlers from all over the world and their settlement in colonial settlements built for that
purpose in the occupied territories with the aim of establishing a permanent presence.
The system associated with these settlements includes all policies, practices and
relevant infrastructure, including the wall, the apartheid wall, designed to perpetuate
this illegal existence and to displace Palestinians from their land and then seize their
land by force.
9. This system is based on a dual process: on the one hand, the forced displacement of
Palestinians and the confiscation of their lands, and on the other hand, the transfer of
Israeli settlers and the construction and expansion of settlements on confiscated lands.
This is carried out through the continuous and direct use of atrocious actual force and
the threats to use it, through creating and perpetuating a coercive environment and
through attacks targeting civilians by the Israeli occupation forces and settlers, in
addition to illegal land seizures, discriminatory policies towards residents, the blockade
imposed on the Gaza Strip, house demolitions and mass arbitrary arrest and detention.
10. International Humanitarian Law prohibits the forced displacement of the occupied
people and the transfer of citizens of the occupying power to the occupied territories,
as confirmed by Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that provides for the
protection of civilian persons in times of war, thus forced displacement and transfer of
citizens by the occupying power constitute grave violations under Article 14 7 of the
convention. Each high contracting party to the Convention, whether a party in a
particular conflict or not, is obliged to ensure compliance with the provisions of the
Convention. This is provided for in Article 1 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which
states that "the High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and ensure respect for
this Convention in all circumstances" and under Articles 146 and 14 7 of the
11. The United Nations General Assembly1°, the Security Council11 and the Human
Rights Council 12 have consistently sought to condemn the illegal settlement and
establishment of settlements on the occupied Arab territories, reaffirmed the principle
of the inadmissibility of the seizure and acquisition of land by force, and condemned
and rejected Israeli measures aimed at changing the demographic composition,
character and status of Jerusalem, as well as of the entire Occupied Palestinian territory
as a whole_ through, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, the
relocation of Israeli settlers, the confiscation of land, the demolition of houses and the
displacement of Palestinian civilians, all of which are illegal practices under
international law.
12. The Prolonged Israeli occupation confirms the intention of the occupying power
to make it permanent, in flagrant violation of the principle of inadmissibility of the
seizure and acquisition of territory by force. It also confirms Israel's intention to
maintain permanent possession of the Occupied Palestinian Land and to exercise
permanent hegemony over them.
13. The political program of the current and former Israeli occupation authorities
provides ample evidence of the occupying power's determination to ensure the
continuation of its illegal occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including
Jerusalem. They have consistently initiated, supported and financed the building and
expansion of colonial settlements and have taken measures and carried out practices to
deprive the Palestinian people of their inalienable rights, including, inter alia, the right
to self-determination and sovereignty over their natural resources. The same practices
and measured were exercised against the Occupied Syrian Arab Golan and the Syrian
Golan population, the owners of the land.
14. The actual annexation of parts of the Occupied Palestinian Land is embodied
through a continuous gradual process involving the implementation of measures and
actions on the ground that demonstrate the determination of "Israel", the occupying
power, to remain permanently present and to illegally claim sovereignty over the
occupied territories or parts thereof; these measures and actions include, among others,
the following:
10 Including UNGA, A/RES/77 /126.
11 Including UNSC, S/RES/446, S/RES/2334.
12 Including HRC, A/ HRC/RES/49/4.
A-The size, infrastructure and location of settlements that indicate the purpose to
make them sustainable and capable of control over natural resources therein.
B-Government plans and directives that allowed the establishment and expansion
of settlements since the beginning of the occupation.
C-The legislation that created a dual legal system in the occupied territories in favor
of the settlers at the expense of the occupied people, including the Basic Law of
2018: "Israel" as the national state of the Jewish people, which states that the
government considers the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and
thus will seek to encourage and promote its establishment and consolidation.
D-Public statements of Israeli officials testifying to the fact that the settlements and
the system associated with them constitute a deliberate policy of obtaining a
permanent presence for the annexation of the territories, and confirm that the actual
annexation has already taken place.
E-The pattern conducted by "Israel's" occupation of Jerusalem as a prelude to the
city's actual annexation shows that this is the desired future planed by "Israel" for
the rest of the occupied territories. The policies followed in Jerusalem in terms of
isolating Palestinians and forcibly displacing them from the city, confiscating and
demolishing their homes, preventing building and renovation permits, transferring
Israeli settlers to these homes, and establishing and expanding colonial settlements
are what "Israel" is working on in the rest of the occupied West Bank.
F-The guidelines and coalition agreements of the new Israeli occupation authorities
sworn in on December 29, 2022, in which they explicitly declare that "the Jewish
people have an exclusive and indisputable right to all areas of "Israel" and
undertake to strengthen and develop settlements throughout what they called the
"land of Israel" - in the Galilee, the Negev, the occupied West Bank and the
occupied Golan despite the confirmation by the Security Council Resolution No.
497 of 1981 that "Israel's" decision to annex the occupied Syrian Arab Golan is
null and void and has no legal effect.
G- The transfer of authority of the Occupation Administration to the Israeli
government, and the expansion of direct civil legal authority over illegal
settlements, amounts to an annexation.
15. In June 1967, "Israel" occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, including
Jerusalem, and the Syrian Arab Golan. Both the UN Security Council and the UN
General Assembly confirmed that such a seizure of territory using force is
unacceptable. 13 After that, "Israel" took a number of legislative and administrative
measures in an attempt to extend its authority over the city of Jerusalem. In particular,
in 1980 the Israeli Knesset adopted the "Basic Law: Jerusalem", which states that
"Jerusalem, whole and United" is the "capital of Israel", effectively annexing the city
in flagrant violation of international law, and of the city's own international status.
In response, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution No. 4 78, which declared
that "all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the
occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status
of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent "basic law" on Jerusalem,
are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith". Since then, the Israeli
occupation authorities have worked to consolidate further annexation instead of
reversing it.
Most recently, the Security Council once again condemned in its Resolution 2334
"all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status
of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem,
including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of
Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of
Palestinian civilians", all of which constitute flagrant violations of International
Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law and all relevant international
resolutions. The UN General Assembly regularly reiterates that any actions taken
by "Israel", the occupying power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration
in the city of Jerusalem are illegal and therefore null and void and have no legitimacy
whatsoever, and it calls on "Israel" to "immediately cease all such illegal and
unilateral actions" and demands respect for the historical status quo on the holy
places in Jerusalem, including the Haram al-Sharif, in word and deed. In its
presidential statement adopted in February 2023, the UN Security Council also
called for "upholding the historical status quo on the holy places in Jerusalem at all
costs in word and deed without alteration".
13 See, UNSC Resolutions 242 (1967), 252 (1968), 267 (1969) and 298 (1971).
16. Legal consequences for "Israel": Israel is obliged to immediately stop all its
violations of its legal obligations in Jerusalem and the all other Occupied Palestinian
Territories as a whole. The cessation of such violations entails, inter alia, the
dismantling of illegal structures, including settlements and the wall, the cancellation or
deactivation of all legislative and regulatory acts adopted with the aim of building
illegal settlements and creating a related system. Also, "Israel" is also obliged to make
reparation for the damage caused to all natural or legal persons concerned, through
restitution and compensation.
17. Legal consequences for third states: in view of the nature and importance of the
rights and obligations involved, all states are obliged not to recognize the illegal
situation resulting from Israeli violations in the occupied Arab territories of Palestine,
the Golan and southern Lebanon, including illegal situation related to Jerusalem. States
are also obliged not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation caused by
such illegal actions. In addition, all states parties to the Geneva Convention relative to
the protection of civilian persons in time of war dated August 12, 1949, are obliged,
consistent with respect for the UN Charter and International Law, to ensure the
compliance of "Israel", the occupying power, with International Humanitarian Law, as
provided for in that Convention, including with regard to the forced displacement of
Palestinians and the transfer of Israeli settlers to the occupied territories.
18. It should recalled that the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 77/25, called
on all states, consistent with their obligations under the Charter and relevant Security
Council resolutions, inter alia:
(A)-not to recognize any alterations to the pre-1967 borders, including what
those relevant to Jerusalem, that are in prejudice to what was agreed by the
parties through negotiations, and to ensure that agreements with "Israel" do
not imply recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the territories occupied by
"Israel" in 1967·
(B) not to provide aid or assistance to illegal settlement activities, including
not providing "Israel" with any assistance specifically for use in connection
with settlements in the occupied Arab territories of Palestine and the Golan,
in line with Security Council Resolution 465 (1980) of 1 March 1980;
(D ). respect and ensure respect for international law in all circumstances,
including and by establishing accountability measures, consistent with
international law.
19. Legal consequences for the UN: the UN, in particular the General Assembly and
the Security Council, should consider the additional measures required to immediately
end the illegal occupation and take the necessary measures to ensure the
implementation of its relevant resolutions without any further delay.
3. Discriminatory Legislations and Measures
20. Since its inception, "Israel" has adopted various discriminatory legislation aimed
at ensuring its control over the maximum geography with the minimum possible
number of Palestinians, in order to make the colonization of the Occupied Palestinian
Territories permanent. Discriminatory Israeli legislations culminated in the adoption of
the "Basic Law: Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people" in 2018, that recognizes
the right to self-determination exclusively for the so-called "Jewish people", and is
committed to encouraging and promoting Jewish settlement, which blatantly means the
actual deprivation of the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination on their
land and in their homeland. This legislation was accompanied by policies and practices
of apartheid and discrimination with the aim of perpetuating and consolidating the
control of one ethnic group of persons over another ethnic group while systematically
suppressing them. The practices of the occupation authorities against civilians in the
occupied Arab territories in Palestine and the occupied Syrian Arab Golan expressed
the most heinous forms of apartheid and racial discrimination.
21. The settlements are maintained through a system of blatantly discriminatory
measures imposed against Palestinians that lead to continuous severe harm to the
Palestinian people and violate their basic rights. The UN Human Rights Council has
described these measures as "a combination of movement restrictions consisting of the
wall, checkpoints, a permit system that affects only the Palestinian population, and the
application of a two-tier legal system that facilitated the establishment and
consolidation of settlements and other violations and forms of institutional
discrimination" .14
14 HRC, A/HRC/RES/49/29, para. 7(c).
22. The impact of the Israeli settlement system and its associated discriminatory and
coercive policies and measures imposed on the Palestinian people (as well as on the
Syrians in the occupied Syrian Arab Golan) is enormous and far-reaching. These
discriminatory measures severely deprive Palestinians of their fundamental rights,
including, inter alia, their fundamental rights to self-determination, human dignity,
freedom of movement, property, livelihoods, access to justice, education and other
basic services, freedom of worship and family, life, privacy, security, freedom from
discrimination and inhuman treatment.
23. The UN General Assembly has always, and for many years, condemned, in a large
number of resolutions, the discriminatory policies and practices of "Israel", the
occupying power, against the Palestinians ( as well as the Syrians in the occupied Syrian
Arab Golan), which affect them disproportionately, including "killing and injuring
civilians, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and forced displacement of civilians, transfer
of settlers to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, destruction and confiscation of
civilian properties, demolishing homes, practices that "Israeli" occupation authorities
resort to as collective punishment in clear violation of international human rights law,
international humanitarian law and human rights legal instruments".15
24. Recently, in its resolution 77/126, the General Assembly stressed the urgent need
to reverse the negative trends on the ground, including the construction of settlements
and the demolition of Palestinian homes, which threaten the peace process, entrench
inequality of rights and discrimination and prevent the Palestinian people from
exercising their fundamental rights. 16
25. In the Gaza Strip, "Israel" practices racial discrimination towards the Palestinian
population in the form of exclusion and racially motivated restrictions resulting from
its ongoing blockade, which actually and significantly obstructs the enjoyment and
exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms. The discriminatory nature of the
blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip was recognized by the UN Committee on the
elimination of racial discrimination. It was found to violate the convention on the
elimination of racial discrimination, affecting the right of Palestinians to movement,
housing and education, health, water and sanitation.17
1s UNGA, A/RES/77 /247, para. 2.
16 UNGA, A/RES/77/126.
17 See, CERD/C/ISR/C0/14-16, para. 26.
26. The actions of "Israel" do not occur in a random nor in a vacuum or in isolation,
but are part of a large-scale, repressive, organized and systematic regime. Those
practices have been identified as apartheid after a thorough factual and legal study by
the UN special procedures and by various international organizations. Apartheid is
most manifested in the Occupied Palestinian territories, including Jerusalem, where
illegally located settlers benefit from far-reaching privileges at the expense of the basic
rights of the Palestinian people. Apartheid also shows, inter alia, the dual and
discriminatory legal system, partition and discriminatory planning, as well as the
concerted efforts of the occupying forces and settlers to intimidate and oppress the
Palestinian people.
27. Legal consequences for "Israel": "Israel" is obliged to immediately repeal all
legislations aimed at or leading to the maintenance and perpetuation of apartheid and
racial discrimination against the Palestinian people and the geographical fragmentation
of the Occupied Palestinian territories that amounts to apartheid, including and through
the termination of its settlement activities and the system related to these activities, the
cessation of all discriminatory policies and practices, while providing guarantees to
ensure the non-recurrence of such policies and practices, along with due compensation
to all those affected by these policies and practices, including Palestinian refugees.
28. Legal consequences for third states: third states must immediately put an end
through legal means to the system of apartheid and discrimination that amounts to
apartheid established by "Israel", the occupying power; states must not recognize this
illegal situation as legal and must not provide any help or assistance in any way that
may perpetuate and maintain this situation.
29. Legal consequences of the United Nations: the United Nations, especially the
General Assembly and the Security Council, should consider the additional measures
required to end the apartheid system established by "Israel", the occupying power, and
take the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of its relevant resolutions
without further delay.
• II-How do the policies and practices of "Israel" referred to in paragraph 18
above affect the legal status of the occupation, and what legal consequences
arise for all states and the United Nations from this situation?
1-The illegality of occupation:
30. The behaviors and practices of the occupying power are strictly regulated by
International Law and International Humanitarian Law, and Article 49, paragraph 6, of
the Fourth Geneva Convention stipulates that "the occupying power shall not deport or
transfer parts of its civilian population to the territories it occupies"; and while the
occupation should be temporary in nature, 18 the Israeli occupation aims to ensure the
permanent presence and control of land and natural resources in the occupied Arab
territories in Palestine (and the occupied Syrian Arab Golan), through its settlements,
its attempt to legally and effectively annex the territories, and through imposing
restrictions on places where Palestinians can live and travel to, and through a racially
discriminatory legal and administrative system imposed in favor of Israeli settlers
depriving Palestinians of their basic rights. While the occupying power is obliged under
international law to administer the territory for the benefit of the people under its
occupation, 19 Israel administers the territory only for the benefit of its settlers, whom it
has transferred to the area at the expense of the occupied people for the purpose of
permanent colonization. When the occupying power is granted temporary
administrative powers, 20 annexations or claims of sovereignty over the territory are
strictly prohibited; "Israel" has thus sought to exercise fait accompli sovereignty over
Jerusalem and the occupied Arab territories as a whole, annexing some parts of it as
fait accompli with its constant attempts to legitimize the annexations.
31. It is inevitable to conclude that "Israel" has used, and continues to use, its
prolonged occupation as an excuse to pursue its illegal goal of annexing the
occupied territories, in flagrant violation of the UN Charter; Therefore, the Israeli
occupation itself must be considered, in the first place and altogether as illegal, and
it should not be suffice to just simply describe its practices and policies_
18 ICRC, Commentary of the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War, 1958,
Article 47, p. 275 "The occupation ofterritory in wartime is essentially a temporary, de facto situation, which deprives
the occupied Power of neither its statehood nor its sovereignty; it merely interferes with its power to exercise its
rights. That is what distinguishes occupation from annexation, whereby the Occupying Power acquires all or part of
the occupied territory and incorporates it in its own territory. Consequently occupation as a result of war, while
representing actual possession to all appearances, cannot imply any right whatsoever to dispose of territory. As long
as hostilities continue the Occupying Power cannot therefore annex the occupied territory, even if it occupies the
whole of the territory concerned. A decision on that point can only be reached in the peace treaty. That is a universally
recognized rule which is endorsed by jurists and confirmed by numerous rulings of international and national courts.".
19 International Conferences (The Hague), Hague Convention (IV) Respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land
and Its Annex: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land ('Hague Convention IV"), Regulation 43.
20 Hague Convention IV, Regulation 42, See, ICJ, Wall opinion, Separate Opinion of Judge Koroma, para. 2; Hague
convention IV, Regulation 43.
2-Legal consequences for "Israel":
32. The legal consequences of the court's decision that the Israeli occupation of the
Palestinian territories is illegal, both in its conduct and in its objective, constitute
"Israel's" commitment to an immediate and unconditional end to the illegal situation
for which it bears international responsibility, namely its occupation of the Arab
territories in Palestine and the rest of the occupied Arab territories, and the provision
of reparations.
3. Legal consequences for third states:
33. The legal consequences for third states and international organizations of the
court's decision that the Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian territories is
illegal and an immediate and unconditional end must be put to it; and therefore it is
imperative to commit to supporting efforts to end the illegal occupation without delay
and to refrain from any action that contributes to maintaining the illegal situation. Third
states are obliged to uphold the UN Charter.
4. Legal consequences for the United Nations:
34. The United Nations, in particular the General Assembly and the Security
Council, should consider the additional measures required to immediately and
unconditionally end the Israeli occupation of the occupied Arab territories in Palestine
and the Syrian Golan and take the necessary measures to ensure the implementation of
their relevant resolutions without any further delay.
The Syrian Arab Republic affirms the sovereign and inalienable right of Palestine and
Syria, that shall never lapse by prescription, to recover the entire occupied Palestinian
territories and the occupied Syrian Arab Golan by all means guaranteed by International
Law, and stresses that the Israeli occupation of Arab territories is fundamentally
invalid, as it is based on the acquisition of territories by force, in flagrant violation of
international law and the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, where
paragraph 4 of Article 2 of the charter prohibits the use of force_ "All members of the
commission shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state or in any other
manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations,"; the Syrian Arab
Republic reaffirms also the principle that states shall not obtain legal rights from
unilateral acts that do not comply with International Law, as this principle is stated in
the Declaration adopted in UN General Assembly Resolution No. 42/22 of 1987, on
increasing the effectiveness of the principle of refraining from the threat of the use of
force in international relations, (the territory of any state should not be the object of
seizure by another state as a result of the threat or use of force as legal use). Syria
reaffirms the principle of the temporary nature of the occupation. Occupation is a fait
accom li situation that does not give the occupying power the right of ownership in the
Occupied Territories, no matter how long it lasts.
Furthermore, Syria reiterates that the stability of the Middle East Region and the
credibility of the United Nations require taking measures to ensure the implementation
of all relevant international resolutions to end the Israeli occupation of all occupied
Arab territories and withdraw to the Fourth of June line of 1967, in accordance with
the relevant United Nations resolutions, in particular resolutions No. 242 (1967), No.
338 (1973), No. 497 (1981) and No. 2334 (2016).
The Charge d'Affairs,
Minister Plenipotentiary

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Written statement of Syria
