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El Consejo Nacional Electoral, en ejercicio de las atribuciones conferidas en
el articulo 293 numeral 5 y la Disposici6n Octava de la Conscicucion de la
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, en concordancia con el artkulo 33
numerates t. 3, 22 y 29 de la Ley Organica del Poder Electoral;
Que el Consejo Nacional Electoral, en sesi6n de fecha 20 de octubre de
2023, aprobo por unanimidad la celebracion del Referenda Consultivo en
defensa de ta Guayana Esequiba para el dia tres (03) de diciembre de 2023; el
cual fue solicitado y aprobado por la Asamblea Nacional el dia veintiuno (21)
de septiembre de 2023. ratificado el 20 de octubre del presente ano;
Que la Convocatoria y el Cronograma Electoral del Referenda Consultivo, contenidos en la Resoluci6n N.0 231020-0108 de fecha 20 de octubre
de 2023. publicada en la Gaceta Electoral de la Republica Bolivariana de
Venezuela N. 0 I 034 de la misma fecha;
Que en sesi6n del dia de hoy. el Consejo Nacional Electoral aprob6 por
unanimidad. las preguntas que se formularan a las electoras y los elecrores en
el Referenda Consultivo, en defensa de ta Guayana Esequiba a celebrarse el
dia tres (03) de diciembre de 2023;
PRIMERO: Dar a conocer a las venezolanas y los venezolanos, en quienes
reside la soberanfa inrransferiblemente, conforme lo previsto en el articulo 5
de la Constituci6n de la Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela, las preguntas
que se formularan en el Referenda Consultivo en defensa de la Guayana
I •
Esequiba. para que la voluntad del pueblo se exprese el dia tres (03) de
diciembre de 2023; siendo las preguntas las siguientes:
PRIMERA: ,Esta usted de acuerdo en rechazar por todos los medios,
conforme al Derecho, la lfnea impuesta fraudulenramente por et laudo
Arbitral de Pan's de I 899, que pretende despojamos de nuestra
SEGUNOA: ,Apoya usred el Acuerdo de Ginebra de 1966 como et unico
instrumento juridico valido para alcanzar una soluci6n practica y satisfactoria
para Venezuela y Guyana, en tomo a la controversia sobre el territorio de la
Guayana Esequiba~
TERCERA: ,Esta usted de acuerdo con la posici6n hist6rica de Venezuela
de no reconocer la jurisdicci6n de la Corte Internacional de Justicia para
resolver la controversia territorial sabre la Guayana Esequiba?
CUARTA: ,Esta usted de acuerdo en oponerse. por todos los medios
conforme a Derecho, a la pretension de Guyana de disponer unilateralmente
de un mar pendiente por delimitar, de manera ilegal y en violaci6n del
derecho internacional?
QUINTA: ,Esta usted de acuerdo con la creac16n de! estado Guayana
Esequiba y se desarrolle un plan acelerado para la atenci6n integral a la
poblaci6n actual y futura de ese cerritorio que incluya entre otros el
otorgamiento de la ciudadania y cedula de identidad venezo!ana, conforme al
Acuerdo de Ginebra y el Derecho Internacional, incorporando en
consecuencia dicho estado en el mapa del territorio venezolano?
SEGUNDO: Remitir la presente Resoluci6n a la Sala Constitucional del
Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, para que se pronuncie respecto a la
constitucionalidad de las cinco (5) pregunras a formularse en el Referenda
The National Electoral Council, in the exercise of the attributions conferred upon it under article
293, numeral 5 and the Eighth Provision of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, in accordance with miicle 33, numerals 1, 3, 22 and 29 of the Organic Law of the
Electoral Power;
That the National Electoral Council, in session on October 20, 2023 unanimously adopted
holding a Consultative Referendum in defense of Guayana Esequiba on the third (3) of
December 2023; which was solicited and approved by the National Assembly on the twenty first
(21) of September 2023, ratified on October 20th of this year;
That the Convening and Electoral Chronogram of the Consultative Referendum are contained in
Resolution N° 231020-0108 dated October 20, 2023 published in the Electoral Gazette of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela N° 1034 of said date;
That during today's sitting, the National Electoral Council unanimously adopted the questions in
the Consultative Referendum that voters will be asked, in defense of Guayana Esequiba to be
held on the third (3) of December 2023;
FIRST: To make the Venezuelans, in whom the untransferable sovereignty resides, according to
the provisions of article 5 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, aware of
the questions to be asked in the Consultative Referendum in defense of Guayana Esequiba, so
that the will of the people may be expressed on the third (3) of December 2023; which questions
are as follows:
FIRST: Do you agree to reject by all means, in accordance with the Law, the line fraudulently
imposed by the 1899 Paris Arbitral Award, that seeks to strip us of our Guayana Esequiba?
SECOND: Do you support the 1966 Geneva Agreement as the only valid legal instrument to
reach a practical solution satisfactory to Venezuela and Guyana, in relation to the controversy
over the Guayana Esequiba territory?
THIRD: Are you in agreement with Venezuela's historic position of not recognizing the
Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice to resolve the Guayana Esequiba territorial
FOURTH: Do you agree to oppose, by all means, in conformity with the Law, Guyana's
pretension of unilaterally making use of a sea pending delimitation, illegally and in violation of
international law?
FIFTH: Are you in agreement with the creation of a Guayana Esequiba State and for an
accelerated plan to be developed for comprehensive attention to the present and future
population of that territory that would include, among other things, the granting of Venezuelan
citizenship and identity cards, in conformity with the Geneva Agreement and International Law,
consequently incorporating said State on the map of Venezuelan territory?
SECOND: Remit this Resolution to the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice
for them to pronounce on the constitutionality of the five (5) questions to be asked in the
Consultative Referendum.
OCTOBER 25, 2023
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) notes the decision of the Venezuelan
National Assembly to conduct a popular referendum on defending
Venezuela's claim of the Essequibo.
CARICOM further notes that two of the questions approved to be posed in the
Referendum, if answered in the affirmative, would authorise the government
of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to embark on the annexation of
territory, which constitutes part of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and to
create a state within Venezuela known as Guyana Essequibo.
CARICOM reaffirms that international law strictly prohibits the government of
one State from unilaterally seizing, annexing or incorporating the territory of
another state. An affirmative vote as aforesaid opens the door to the possible
violation of this fundamental tenet of international law.
It is to be emphasised that the land and water in question - the Essequibo
Region of Guyana - comprises more than two-thirds of the whole of Guyana
CARICOM notes that the language of two questions approved to be posed in
the Referendum seeks an affirmation and implementation of Venezuela's
stance on the issue "by all means, according to/with the Law." It is open to
reasonable persons to conclude that "by all means", includes means of force
or war.
CARICOM earnestly hopes that Venezuela is not raising the prospect of using
force or military means to get its own way in this controversy over
territory. After all, it has been the long-standing position of Latin American
and Caribbean countries, including Venezuela, that our Region must remain a
Zone of Peace.
Meanwhile, CARICOM insists that the Referendum proposed by Venezuela has
no validity, bearing, or standing in international law in relation to this
controversy; the Referendum is a purely domestic construct, but its summary
effect is likely to undermine peace, tranquility, security, and more, in our
CARICOM reiterates its support for the judicial process and expresses the
hope that Venezuela will engage fully in that process before the International
Court of Justice which has determined that it has the jurisdiction in the case
brought before it to determine the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award which
Venezuela questions. The Court's final decision will ensure a resolution that is
peaceful, equitable and in accordance with international law.

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