Declaration of Judge ad hoc Keith

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Incidental Proceedings
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DECLARATION OF JUDGE AD HOC KEITH 1. I have two main reasons for agreeing with the rejection by the Court of Azerbaijan’s requested measures. 2. While it is the case that over 30 civilians in the areas recovered by Azerbaijan in the 44-day war have been killed and over 80 civilians injured, I am unable to see plausible evidence that these were the effects, let alone the purpose, of racially discriminatory acts in terms of Article 1 of CERD. By their very nature, landmines are indiscriminate in their effects. 3. Second, the requested measures would require Armenia to take actions in areas which Azerbaijan has now recovered and which are part of its sovereign territory. How could Armenia undertake those tasks? 4. My final point relates to paragraph 22, which repeats paragraph 53 of the 7 December 2021 Order, and which the Court endorses in paragraph 23 of the current Order. By their very nature, requests for provisional measures have to be dealt with urgently. The texts of such orders are prepared rapidly. That appears from the brief time which elapses between the hearings of such requests and the issuing of the orders. The Court is not able to follow the several very careful steps in which it engages when it prepares judgments and advisory opinions, as provided in its 1976 Resolution concerning the Internal Judicial Practice of the Court. The public manifestation of that practice appears in the much longer period which elapses between the ending of the oral proceedings and the delivery of the judgment or the advisory opinion. It follows that I do not think that the words of an order for provisional measures should be subjected to the kind of close analysis which may be appropriate for a sentence or a paragraph in a judgment or an advisory opinion. 5. In the current context, surely there can be no doubt, if racial discrimination were established on a plausible basis, that those being killed or injured would have been entitled to the benefit of Article 5 (b) of CERD to the “right to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily harm”? (Signed) Sir Kenneth KEITH. ___________

Bilingual Content

1. I have two main reasons for agreeing with the rejection by the Court of
Azerbaijan’s requested measures.
2. While it is the case that over 30 civilians in the areas recovered by
Azerbaijan in the 44-day war have been killed and over 80 civilians injured,
I am unable to see plausible evidence that these were the effects, let alone the
purpose, of racially discriminatory acts in terms of Article 1 of CERD.
By their very nature, landmines are indiscriminate in their effects.
3. Second, the requested measures would require Armenia to take actions
in areas which Azerbaijan has now recovered and which are part of its sovereign
territory. How could Armenia undertake those tasks?
4. My final point relates to paragraph 22, which repeats paragraph 53 of
the 7 December 2021 Order, and which the Court endorses in paragraph 23
of the current Order. By their very nature, requests for provisional measures
have to be dealt with urgently. The texts of such orders are prepared rapidly.
That appears from the brief time which elapses between the hearings of such
requests and the issuing of the orders. The Court is not able to follow the
several very careful steps in which it engages when it prepares judgments
and advisory opinions, as provided in its 1976 Resolution concerning the
Internal Judicial Practice of the Court. The public manifestation of that practice
appears in the much longer period which elapses between the ending of
the oral proceedings and the delivery of the judgment or the advisory opinion.
It follows that I do not think that the words of an order for provisional
measures should be subjected to the kind of close analysis which may be
appropriate for a sentence or a paragraph in a judgment or an advisory
5. In the current context, surely there can be no doubt, if racial discrimination
were established on a plausible basis, that those being killed or injured
would have been entitled to the benefit of Article 5 (b) of CERD to the “right
to security of person and protection by the State against violence or bodily
(Signed) Kenneth Keith.
1. Deux raisons principales m’ont conduit à souscrire à la décision de la
Cour de rejeter les mesures sollicitées par l’Azerbaïdjan.
2. S’il est vrai que plus de 30 civils ont été tués et plus de 80 blessés dans
les zones récupérées par l’Azerbaïdjan pendant la guerre de 44 jours, il ne
m’en est pas moins impossible de discerner des éléments de preuve plausibles
attestant que ces morts et blessés aient été l’effet, et encore moins
le but, d’actes de discrimination raciale au sens de l’article premier de la
CIEDR. Par leur nature même, les mines terrestres produisent leurs effets
sans discrimination.
3. Deuxièmement, les mesures sollicitées imposeraient à l’Arménie d’intervenir
dans des zones que l’Azerbaïdjan a maintenant recouvrées et qui
font partie de son territoire souverain. Comment l’Arménie pourrait-elle
procéder à ces interventions ?
4. Ma dernière observation concerne le paragraphe 22 de la présente
ordonnance, qui répète le paragraphe 53 de l’ordonnance du 7 décembre
2021, et que la Cour ratifie ensuite au paragraphe 23. Il entre dans la nature
même des demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires qu’elles
doivent être examinées d’urgence. Le texte des ordonnances auxquelles elles
donnent lieu est rédigé rapidement. Le peu de temps qui sépare les audiences
tenues sur ces demandes et le prononcé des ordonnances en est la preuve.
La Cour ne peut pas suivre les étapes multiples et bien définies qu’elle suit
quand elle prépare ses arrêts et avis consultatifs conformément à la résolution
de 1976 visant sa pratique interne en matière judiciaire. Cette pratique
se traduit publiquement par le délai beaucoup plus long qui sépare la clôture
de la procédure orale et le prononcé de l’arrêt ou de l’avis consultatif. Il s’ensuit
que, selon moi, la formulation d’une ordonnance en indication de
mesures conservatoires ne devrait pas être soumise au même type d’analyse
approfondie qui peut se justifier pour une phrase ou un paragraphe d’un arrêt
ou d’un avis consultatif.
5. Dans le cas d’espèce, il ne saurait y avoir de doute que, si la discrimination
raciale avait été établie sur une base plausible, les morts et les blessés
auraient été fondés à bénéficier du « [d]roit à la sûreté de [leur] personne et à
la protection de l’État contre les voies de fait ou les sévices » garanti au
paragraphe b) de l’article 5 de la CIEDR.
(Signé) Kenneth Keith.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge ad hoc Keith 
