DECLARATION OF JUDGE SEBUTINDE Judge Sebutinde agrees that Azerbaijan’s present request should be rejected in toto She also agrees with the reasoning and conclusion of the Court in relation to Azerbaijan’s allegations relating to the laying of landmines However, she disagrees that the Court’s reasoning in relation to the landmines applies equally to the booby traps Azerbaijan’s assertion regarding the presence of booby traps in civilian areas is based on new facts pursuant to Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court The reason why the Court should reject the Applicant’s request for provisional measures in relation to booby traps, is because Azerbaijan has not placed before the Court sufficient evidence indicating that the planting of the booby traps is attributable to the conduct of Armenia. 1. I have voted in favour of paragraph 27 of the present Order, rejecting Azerbaijan’s renewed request for the indication of provisional measures in toto. Whilst I concur with the reasoning and conclusion of the Court in relation to Azerbaijan’s allegations regarding landmines, I do not agree with the conclusion of the Court in paragraph 23 of the Order that the same reasoning “also applies to the present circumstances, including the allegations regarding booby traps”. I state my reasons in this short declaration. 2. It will be recalled that in 2021, Azerbaijan requested the indication of similar provisional measures, which earlier request the Court rejected, inter alia, for the reasons quoted in paragraph 22 of the present Order (Application of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia), Provisional Measures, Order of 7 December 2021, I.C.J. Reports 2021, p. 425, para. 53). 3. Azerbaijan’s present request is brought pursuant to Article 41 of the Statute of the Court and Articles 73, 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court. Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court states that “[t]he rejection of a request for the indication of provisional measures shall not prevent the party which made it from making a fresh request in the same case based on new facts” (emphasis added). It is therefore for the Court to satisfy itself that Azerbaijan’s present request is “based on new facts” such as to justify its examination. 4. Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 of the present Order rehearse Azerbaijan’s evidence in support of its request. I agree that the evidence that Azerbaijan relies upon in relation to the alleged laying of landmines by Armenian forces in civilian areas does not substantially differ from that which the Court previously assessed in 2021 and does not plausibly demonstrate racial discrimination under CERD. In particular, most (if not all) of the landmines allegedly laid by Armenian forces appear to have been laid in areas that were the site of continued hostilities between the Parties in 2022. Therefore, those landmines continue to be linked to a military purpose and do not appear to plausibly fall within the ambit of CERD. 5. Azerbaijan alleges that in addition to the laying of landmines, there have also been several booby traps found within civilian houses and other civilian buildings in villages to which Azerbaijani civilians are returning. This is an assertion pursuant to Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court based on new facts that were not part of the 2021 request and is arguably a more plausible case for racial discrimination than the laying of landmines, given that the military purpose of such booby traps is less evident. At the same time, however, it is far from clear who was responsible for the planting of such booby traps, how many of such traps have been planted, and for what purpose. Azerbaijan’s evidence in this regard is neither convincing nor unequivocal. Thus, unlike in the case of the landmines, Azerbaijan has not placed before the Court sufficient evidence indicating that the - 2 - planting of the booby traps is attributable to the conduct of Armenia. It is for this reason that Azerbaijan’s renewed request, in as far as it relates to the booby traps, should be rejected. (Signed) Julia SEBUTINDE. ___________
Agreement that Azerbaijan’s present Request should be rejected in toto —
Agreement also with the reasoning and conclusion of the Court in relation
to Azerbaijan’s allegations relating to the laying of landmines —
Disagreement, however, that the Court’s reasoning in relation to the
landmines applies equally to the booby traps — Azerbaijan’s assertion
regarding the presence of booby traps in civilian areas is based on new
facts pursuant to Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court — The
reason why the Court should reject the Applicant’s Request for provisional
measures in relation to booby traps is because Azerbaijan has not placed
before the Court sufficient evidence indicating that the planting of the booby
traps is attributable to the conduct of Armenia.
1. I have voted in favour of paragraph 27 of the present Order, rejecting
Azerbaijan’s renewed Request for the indication of provisional measures
in toto. Whilst I concur with the reasoning and conclusion of the Court in
relation to Azerbaijan’s allegations regarding landmines, I do not agree with
the conclusion of the Court in paragraph 23 of the Order that the same
reasoning “also applies to the present circumstances, including the allegations
regarding booby traps”. I state my reasons in this short declaration.
2. It will be recalled that in 2021, Azerbaijan requested the indication of
similar provisional measures, which earlier request the Court rejected, inter
alia, for the reasons quoted in paragraph 22 of the present Order (Application
of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (Azerbaijan v. Armenia), Provisional Measures, Order of
7 December 2021, I.C.J. Reports 2021, p. 425, para. 53).
3. Azerbaijan’s present Request is brought pursuant to Article 41 of the
Statute of the Court and Articles 73, 74 and 75 of the Rules of Court.
Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court states that “[t]he rejection of a
request for the indication of provisional measures shall not prevent the party
which made it from making a fresh request in the same case based on new
facts” (emphasis added). It is therefore for the Court to satisfy itself that
Azerbaijan’s present Request is “based on new facts” such as to justify its
4. Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 of the present Order rehearse Azerbaijan’s
evidence in support of its Request. I agree that the evidence that Azerbaijan
Accord avec la décision de rejeter la présente demande de l’Azerbaïdjan
in toto — Accord également avec le raisonnement et la conclusion de la
Cour concernant les allégations de l’Azerbaïdjan sur la pose de mines
terrestres — Opposition, cependant, à l’idée que le raisonnement de la Cour
sur les mines terrestres s’appliquerait aussi aux pièges — Dénonciation par
l’Azerbaïdjan de la présence de pièges dans des zones civiles étant fondée
sur des faits nouveaux conformément au paragraphe 3 de l’article 75 du
Règlement de la Cour — Raison pour laquelle la Cour devait rejeter la
demande en indication de mesures conservatoires du demandeur en ce
qu’elle concernait les pièges étant que l’Azerbaïdjan n’avait pas produit
d’éléments prouvant à suffisance que la pose des pièges fût attribuable au
comportement de l’Arménie.
1. J’ai voté en faveur du paragraphe 27 de la présente ordonnance, qui
rejette in toto la nouvelle demande en indication de mesures conservatoires
de l’Azerbaïdjan. Bien que je souscrive au raisonnement et à la conclusion de
la Cour en ce qui concerne les allégations de l’Azerbaïdjan visant les mines
terrestres, je ne partage pas la conclusion qu’elle formule au paragraphe 23
de son ordonnance, où elle dit que le même raisonnement « s’applique également
aux circonstances présentes, y compris pour les allégations concernant
les pièges ». J’exposerai mes raisons dans cette brève déclaration.
2. On se rappellera que l’Azerbaïdjan avait présenté en 2021 une demande
en indication de mesures conservatoires que la Cour a rejetée, notamment
pour les raisons citées au paragraphe 22 de sa présente ordonnance
(Application de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les
formes de discrimination raciale (Azerbaïdjan c. Arménie), mesures conservatoires,
ordonnance du 7 décembre 2021, C.I.J. Recueil 2021, p. 425,
par. 53).
3. Cette demande de l’Azerbaïdjan était présentée au titre de l’article 41 du
Statut de la Cour et des articles 73, 74 et 75 de son Règlement. Aux termes
du paragraphe 3 de l’article 75 du Règlement, « [l]e rejet d’une demande en
indication de mesures conservatoires n’empêche pas la partie qui l’avait
introduite de présenter en la même affaire une nouvelle demande fondée sur
des faits nouveaux » (les italiques sont de moi). Il appartenait par conséquent
à la Cour de s’assurer que la présente demande de l’Azerbaïdjan était « fondée
sur des faits nouveaux » susceptibles de justifier leur examen.
4. Les paragraphes 16, 17 et 18 de la présente ordonnance rappellent
les éléments de preuve fournis par l’Azerbaïdjan à l’appui de sa demande.
46 application of the cerd (decl. sebutinde)
relies upon in relation to the alleged laying of landmines by Armenian forces
in civilian areas does not substantially differ from that which the Court
previously assessed in 2021 and does not plausibly demonstrate racial
discrimination under CERD. In particular, most (if not all) of the landmines
allegedly laid by Armenian forces appear to have been laid in areas that were
the site of continued hostilities between the Parties in 2022. Therefore, those
landmines continue to be linked to a military purpose and do not appear to
plausibly fall within the ambit of CERD.
5. Azerbaijan alleges that in addition to the laying of landmines, there
have also been several booby traps found within civilian houses and other
civilian buildings in villages to which Azerbaijani civilians are returning.
This is an assertion pursuant to Article 75, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court
based on new facts that were not part of the 2021 Request and is arguably a
more plausible case for racial discrimination than the laying of landmines,
given that the military purpose of such booby traps is less evident. At the
same time, however, it is far from clear who was responsible for the planting
of such booby traps, how many of such traps have been planted, and for what
purpose. Azerbaijan’s evidence in this regard is neither convincing nor
unequivocal. Thus, unlike in the case of the landmines, Azerbaijan has not
placed before the Court sufficient evidence indicating that the planting of the
booby traps is attributable to the conduct of Armenia. It is for this reason that
Azerbaijan’s renewed Request, in as far as it relates to the booby traps,
should be rejected.
(Signed) Julia Sebutinde.
application de la ciedr (décl. sebutinde) 46
Je conviens que les éléments sur lesquels l’Azerbaïdjan se fondait en ce qui
concerne la pose alléguée de mines terrestres par les forces arméniennes
dans des zones civiles ne différaient pas sensiblement de ceux que la Cour
avait examinés en 2021 et ne constituaient pas des preuves plausibles de
discrimination raciale au sens de la CIEDR. En particulier, la plupart (sinon
l’intégralité) des mines terrestres prétendument posées par les forces arméniennes
semblent l’avoir été dans des zones qui étaient le théâtre d’hostilités
continues entre les Parties en 2022. Il s’ensuit que ces mines terrestres continuent
d’être associées à un objectif militaire et ne paraissent pas pouvoir
entrer de manière plausible dans le champ d’application de la CIEDR.
5. L’Azerbaïdjan alléguait que, outre la pose de mines terrestres, plusieurs
pièges avaient été découverts dans des habitations et autres immeubles civils
de villages que les civils azerbaïdjanais sont en train de regagner. Il s’agit
là d’une assertion conforme au paragraphe 3 de l’article 75 du Règlement
de la Cour, fondée sur des faits nouveaux qui n’entraient pas dans le cadre de
la demande de 2021 et dont il était permis de penser qu’ils se prêtaient de
manière plus plausible à des allégations de discrimination raciale que la pose
de mines terrestres, étant donné que l’objectif militaire de ces pièges est
moins évident. Ce nonobstant, on est loin de savoir qui était responsable de
la pose de ces pièges, combien ont été posés et avec quel objectif. Les
éléments de preuve produits par l’Azerbaïdjan sur ce point n’étaient ni
convaincants ni catégoriques. Par conséquent, à la différence de ce qu’il a
fait pour les mines terrestres, l’Azerbaïdjan n’a pas présenté à la Cour d’éléments
démontrant à suffisance que la pose des pièges pouvait être attribuée
au comportement de l’Arménie. C’est pour cette raison que la nouvelle
demande de l’Azerbaïdjan devait être rejetée en ce qui concerne les pièges.
(Signé) Julia Sebutinde.
Declaration of Judge Sebutinde