Objection to continued misuse of compromissory clause of CERD — Request has nothing to do with CERD — It is about humanitarian law in a situation of armed conflict — It is high time the Court put an end to such misuse — CERD and its compromissory clause to be safeguarded from extraneous claims.
1. I voted against the provisional measure indicated by the Court in paragraph 67 of the Order because of the reference to “obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination”.
2. My objection does not therefore concern the requirement that the Republic of Azerbaijan “take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor”. The Agent of Azerbaijan made a similar declaration before the Court during the hearings. He stated, inter alia, that his Government “undertakes to continue to take all steps within its power to guarantee the safety of movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin road”. There is no considerable difference between the two statements. The statement of the Agent is also in conformity with Azerbaijan’s undertaking in the Trilateral Statement according to which “Azerbaijan shall guarantee the security of persons, vehicles and cargo moving along the Lachin Corridor in both directions”.
3. My objection relates to the continued misuse of the compromissory clause of CERD as a basis of jurisdiction of the Court with respect to alleged acts and omissions which do not fall within the provisions of that Convention. A regrettable tendency seems to have developed, whereby any State that fails to find a valid basis of jurisdiction of the Court for its claims, but still wishes to bring a case before it, tries to stuff those claims into the framework of CERD.
4. The Court has somehow gone along with this practice of using CERD as a “fourre-tout” for jurisdictional purposes. As I stated in my dissenting opinion appended to the Order of the Court of 7 December 2021: “The Court has thrown wide open the gates of the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (hereinafter “CERD” or the “Convention”) to all kinds of claims that have nothing to do with its provisions or its object and purpose.”
5. In the same way as the previous requests by Armenia for the indication or modification of provisional measures of 11 September 2021 and 16 September 2022, the present request, which the Court refers to as the “third Request”, has nothing to do with CERD and everything to do with the humanitarian law (jus in bello) applicable between two States engaged in an armed conflict over a territory, the Nagorno-Karabakh.
6. In paragraph 38 of the Order, the Court, after describing the provisions of CERD invoked by Armenia, observes that “[a] State party to CERD may invoke the rights set out in the above-mentioned articles only to the extent that the acts complained of constitute acts of racial discrimination as defined in Article 1 of the Convention”. The Court then continues: “In the context of a request for the indication of provisional measures, the Court examines whether the rights claimed by an applicant are at least plausible.”
7. Unfortunately, in the subsequent paragraphs of the Order, there is no such examination, but simply a finding that some of the rights that Armenia claimed to have been violated are plausible:
- 2 -
“The Court considers plausible at least some of the rights that Armenia claims to have been violated in light of Articles 2 and 5 of CERD through the interruption of movement along the Lachin Corridor.” (Para. 39.)
8. This is perhaps where the problem lies — the lack of examination by the Court of whether the claims made by the Applicant are capable of falling within the terms of CERD.
9. In the present case, there is not a shred of evidence that the acts complained of by Armenia are capable of falling within CERD. Nor is there a shred of evidence that the alleged acts or omissions constituted, even plausibly, acts of racial discrimination. As a matter of fact, there was not a single word regarding racial discrimination or discriminatory treatment in the final submissions of Armenia to the Court in its request for provisional measures.
10. I have therefore voted against the operative paragraph of the Order because of its unjustified reference to CERD which has nothing to do with the acts or omissions complained of by Armenia, and is not, in my view, at all applicable to the request by Armenia. It is high time that the Court put an end to the attempts by States to use CERD as a jurisdictional basis for all kinds of claims which do not fall within its ambit. Acceding to such requests undermines the credibility of a very important multilateral convention and the reliance on its compromissory clause (Article 22) for genuine claims relating to racial discrimination.
(Signed) Abdulqawi Ahmed YUSUF.
Objection to continued misuse of compromissory clause of CERD —
Request has nothing to do with CERD — It is about humanitarian law in a
situation of armed conflict — It is high time the Court put an end to such
misuse — CERD and its compromissory clause to be safeguarded from
extraneous claims.
1. I voted against the provisional measure indicated by the Court in paragraph
67 of the Order because of the reference to “obligations under the
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination”.
2. My objection does not therefore concern the requirement that the
Republic of Azerbaijan “take all measures at its disposal to ensure unimpeded
movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor”.
The Agent of Azerbaijan made a similar declaration before the Court during
the hearings. He stated, inter alia, that his Government “undertakes to
continue to take all steps within its power to guarantee the safety of movement
of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin road”. There is no
considerable difference between the two statements. The statement of the
Agent is also in conformity with Azerbaijan’s undertaking in the Trilateral
Statement according to which “Azerbaijan shall guarantee the security of
persons, vehicles and cargo moving along the Lachin Corridor in both
3. My objection relates to the continued misuse of the compromissory
clause of CERD as a basis of jurisdiction of the Court with respect to alleged
acts and omissions which do not fall within the provisions of that Convention.
A regrettable tendency seems to have developed, whereby any State that
fails to find a valid basis of jurisdiction of the Court for its claims, but still
wishes to bring a case before it, tries to stuff those claims into the framework
of CERD.
4. The Court has somehow gone along with this practice of using CERD
as a “fourre-tout” for jurisdictional purposes. As I stated in my dissenting
opinion appended to the Order of the Court of 7 December 2021: “The
Court has thrown wide open the gates of the Convention on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination [. . .] to all kinds of claims that have nothing to do
with its provisions or its object and purpose.”
Objection au détournement constant de la clause compromissoire de la
CIEDR — Demande n’ayant rien à voir avec cette convention — Demande
ayant en réalité trait au droit humanitaire dans une situation de conflit armé
— Moment étant venu depuis longtemps de mettre fin à ce détournement —
Nécessité de préserver la CIEDR et sa clause compromissoire des
réclamations sans rapport avec cet instrument.
1. J’ai voté contre la mesure conservatoire indiquée par la Cour au paragraphe
67 de son ordonnance en raison de la référence qui y est faite aux
« obligations [mises à la charge de l’Azerbaïdjan] au titre de la convention
internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination
raciale ».
2. Mon objection ne concerne donc pas l’injonction faite à la République
d’Azerbaïdjan de « prendre toutes les mesures dont elle dispose afin d’assurer
la circulation sans entrave des personnes, des véhicules et des
marchandises le long du corridor de Latchine ». L’agent de l’Azerbaïdjan a
d’ailleurs fait devant la Cour une déclaration en ce sens à l’audience. Il a
indiqué, entre autres, que son gouvernement « s’engageait à continuer de
prendre toutes mesures en son pouvoir pour garantir la sécurité de la
circulation des personnes, des véhicules et des marchandises sur la route de
Latchine ». Il n’y a pas de différence notable entre ces deux formulations.
La déclaration de l’agent est également conforme à l’engagement pris par
l’Azerbaïdjan, dans la déclaration trilatérale, de « garanti[r] la sécurité de la
circulation des personnes, des véhicules et des marchandises le long du
corridor de Latchine, dans les deux sens ».
3. Mon objection porte sur l’utilisation abusive de la clause compromissoire
de la CIEDR comme base de compétence de la Cour en ce qui concerne
les actes et omissions allégués qui ne relèvent pas des dispositions de cette
convention. Une tendance regrettable semble s’être développée, selon laquelle
tout État qui ne parvient pas à trouver une base valable de compétence de la
Cour pour ses revendications, mais qui souhaite néanmoins porter une affaire
devant elle, tente d’étayer ces revendications en vertu de la CIEDR.
4. La Cour s’est plus ou moins accommodée de cette pratique, qui consiste
à se servir de la CIEDR comme d’un fourre-tout à des fins juridictionnelles.
Ainsi que je l’écrivais dans l’exposé de mon opinion dissidente joint à l’ordonnance
de la Cour du 7 décembre 2021 : « La Cour a ouvert grand les
portes de la convention internationale sur l’élimination de toutes les formes
de discrimination raciale … à toutes sortes de revendications qui n’ont rien à
voir avec les dispositions de cet instrument, ni avec son objet ou son but. »
32 application of the cerd (decl. yusuf)
5. In the same way as the previous requests by Armenia for the indication
or modification of provisional measures of 11 September 2021 and
16 September 2022, the present request, which the Court refers to as the
“third Request”, has nothing to do with CERD and everything to do with the
humanitarian law ( jus in bello) applicable between two States engaged in an
armed conflict over a territory, the Nagorno-Karabakh.
6. In paragraph 38 of the Order, the Court, after describing the provisions
of CERD invoked by Armenia, observes that “[a] State party to CERD may
invoke the rights set out in the above-mentioned articles only to the extent
that the acts complained of constitute acts of racial discrimination as defined
in Article 1 of the Convention”. The Court then continues: “In the context of
a request for the indication of provisional measures, the Court examines
whether the rights claimed by an applicant are at least plausible.”
7. Unfortunately, in the subsequent paragraphs of the Order, there is no
such examination, but simply a finding that some of the rights that Armenia
claimed to have been violated are plausible: “The Court considers plausible
at least some of the rights that Armenia claims to have been violated in light
of Articles 2 and 5 of CERD through the interruption of movement along the
Lachin Corridor.” (Para. 39.)
8. This is perhaps where the problem lies — the lack of examination by
the Court of whether the claims made by the Applicant are capable of falling
within the terms of CERD.
9. In the present case, there is not a shred of evidence that the acts
complained of by Armenia are capable of falling within CERD. Nor is there
a shred of evidence that the alleged acts or omissions constituted, even plausibly,
acts of racial discrimination. As a matter of fact, there was not a single
word regarding racial discrimination or discriminatory treatment in the final
submissions of Armenia to the Court in its Request for provisional measures.
10. I have therefore voted against the operative paragraph of the Order
because of its unjustified reference to CERD which has nothing to do with
the acts or omissions complained of by Armenia, and is not, in my view, at
all applicable to the request by Armenia. It is high time that the Court put an
end to the attempts by States to use CERD as a jurisdictional basis for all
kinds of claims which do not fall within its ambit. Acceding to such requests
undermines the credibility of a very important multilateral convention and
the reliance on its compromissory clause (Art. 22) for genuine claims relating
to racial discrimination.
(Signed) Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf.
application de la ciedr (décl. yusuf) 32
5. De même que les demandes en indication de mesures conservatoires
du 11 septembre 2021 et du 16 septembre 2022 déposées par l’Arménie,
sa présente demande, que la Cour désigne sous le nom de « troisième
demande », n’a rien à voir avec la CIEDR, mais tout à voir avec le droit
humanitaire ( jus in bello) applicable entre deux États engagés dans un conflit
armé au sujet d’un territoire, à savoir le Haut-Karabakh.
6. Au paragraphe 38 de son ordonnance, la Cour, après avoir rappelé les
articles de la CIEDR mis en avant par l’Arménie, fait observer qu’« [u]n État
partie à la CIEDR ne peut invoquer les droits énoncés dans les articles précités
que dans la mesure où les actes dont il tire grief sont susceptibles de
constituer des actes de discrimination raciale au sens de l’article premier de
la convention ». Et de poursuivre : « Dans le contexte d’une demande en indication
de mesures conservatoires, la Cour doit examiner si les droits
revendiqués par un demandeur sont au moins plausibles. »
7. Malheureusement, dans les paragraphes suivants de l’ordonnance, on
ne trouve nullement cet examen, mais simplement une conclusion selon
laquelle certains des droits dont l’Arménie prétend qu’ils ont été violés sont
des droits plausibles : « La Cour considère que certains au moins des droits
dont l’Arménie allègue la violation au regard des articles 2 et 5 de la CIEDR
du fait de l’interruption de la circulation le long du corridor de Latchine sont
des droits plausibles. » (Par. 39.)
8. C’est peut-être là que réside le problème : l’absence de tout examen par
la Cour de la question de savoir si les griefs formulés par le demandeur sont
susceptibles d’entrer dans les prévisions de la CIEDR.
9. En la présente espèce, aucun élément ne permet de penser que les actes
dont l’Arménie tire grief seraient susceptibles d’entrer dans les prévisions de
la CIEDR. Aucun élément non plus ne permet de penser que les actes ou
omissions allégués constituaient, ne serait-ce que de manière plausible, des
faits de discrimination raciale. De fait, les conclusions finales énoncées dans
la demande en indication de mesures conservatoires dont l’Arménie a saisi
la Cour ne contenaient pas un mot concernant la discrimination raciale ou un
traitement discriminatoire.
10. J’ai donc voté contre l’unique point du dispositif de l’ordonnance
en raison de sa référence injustifiée à la CIEDR, qui est sans rapport avec
les actes et omissions dont l’Arménie tire grief et qui, selon moi, ne s’applique
nullement à la demande de celle-ci. Le moment est largement venu
pour la Cour de mettre un terme aux tentatives des États d’invoquer la CIEDR
comme base de compétence pour toutes sortes de demandes qui n’entrent
pas dans le champ d’application de cet instrument. Accueillir de telles
demandes nuit à la crédibilité d’une très importante convention multilatérale
et au recours à la clause compromissoire contenue en son article 22 pour des
demandes qui concernent véritablement la discrimination raciale.
(Signé) Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf.
Declaration of Judge Yusuf