Volume IV - Annexes 90-174

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

Annexes 90-174
20 JANUARY 2021

Annex 90 OIC, “Member States” (Web Page) 709
Annex 91 OIC Res. No. 59/45-POL, On The Establishment of an OIC Ad
Hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human
Rights Violations Against the Rohingyas, May 2018 719
Annex 92 OIC, Press Release, “OIC Convenes Coordination Meeting for
Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights
Violations against the Rohingya”, 22 January 2019 723
Annex 93 OIC Res. No. 60/46-POL, On The Establishment of an OIC Ad
hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights
Violations Against the Rohingyas, March 2019 727
Annex 94 OIC Res. No. 61/46-POL, The Work of the OIC Ad hoc
Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights
Violations Against the Rohingya, March 2019 731
Annex 95 OIC, “Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for
Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya Meets in
Gambia”, OIC Journal, No. 42, January-April 2019, p. 24 735
Annex 96 OIC, De Communiqué final de la Quatorzième Session de la
Conférence Islamique au Sommet, 31 May 2019 [extract] 739
Annex 97 OIC, Report of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on Human
Rights Violations Against the Rohingya, OIC/ACM/AD-HOC
2019 743
Annex 98 OIC, Press Release, “OIC Welcomes first hearing of Legal Case
on accountability for crimes against Rohingya”, 24 November
2019 747
Annex 99 OIC, Press Release, “L’OCI se félicite de la première audience
de l’affaire judiciaire sur la responsabilité pour les crimes contre
Rohingya”, 24 November 2019 751
Annex 100 OIC, Press Release, “OIC General Secretariat Welcomes
UNGA Resolution Condemning Abuses against Rohingya”,
29 December 2019 755
Annex 101 OIC, Press Release, “OIC welcomes ICJ decision ordering
Myanmar to stop genocide against Rohingya”, 23 January 2020 759
Annex 102 OIC, Press Release, “OIC Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on
Accountability for Human Rights Violations against Rohingya
holds consultative meeting in Riyadh”, 30 September 2020 763
Annex 103 OIC, Tweet (@OIC_OCI), 30 September 2020 767
Annex 104 OIC, Press Release, “OIC Secretary General Thanks the ISF for
its Support in Financing the Rohingya Case at the ICJ”,
7 October 2020 769
Annex 105 OIC, Statement on OIC Facebook account, 19 October 2020 773
Annex 106 OIC Res. No. 59/47-POL, On the Work of the OIC Ad hoc
Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights
Violations Against the Rohingyas, November 2020 775
Annex 107 OIC Res. No. 4/47-MM, On the Situation of the Muslim
Community in Myanmar, November 2020 779
Annex 108 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Statement by H.E.
Mr. Md Shahriar Alam, MP, Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Bangladesh at BIISS-organised seminar at BICC on
the theme- “Upcoming 45th Council of Foreign Ministers
(CFM) of OIC, Dhaka: Revisiting A Shared Journey; 10: 10
AM”, updated 29 March 2018 797
Annex 109 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release,
“Foreign Minister calls for fighting international terror and
repatriation of the Rohingya to their homeland in Myanmar”,
1 March 2019, updated 3 March 2019 801
Annex 110 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release, “OIC
Okays Legal Action Against Myanmar at the International
Court of Justice (ICJ) in Abu Dhabi”, 4 March 2019 805
Annex 111 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release,
“Foreign Minister highlights the need for solidarity among the
member states of OIC”, 30 May 2019 807
Annex 112 Bangladesh, Embassy, The Hague, Press Release, “Bangladesh
supports OIC backed initiative by The Gambia in the
International Court of Justice (ICJ)”, 12 November 2019 809
Annex 113 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Opening Remarks by
Hon’ble Foreign Minister at the Inaugural Session of the 6th
International Conference on Bangladesh Genocide and Justice”,
updated 17 November 2019 813
Annex 114 Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Speech of Hon’ble
Foreign Minister on the Inauguration Ceremony of the OIC
Youth Capital – Dhaka 2020”, updated 28 July 2020 817
Annex 115 Canada, House of Commons, Forty-second Parliament, First
Session, Journals, No. 322, 20 September 2018, p. 3988 821
Annex 116 Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Statement of the Minister for
Foreign Affairs, “Canada welcomes the Gambia’s action to
address accountability in Myanmar”, 11 November 2019 827
Annex 117 Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Minister of Foreign Affairs –
Transition book, November 2019 [extract] 831
Annex 118 Canada and the Netherlands, “Joint statement of Canada and the
Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding the Gambia’s action to
address accountability in Myanmar”, 9 December 2019 835
Annex 119 The Gambia, Office of the President, Press Release, “OIC tasks
The Gambia to lead ICJ case against Myanmar”, 3 June 2019 839
Annex 120 The Gambia, Office of the President, Press Release, “Cabinet
approves transformation of GTTI into University of Science,
Technology and Engineering”, 6 July 2019 843
Annex 121 The Gambia, Note Verbale from the Permanent Mission of The
Gambia to the UN to the Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the
UN, 11 October 2019 849
Annex 122 The Gambia, Oicgambia Secretariat, Press Release, “High-
Level Government Delegation Attends OIC Foreign Ministers
Summit”, 26 November 2020 853
Annex 123 The Gambia, Oicgambia Secretariat, “Oicgambia Secretariat”
(Web Page) 855
Annex 124 The Gambia, Ministry of Justice, Tweet (@Gambia_MOJ),
30 November 2020 859
Annex 125 Malaysia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release, “Order by
the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on The Gambia’s Request
for the Indication of Provisional Measures”, 23 January 2020 861
Annex 126 Maldives, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release,
“Organization of Islamic Cooperation welcomes decision of the
Government of Maldives to file a declaration of intervention in
the International Court of Justice, in support of the Rohingya
people”, 11 March 2020, updated 25 June 2020 863
Annex 127 Myanmar, Pyithu Hluttaw, Motion for the Union Government
to ratify, with two reservations, the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted
by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1948,
2 September 1955 (original and unofficial translation) 867
Annex 128 Pakistan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Press Release,
“Highlights of the 45th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers
meeting held in Dhaka 5-6 May 2018”, 6 May 2018 875
Annex 129 United Kingdom, House of Commons, “Myanmar: January
2020 update”, Briefing Paper, No. 8443, 7 January 2020
[extract] 879
Annex 130 United States, Senate, Report of the Acting Secretary of State,
an enclosure to the “Message from the President of the United
States”, in The Genocide Convention: Hearings before a
Subcommittee of the Committee on Foreign Relations, Eightyfirst
Congress, Second Session, 23-25 January and 9 February
1950 [extract] 883
Annex 131 United States, Senate, Genocide Convention: Report of the
Committee on Foreign Relations, Ninety-ninth Congress, First
Session, 18 July 1985 [extract] 891
Annex 132 Foley Hoag LLP, “Foley Hoag Leads The Gambia’s Legal
Team in Historic Case to Stop Myanmar's Genocide Against the
Rohingya”, 11 November 2019 899
Annex 133 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag Leads The Gambia’s Legal Team
in Historic Case to Stop Myanmar's Genocide Against the
Rohingya”, 11 November 2019 903
Annex 134 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag dirige l'équipe juridique de la
Gambie dans un procès historique visant à mettre un terme au
génocide des Rohingyas en Birmanie”, 11 November 2019 907
Annex 135 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag lidera el equipo legal de Gambia
en el caso histórico para detener el genocidio de Birmania
contra los rohinyás”, 11 November 2019 911
Annex 136 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag leitet das Rechtsteam Gambias in
einer historischen Klage, um Myanmars Völkermord an den
Rohingya zu stoppen”, 11 November 2019 915
Annex 137 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag leidt het juridisch team van
Gambia in historische zaak om de genocide van Myanmar tegen
de Rohingya te stoppen”, 11 November 2019 919
Annex 138 Business Wire, “Foley Hoag alla guida del team legale del
Gambia nella causa storica per porre fine al genocidio dei
Rohingya in Myanmar”, 11 November 2019 923
Annex 139 Associated Press, “Foley Hoag Leads The Gambia’s Legal
Team in Historic Case to Stop Myanmar's Genocide Against the
Rohingya”, 11 November 2019 927
Annex 140 Bloomberg, “Foley Hoag Leads The Gambia’s Legal Team in
Historic Case to Stop Myanmar's Genocide Against the
Rohingya”, 11 November 2019 933
Annex 141 United News of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), “PM to open OICCFM
Saturday; Rohingya issue on focus”, 2 May 2018 939
Annex 142 Freedom Newspaper (The Gambia), “OIC Pushes for Increased
Pressure on Myanmar”, 10 February 2019 943
Annex 143 Kairo News (The Gambia), “OIC Piles Pressure on Myanmar”,
11 February 2019 947
Annex 144 Panapress (Senegal), “Gambian gov’t approves OIC proposal to
lead legal action against Myanmar at ICJ”, 6 July 2019 951
Annex 145 New Straits Times (Malaysia), “Dr M slams UN, Myanmar govt
over Rohingya crisis”, 25 September 2019 955
Annex 146 South China Morning Post (China), “Mahathir blasts Myanmar and
United Nations over Rohingya ‘genocide’”, 25 September 2019 959
Annex 147 United News of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), “Genocide: Gambia
to file case against Myanmar at ICJ”, 20 October 2019 963
Annex 148 Aljazeera (Qatar), “Gambia files Rohingya genocide case
against Myanmar at UN court”, 11 November 2019 967
Annex 149 Anadolu Agency (Turkey), “Gambia files Rohingya genocide
case against Myanmar”, 11 November 2019 971
Annex 150 Deutsche Welle (Germany), “Gambia files genocide case
against Myanmar”, 11 November 2019 975
Annex 151 New York Times (USA), “Myanmar Genocide Lawsuit Is Filed
at United Nations Court”, 11 November 2019 979
Annex 152 Jakarta Post (Indonesia), “RI defends approach to Rohingya
problem”, 19 November 2019 983
Annex 153 Bangladesh Post (Bangladesh), “Myanmar under global
pressure”, 26 November 2019 987
Annex 154 Liberté (Algeria), “Les états de l’OCI saisissent la Cour
internationale de justice”, 1 December 2019 991
Annex 155 The Interpreter, “In conversation: Malaysia’s Foreign Minister
on great power rivalry”, 4 December 2019 993
Annex 156 Bangkok Post (Thailand), “Myanmar in the dock”, 9 December
2019 997
Annex 157 Courrier international (France), “Aung San Suu Kyi va défendre la
Birmanie, accusée du génocide des Rohingyas”, 9 December 2019 1003
Annex 158 Egypt Today (Egypt), “Nobel ‘peace laureate’ defends genocide
against Rohingya Muslims”, 11 December 2019 1007
Annex 159 Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), “'She won't be spared':
Rohingya refugees reject Aung San Suu Kyi's genocide denial”,
12 December 2019 1011
Annex 160 Dhaka Tribune (Bangladesh), “Why didn’t Bangladesh lodge
the case with the ICJ?”, 13 December 2019 1017
Annex 161 Daily Sun (Bangladesh), “Challenges Ahead For Bangladesh”,
3 January 2020 1021
Annex 162 Vox, “The top UN court ordered Myanmar to protect the
Rohingya. An expert explains what it means”, 24 January 2020 1025
Annex 163 United News of Bangladesh (Bangladesh), “ICJ case against
Myanmar: OIC to convene pledging conference”, 11 February
2020 1037
Annex 164 Arab News (Saudi Arabia), “OIC contact group discusses
Rohingya protection with UN chief”, 1 March 2020 1043
Annex 165 Equal Times, “Gambia’s genocide case against Myanmar shows
that smaller countries can also help balance the scales of
international justice”, 27 March 2020 1047
Annex 166 New Straits Times (Malaysia), “NST Leader: Hallmarks of
genocide”, 12 September 2020 1055
Annex 167 Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) (Bangladesh),
“Bangladesh disburses USD 500,000 to OIC over Rohingya
genocide case”, 28 November 2020 1059
Annex 168 Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha (BSS) (Bangladesh), “OIC draws
US$ 1.2 million for Gambia to run Rohingya genocide case”,
6 December 2020 1063
Annex 169 Fortify Rights, “Tools of Genocide”: National Verification
Cards and the Denial of Citizenship of Rohingya Muslims in
Myanmar, September 2019 [extract] 1069
Annex 170 International Crisis Group, “Myanmar at the International Court
of Justice”, 10 December 2019 1073
Annex 171 Human Rights Watch, “What Makes Gambia a Good Champion
Of The Cause of The Rohingyas, Interview with Reed Brody”,
16 December 2019 1079
Annex 172 Human Rights Watch, “Interview: Landmark World Court
Order Protects Rohingya from Genocide”, 27 January 2020 1083
Annex 173 Alison Smith and Francesca Basso (No Peace Without Justice),
“Justice for the Rohingya: What has happened and what comes
next”, Coalition for the International Criminal Court,
13 February 2020 1089
Annex 174 OIC Youth Capital, “‘Dhaka OIC Youth Capital 2020’ Has
Officially Launched”, 28 July 2020 1097
Annex 90
OIC, “Member States” (Web Page)
Available at:
French version available at:
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World
Ahad, 20 Jumadal Ula 1442 AH
Member States
Republic of AZERBAIJAN
Member since 1992
National day 28/5
Hashemite Kingdom of JORDAN
Member since 1969
National day 25/5
OIC Strategy for the Empowerment of the Marriage & Family Institution 2020-2025 ... (../upload
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Islamic Republic of AFGHANISTAN
Member since 1969
National day 19/8
Republic of ALBANIA
Member since 1992
National day 28/11
Member since 1972
National day 2/12
Republic of INDONESIA
Member since 1969
National day 17/8
Republic of UZBEKISTAN
Member since 1996
National day 1/9
Republic of UGANDA
Member since 1974
National day 9/10
Islamic Republic of IRAN
Member since 1969
National day 11/2
Islamic Republic of PAKISTAN
Member since 1969
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
National day 23/3
Kingdom of BAHRAIN
Member since 1972
National day 16/12
Member since 1984
National day 23/2
People’s Republic of BANGLADESH
Member since 1974
National day 26/3
Republic of BENIN
Member since 1983
National day 1/8
BURKINA-FASO (then Upper Volta)
Member since 1974
National day 11/12
Republic of TAJIKISTAN
Member since 1992
National day 9/9
(http://www.mfa.gov.tr/default.en mfa)
Republic of TURKEY
Member since 1969
National day 29/10
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Member since 1992
National day 27/9
Republic of CHAD
Member since 1969
National day 11/8
Republic of TOGO
Member since 1997
National day 27/4
(http://www.ministeres.tn/html/ministeres/etrangeres html)
Republic of TUNISIA
Member since 1969
National day 20/3
People’s Democratic Republic of ALGERIA
Member since 1969
National day 1/11
Republic of DJIBOUTI
Member since 1978
National day 27/6
Member since 1969
National day 23/9
Republic of SENEGAL
Member since 1969
National day 4/4
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Republic of The SUDAN
Member since 1969
National day 1/1
SYRIAN Arab Republic
Member since 1972
National day 17/4
Republic of SURINAME
Member since 1996
National day 25/11
Republic of SIERRA LEONE
Member since 1972
National day 27/4
Republic of SOMALIA
Member since 1969
National day 1/7
Republic of IRAQ
Member since 1975
National day --/--
Sultanate of OMAN
Member since 1972
National day 18/11
Republic of GABON
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Member since 1974
National day 17/8
Republic of The Gambia
Member since 1974
National day 18/2
Republic of GUYANA
Member since 1998
National day 23/2
Republic of GUINEA
Member since 1969
National day 2/10
Member since 1974
National day 24/9
Member since 1969
National day 15/11
Union of The COMOROS
Member since 1976
National day 6/7
KYRGYZ Republic
Member since 1992
National day 31/8
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
(http://english mofa.gov.qa/)
State of QATAR
Member since 1972
National day 18/12
Republic of KAZAKHSTAN
Member since 1995
National day 16/12
Republic of CAMEROON
Member since 1974
National day 20/5
Republic of COTE D'IVOIRE
Member since 2001
National day 7/8
(http://mofa.gov kw/mofa_arabic/)
State of KUWAIT
Member since 1969
National day 25/2
Republic of LEBANON
Member since 1969
National day 22/11
Member since 1969
National day 24/12
Republic of MALDIVES
Member since 1976
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
National day 26/7
Republic of MALI
Member since 1969
National day 22/9
Member since 1969
National day 31/8
Arab Republic of EGYPT
Member since 1969
National day 23/7
(http://www.maec.gov.ma/EN/default html)
Kingdom of MOROCCO
Member since 1969
National day 30/7
Islamic Republic of MAURITANIA
Member since 1969
National day 28/11
Republic of MOZAMBIQUE
Member since 1994
National day 25/6
Republic of NIGER
Member since 1969
National day 18/12
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Federal Republic of NIGERIA
Member since 1986
National day 1/10
Republic of YEMEN
Member since 1969
National day 22/5
(http://twitter.com/#!/OIC_OCI) (https://www.instagram.com/oic.oci/)
Latest COVID-19 Publications
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation https://www.oic-oci.org/states/?lan=en
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Annex 90
Annex 91
OIC Res. No. 59/45-POL, On The Establishment of an OIC Ad Hoc Ministerial
Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations Against the
Rohingyas, May 2018
Available at:
French version available at:
Annex 91
Annex 91
Annex 92
OIC, Press Release, “OIC Convenes Coordination Meeting for Ministerial
Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations against the
Rohingya”, 22 January 2019
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=20506&t ref=11671&lan=en
French version available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=20506&t ref=11671&lan=fr
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
The Collective Voice of The Muslim World
Ahad, 20 Jumadal Ula 1442 AH
OIC Convenes Coordination Meeting for Ministerial Committee on
Accountability for Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya
Date: 22/01/2019
A coordination meeting for the Members of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on
Accountability for Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya, was convened in the
General Secretariat on the sidelines of the Senior Officials Meeting Preparatory to the 46th
Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers. The meeting, Chaired by The Gambia, discussed
the preparations and agenda of the inaugural session of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee due
to be held in Banjul, The Gambia on 10 February 2019.
The Members of the Committee reiterated their support for Bangladesh, which has been
OIC Strategy for the Empowerment of the Marriage & Family Institution 2020-2025 ...
OIC Convenes Coordination Meeting for Ministerial Committee on A. https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t_id=20506&t_ref=11671&lan=en
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Annex 92
inundated by the repeated influx over the last four decades of 1.1 million Rohingya, including
the recently arrived 700,000 refugees in aftermath of atrocities committed by the Myanmar
The Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee was established by Resolution No.59/45 adopted by the
45th OIC Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in Dhaka, 5-6 May 2018. The tasks of the
Committee include engaging to ensure accountability and justice for gross violations of
international human rights and humanitarian laws and principles; assisting in information
gathering and evidence collection for accountability purposes; as well as mobilizing and
coordinating international political support for accountability for the Human Rights Violations
against the Rohingya in Myanmar.
Other Press
No press releases assigned to this case yet.
(http://twitter.com/#!/OIC_OCI) (https://www.instagram.com/oic.oci/)
Latest COVID-19 Publications
OIC Convenes Coordination Meeting for Ministerial Committee on A. https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t_id=20506&t_ref=11671&lan=en
2 of 4 1/3/2021, 10:36 AM
Annex 92
Annex 93
OIC Res. No. 60/46-POL, On The Establishment of an OIC Ad hoc Ministerial
Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations Against the
Rohingyas, March 2019
Available at:
French version available at:
Annex 93
Annex 93
Annex 94
OIC Res. No. 61/46-POL, The Work of the OIC Ad hoc Ministerial Committee
on Accountability for Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya, March
Available at:
French version available at:
Annex 94
Annex 94
Annex 94
Annex 95
OIC, “Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for Human Rights
Violations Against the Rohingya Meets in Gambia”, OIC Journal, No. 42,
January-April 2019, p. 24
Available at:
https://issuu.com/oic-journal/docs/oic journal issue 42 en
Annex 95
Annex 95
Annex 96
OIC, De Communiqué final de la Quatorzième Session de la Conférence
Islamique au Sommet, 31 May 2019 [extract]*
Available at:
* The English version of this document is at MG, vol. VII, Annex 205.
Organisation de la Coopération Islamique
(Sommet de Makkah : main dans la main vers l’avenir)
Makkah Al-Mukarammah, Royaume d’Arabie Saoudite
26 Ramadan 1440 H
(31 mai 2019)
Annex 96
42- La Conférence a réaffirmé sa solidarité avec le Gouvernement et le peuple de Bosnie-
Herzégovine et a appelé les dirigeants politiques de Bosnie-Herzégovine à joindre leurs
efforts pour diligenter la mise en oeuvre du processus de réforme afin de bâtir un avenir
meilleur pour la Bosnie-Herzégovine et son peuple. La Conférence a également invité
tous les États Membres à intensifier leur coopération avec la Bosnie-Herzégovine, et en
particulier leurs relations économiques avec ce pays, afin de promouvoir le bien-être et
la prospérité de son peuple.
43- La Conférence a réaffirmé le soutien et la coopération de l’Organisation de la
coopération islamique avec le Kosovo et son peuple et a invité les États membres à
envisager de reconnaitre l’indépendance du Kosovo sur la base de leur droit libre et
souverain et de leurs législations nationales. La Conférence a également invité les États
membres à soutenir le Kosovo dans les diverses instances internationales.
44- La Conférence a réitéré son soutien continu aux efforts, aux initiatives et aux bons
offices de l’Organisation de la coopération islamique (OCI) en vue de contribuer à la
recherche de solutions justes et équitables au problème des minorités et communautés
musulmanes dans les pays non membres. Elle a salué le rôle de l’OCI dans la protection
des droits et la préservation de l’identité, de la culture et de la dignité desdites
communautés, en particulier au Myanmar, au sud des Philippines et au sud de la
Thaïlande, ainsi qu’en Europe, en respectant pleinement la souveraineté des pays dans
lesquels elles vivent.
45- La Conférence a déploré la situation inhumaine de la minorité musulmane Rohingya et
a appelé à une action urgente pour mettre un terme à la violence et à toutes les pratiques
barbares visant cette minorité, et lui accorder tous ses droits sans discrimination ni
profilage ethnique. La Conférence a insisté sur le fait que le gouvernement du Myanmar
a l’entière responsabilité de protéger ses citoyens et a réaffirmé la nécessité de mettre
immédiatement un terme à l’utilisation de la force militaire dans l’État de Rakhine.
46- La Conférence a exhorté le Gouvernement du Myanmar à prendre des mesures
concrètes et assorties de délais précis pour rétablir la citoyenneté des Rohingya
déplacées et des membres de la communauté minoritaire musulmane Rohingya
déplacés de force, privés de leur nationalité pour leur permettre de jouir de tous les
droits qui y sont associés, notamment le droit à la citoyenneté à part entière, et pour
permettre et faciliter le retour de tous les Rohingya déplacés et réfugiés dans la sécurité
et la dignité, y compris ceux qui ont été contraints à se réfugier au Bangladesh.
47- La Conférence a souligné l’importance de mener des enquêtes internationales
indépendantes et transparentes sur les violations des droits de l’homme au Myanmar, y
compris l’agression sexuelle et la violence à l’encontre des enfants, et de poursuivre
tous les responsables de ces atrocités afin de rendre justice aux victimes. La Conférence
a confirmé son soutien au Comité ministériel ad hoc chargé d’examiner les violations
des droits humains perpétrées contre les musulmans Rohingyas au Myanmar en
recourant aux instruments juridiques internationaux pour amener les auteurs des crimes
commis contre les Rohingyas à rendre compte de leurs actes. À cet égard, la
Conférence a exhorté le Comité ministériel ad hoc dirigé par la Gambie à prendre des
mesures immédiates pour engager la procédure nécessaire devant la Cour internationale
Annex 96
de Justice au nom de l’OCI. La Conférence a également appelé à garantir un accès libre
et sans restriction à l’aide humanitaire et à permettre aux personnes et aux
communautés touchées d’avoir pleinement accès à cette aide humanitaire.
48- La Conférence a réitéré sa profonde considération à la population du Bangladesh et au
gouvernement de SE la Première ministre Sheikh Hasina, pour avoir ouvert leurs coeurs
et leurs frontières, donné asile sur le sol du Bangladesh aux Rohingya déplacés de force
et soutenu de manière constante les Rohingya dépossédés de leurs biens et en détresse
malgré les ressources limitées du Bangladesh. La Conférence a exhorté les États
membres à se montrer généreux pour partager le fardeau croissant assumé par le
49- La Conférence a loué les divers mécanismes mis en place au niveau international pour
améliorer la situation dans l’Etat de Rakhine, au Myanmar ; et réitéré son soutien aux
mécanismes régionaux, notamment le Centre de coordination de
l’aide humanitaire dans la gestion des catastrophes de l’ASEAN (AHA Centre), en
matière d’évaluation des besoins nécessaires pour identifier les domaines de
coopération afin d’aménager les conditions propices au retour sûr, volontaire et digne
des réfugiés.
50- La Conférence s’est félicitée de l’investiture de l’Autorité de transition de la région
autonome de Bangsamoro, considérée comme une étape positive sur la voie de la paix
et de la stabilité dans le sud des Philippines. La Conférence a également invité le
Gouvernement de la République des Philippines à exécuter tous les programmes
convenus au cours de la période de mise en oeuvre, y compris les programmes de
développement économique et social au Bangsamoro.
51- La Conférence a exhorté les dirigeants du Front national de libération Moro et du Front
Moro islamique de libération à renforcer la coordination et la coopération entre les deux
fronts et à coopérer avec les autres parties concernées pour resserrer les rangs, renforcer
et consolider la coopération et l’unité dans leur lutte pacifique pour la cause commune
afin d’assurer une paix globale dans le sud des Philippines.
52- La Conférence a invité instamment les États Membres de l’OCI, les organes
subsidiaires, les institutions spécialisées et les institutions affiliées à augmenter le
volume de leur aide médicale, humanitaire, économique, sociale, éducative et technique
pour développer la région autonome Bangsamoro en Mindanao musulmane (ARMM),
en vue d’accélérer le développement socioéconomique. A cet égard, elle a demandé au
Gouvernement des philippines de faciliter une délégation conjointe du Secrétariat
général, des Etats membres et des représentants de la Banque Islamique de
Développement, à visiter la région pour développer un mécanisme viable en vue de
fournir l’assistance au développement nécessaire et le financement de la région du
53- La Conférence s’est félicitée des efforts sincères déployés par le gouvernement
thaïlandais pour améliorer la situation de la communauté musulmane ; a apprécié
l’invitation adressée, en février 2018, à la délégation de l’OCI, en vue de prendre
connaissance de visu des progrès engrangés par la communauté musulmane dans le
Annex 96
Annex 97
OIC, Report of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on Human Rights Violations
2019/FINAL, 25 September 2019
Available at:
French version available at:
Annex 97
Report of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee
on Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya
25 September 2019, New York
1. The Members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee
on Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya, met on the sidelines of the Annual
Coordination Meeting on 25 September 2019 in New York under the Chairmanship of The
Minister of Justice of The Gambia.
2. The Meeting expressed serious concern about the deteriorating security, human rights and
humanitarian situation in Rakhine State, and the continued serious violations and abuses of human
rights of Rohingya Muslim;
3. The Meeting acknowledged that the work of Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee and its effective
functioning are of great importance, given the urgent need for the restoration of the rights of the
Rohingya. The Meeting commended the efforts of The Gambia, as Chair of the Ad Hoc
Committee, to ensure the Myanmar Government would fully comply with international human
rights standards;
4. The Meeting called upon all Member States to support the work of the Ad Hoc Ministerial
Committee to pursue justice and accountability for the Rohingya people;
5. The Meeting reiterated that the decision to pursue a legal case in the International Court of Justice
(ICJ) was endorsed by Resolutions at the 46th CFM in Abu Dhabi and by the Final Declaration of
the 14th OIC Heads of State Summit in Makkah Al Mukarramah;
6. The Meeting also reiterated the persistent calls of the OIC to its Member States and the
international community to use effective political and economic measures bring about Myanmar’s
compliance with its international obligations;
7. The Meeting was briefed by The Gambia on the legal case to be presented to the International
Court of Justice (ICJ) in line with Council of Foreign Ministers and Summit decisions;
8. The Meeting acknowledged The Gambia’s prerogative to select a legal firm to pursue the case in
the ICJ and took note of The Gambia’s choice of the legal firm;
9. The Meeting acknowledged the substantial costs required to proceed with the legal case and called
upon all OIC Member States to provide assistance on a voluntary basis, in accordance with the
principles of burden-sharing and shared responsibility, and in the spirit of Islamic solidarity;
10. The Meeting invited the Chair of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee and the OIC Secretary
General to coordinate contacts with Member States and other international partners for raising
funds for the legal case at the ICJ and to supervise those funds and any disbursements thereof.
11. The Meeting requested the Chair of the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee to provide comprehensive
briefing, including on the financial and legal process, to the Committee and submit a
comprehensive report to the next meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers;
Annex 97
12. The Meeting recommended adding an item on pledges for the legal case undertaken by The
Gambia to the agenda of the 47th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
13. The Meeting also requested the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Islamic Solidarity Fund
(ISF) to provide necessary assistance to Ad Hoc Committee in pursuing its mandate and with the
legal case;
14. The Meeting urged the Members of the OIC Ad hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for
Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya to continue with its mandate to carry out the tasks
of ensuring accountability and justice for gross violations of international human rights and
humanitarian laws and principles; Assisting in information gathering and evidence collection for
accountability purposes; Mobilizing and coordinating international political support for
accountability for the Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya in Myanmar;
15. The Meeting called upon OIC Member States and the international community to continue their
efforts to ensure the return of all Myanmar refugees displaced from their homes in a safe, dignified
and voluntary basis and intensify their efforts in international fora to restore the nationality and
citizenship rights of Rohingya as well as protecting the rights of Muslim minorities in Myanmar.
16. This report is submitted to the Annual Coordination Meeting for its information.
Annex 97
Annex 98
OIC, Press Release, “OIC Welcomes first hearing of Legal Case on
accountability for crimes against Rohingya”, 24 November 2019
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=22925&t ref=13830&lan=en
French version available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=22926&ref=13830&lan=fr
Annex 98
Annex 98
Annex 99
OIC, Press Release, “L’OCI se félicite de la première audience de l’affaire
judiciaire sur la responsabilité pour les crimes contre Rohingya”, 24 November
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=22926&t ref=13830&lan=fr
Annex 99
Annex 99
Annex 100
OIC, Press Release, “OIC General Secretariat Welcomes UNGA Resolution
Condemning Abuses against Rohingya”, 29 December 2019
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=23064&t ref=13883&lan=en
French version available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=23067&t ref=13883&lan=fr
Annex 100
Annex 100
Annex 101
OIC, Press Release, “OIC welcomes ICJ decision ordering Myanmar to stop
genocide against Rohingya”, 23 January 2020
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=23137&t ref=13911&lan=en
French version available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=23145&t ref=13911&lan=fr
Annex 101
Annex 101
Annex 102
OIC, Press Release, “OIC Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for
Human Rights Violations against Rohingya holds consultative meeting in
Riyadh”, 30 September 2020
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=24762&t ref=15141&lan=en
French version available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=24764&t ref=15141&lan=fr
Annex 102
Annex 102
Annex 103
OIC, Tweet (@OIC_OCI), 30 September 2020
Available at:
https://twitter.com/OIC OCI/status/1311247188425609216
1/8/2021 OIC on Twitter: "During the meeting, the Secretary-General, Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen, reviewed the positive & tangible steps tak…
https://twitter.com/OIC_OCI/status/1311247188425609216 1/2
OIC @OIC_OCI Sep 30, 2020
A consultative meeting of the Ministerial Committee of the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on Accountability for Human Rights Violations
against the #Rohingya minority in #Myanmar was held in #Riyadh,
#SaudiArabia at the level of permanent representatives.
40 56 247
Replying to @OIC_OCI
During the meeting, the Secretary-General, Dr. Yousef
Al-Othaimeen, reviewed the positive & tangible steps
taken by the organization to raise awareness of the
international community about the plight of the
#Rohingya, especially by instituting a case against
#Myanmar at the ICJ.
12:11 PM Sep 30, 2020 Twitter for iPhone
PakZindabaad. @PakZindabaad2 Sep 30, 2020
Replying to @OIC_OCI
Useless OIC.
El Pistolero @aamirslfc Sep 30, 2020
Replying to @OIC_OCI
Annex 103
Annex 104
OIC, Press Release, “OIC Secretary General Thanks the ISF for its Support in
Financing the Rohingya Case at the ICJ”, 7 October 2020
Available at:
https://www.oic-oci.org/topic/?t id=24796&t ref=15154&lan=en
Annex 104
Annex 104
Annex 105
OIC, Statement on OIC Facebook account, 19 October 2020
Available at:
1/8/2021 The Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee of the... - Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/oicinenglish/posts/3549215791807935 1/2
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Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
The Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee of the #OIC on Human Rights Violations
against the #Rohingya Muslim minorities in #Myanmar will hold a virtual
meeting on Tuesday 20 October 2020, to follow up the case against
Myanmar at the International Court of Justice (#ICJ). The meeting will be
held wi hin the framework of the OIC's efforts to address the issue of Muslim
minorities in non OIC member states and defend their identity and rights.
The OIC has since its inception, paid great attention to comba ing the growth
of the phenomenon of #Islamophobia, as the situation of Muslim
communities in non-member states remained one of the main topics on the
organization's agenda.
October 19, 2020
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Annex 105
Annex 106
OIC Res. No. 59/47-POL, On the Work of the OIC Ad hoc Ministerial
Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations Against the
Rohingyas, November 2020
Available at:
French version available at:
(Session of United against Terrorism for Peace and Development)
27-28 NOVEMBER 2020
(12-13 RABI AL THANI 1442H)
Annex 106
The Forty-Seventh Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation (United Against Terrorism for Peace and Development) held in
Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 27-28 November 2020 (12-13 Rabi al Thani 1442H).
Guided by the principle and objectives of the charter of the Organization of Islamic
Referring to the OIC Resolution number 4/45-MM on the situation of the Muslim community
in Myanmar and to the deliberations in the Special Brainstorming Session of the 45th CFM on
the Humanitarian challenges of the OIC countries including those relating to the Rohingyas;
Recognizing the continuous sufferings of the Rohingyas, the most persecuted minorities of the
world, who have been facing ethnic cleansing and forced expulsions from their ancestral
homeland in the Rakhine State of Myanmar;
Expressing grave concern about recurrent forced and mass evictions of the Rohingya
Minorities from the Rakhine state of Myanmar;
Alarmed by the repeated influx of Rohingyas to Bangladesh over the last four decades of 1.1
million Rohingyas including the recently arrived 720,000 in aftermath of atrocities committed
Concerned that the Rohingyas taking shelter in Bangladesh had been victims of gross and
systematic violations of human rights and atrocity crimes,
Recognizing that ensuring accountability and justice is the most crucial step towards
preventing genocide and other mass atrocity crimes,
Also recognizing the need for making the perpetrators of human rights violations against
Rohingyas accountable for their crimes through an independent, impartial and neutral
Commending the Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee, Chaired by The Gambia to pursue the case
of genocide and human rights violations against the Rohingya at the International Court of
Highly commending the upright stance of HE Minister of Justice of The Gambia at the
proceedings at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, in defense of the Rohingya
Welcoming the historic and unanimous decision of the International Court of Justice on The
ional Measures to prevent further acts of genocide against the
Rohingya in Myanmar, its impact under international law and implications for the Rohingya
communities in both Myanmar and Bangladesh.
The OIC member states decide to:
1- Continue to support the 10-member Ad hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability
for Human Rights violations against the Rohingya (MCCAR) including the OIC
Secretariat, and IPHRC to be chaired by the Gambia;
Annex 106
2- Continue to engage in international
3- Call upon member states to contribute voluntarily to the budget of the plan of action
and to assist the general secretariat to allocate other resources needed to implement
the plan of action
4- Welcome the setting up of an Account by the OIC Secretariat to receive voluntary
contributions to support the proceedings of the Case at the ICJ,
5- Invite the Secretary General to arrange pledging sessions of the Member States during
the upcoming CFM in Niger (3-4 April 2020) as well as during the annual coordination
meeting on the sidelines of the upcoming General Assembly High-Level Meeting in
September 2020 in New York.
6- Urge all Member States to contribute in this Resource Mobilization effort to ensure the
safe, orderly, dignified and sustainable return and re-settlement of the Rohingyas to
their legitimate homeland in Rakhine province of Myanmar.
7- The Ad Hoc committee will continue to:
a. Engage to ensure accountability and justice for gross violations of international
human rights and humanitarian laws and principles;
b. Assist in information gathering and evidence collection for accountability
c. Mobilize and coordinate international political support for accountability for the
Human Rights Violations against the Rohingyas in Myanmar
d. Collaborate with the international bodies, such as, office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Security Council, UN
General Assembly, UN Human Rights Council and other international and
regional mechanisms.
e. Follow up the case at the ICJ in support of The Gambia till a final verdict is issued
Security Council Pursuant to Article 41 (2) of the Statute of the ICJ
8- Decides to remain seized of this matter.
Annex 106
Annex 107
OIC Res. No. 4/47-MM, On the Situation of the Muslim Community in
Myanmar, November 2020
Available at:
French version available at:
27-28 NOVEMBER 2020
(12-13 RABI AL THANI 1442H)
Annex 107
The Forty-Seventh Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of
Islamic Cooperation (United Against Terrorism for Peace and Development) held in
Niamey, Republic of Niger, on 27-28 November 2020 (12-13 Rabi al Thani 1442H).
Guided by the principles and objectives of the Charter of the Organization of Islamic
Cooperation (OIC), and pursuant to relevant resolutions on Muslim communities and
minorities calling for assistance to Muslim communities and minorities in non-OIC
Member States to preserve their dignity and cultural and religious identity,
Recalling Resolution No. 3/4-EX (IS) adopted by the 4th Extraordinary Islamic Summit
Conference held in Makkah Al-Mukarramah in 2012 on the Rohingya Muslim Community
in Myanmar and subsequent ministerial resolutions in this regard, particularly Resolution
No. OIC/ EX-CFM/2017/FINAL RES adopted by the Extraordinary Session of the Council
of Foreign Ministers in Kuala Lumpur on 19 January 2017; and Commending the
Government of Malaysia for hosting the Extraordinary Session of the OIC Council of
Foreign Ministers, on the Situation of the Rohingya Muslim Minority in Myanmar in Kuala
Lumpur on 19 January 2017, and reaffirming and recalling the Final Communique of the
Extraordinry Session,
Recalling also the Declaration of the special session of the OIC Contact Group on the
Rohingya which took place at Heads of State level in New York on the sidelines of the
Annual Coordination Meeting on 19 September 2017, to address the situation of the
Rohingya Muslim Minority in Myanmar and the Astana Declaration on the Rohingya
Muslim Community in Myanmar by the Meeting of Heads of State and Government, on
the sidelines of the First Islamic Summit on Science and Technology on 10 September
2017 and the reports of the OIC Contact Group on Rohingya Meeting in New York on the
24th of September 2018 and 25th September 2019 on the sidelines of the Annual
Coordination Meeting,
Recalling OIC initiatives at the United Nations on the situation of the Rohingya Muslim
Minority, including Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/RES/39/2 on the situation
of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar of 27 September
2018; UN General Assembly Third Committee resolution A/C.3/73/L.51 on the situation
of human rights in Myanmar of 16 November 2018and UN General Assembly Resolution
A/RES/72/248 of 31 October 2017 on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, and the
UN Human Rights Council Resolution A/HRC/RES/29/21 of 22 July 2015 on the Situation
of Human Rights of Rohingya Muslims and other Minorities in Myanmar,
Recalling the Meetings of the OIC Adhoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability for
Human Rights Violations against the Rohingya, and its decision to file a case at ICJ against
Myanmar for committing genocide against the Rohingyas,
Annex 107
Noting the meetings of the OIC Groups which took place in New York, Brussels and
Geneva in December 2016, to discuss the situation of the Rohingya Muslim Minority in
Noting UN General Assembly Resolution (A/RES/70/233) 23 December 2015, and UN
Security Council Presidential Statement (S/PRST/2017/22) of 6 November 2017 and the
reports of the UN Special Rapporteur (UNSR) Yanghee Lee on the situation of human
rights in Myanmar, (A/HRC/40/68) on 2 May 2019, and (A/74/342), 30 August 2019; and
UN Human Rights Council Resolutions (A/HRC/34-L.8/Rev.1), 22 March 2017 and
(A/HRC/RES/S-27/1) 5 December 2017, (A/HRC/RES/39/2) adopted on 03 October 2018
and A/HRC/RES/40/29 adopted on 11 April 2019, A/HRC/RES/42/3 adopted on 03
October 2019,
Welcoming the adoption of resolution (A/C.3/74/L.29) on the situation of the Human
Rights in Myanmar on 14 November 2019 by the 3rd Committee at the 74th session of
the UN General Assembly,
Noting also the opening Statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the
36th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, on 11 September 2017, in which he warned
that the of gross violations of the human rights of the Rohingya suggested a
widespread or systematic attack against the community, possibly amounting to crimes
against and that the sees a textbook example of ethnic ,
Noting also the opening Statement of the Chairperson of the United Nations Independent
International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, to the UN General Assembly on 23
October 2019, that Myanmar is in its obligations under the Genocide Convention
to prevent, to investigate and to enact effective legislation criminalising and punishing
Expressing serious concern over the opening statement by the High Commissioner for
Human Rights during the 37th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council that ethnic
cleansing against the Rohingya community is still underway,
Noting that the Final Communique of the 13th session of the Parliamentary Union of the
Islamic Countries (PUIC), held in Tehran on 16-17 January 2018, stresses on the Protection
of the Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar,
Alarmed that the flash report of the OHCHR on 3 February 2017 that found attacks against
the Rohingya Muslims to have been widespread as well as systematic, vindicating the very
likely commission of crimes against humanity, and welcoming the decision of the human
Rights council to constitute a Fact-Finding Mission pursuant to its Resolution 34/22 of 24
March 2017; concerned at persistent denial of human rights violation by the Government
of Myanmar,
Underscoring the need to establish the facts of the situation on the ground in Rakhine State
through an independent investigation body, and in this regard, noting with concern that the
Government of Myanmar has ceased cooperation with UN mechanisms the UN Special
Rapporteur (SR) on the Human Rights Situation in Myanmar and the Independent
Annex 107
International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar established under the UN Human Rights
Condemning the attacks of the Arakan Salvation Army against police and military posts
on 25 August 2017; noting that the clearance operations and atrocities against the
Rohingya community by Myanmar forces and its proxies had been continuing before the
25 August 2017 attack,
Deeply distressed by the reports of Rohingya civilians in Rakhine State being subjected
to unlawful use of force by extremist elements; the excessive use of force by the military
and security forces; extrajudicial, arbitrary or summary killings, rape and other forms of
sexual violence; and arbitrary detention, and the enforced disappearance of Rohingya
civilians in Rakhine State, including reports of large-scale destruction of homes and
systematic evictions of Rohingya Muslim minority from northern Rakhine State, through
the use of arson, violence, confiscation of private property, and artificial ethnodemographic
Express serious concern that, according to the United Nations Fund, nearly 60
per cent of Rohingya Muslims who have been forced to flee to Bangladesh are children
(Source: PP12 of GA Res 72/248). Noting further that these children, especially
unaccompanied children, face increased vulnerability and are more susceptible to
becoming victims of killings, sexual violence and trafficking-in-persons,
Noting with deep concern also the deteriorating security, human rights and
humanitarian situation in Rakhine State, and the continued serious violations and abuses
of human rights of Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, as well as statelessness,
disenfranchisement, economic dispossession, marginalization and deprivation of
livelihoods, as well as restrictions on freedom of movement for persons belonging
to the Rohingya community, including the confinement of approximately 120,000
people in camps for internally displaced persons, the majority of whom rely entirely
on foreign aid,
Concerned that, despite the fact that the Rohingya population, especially Muslims, had
been living in Myanmar for generations prior to its independence and have no ties to
anywhere but Myanmar, they have been made stateless since the enactment of the 1982
Citizenship Law and since then have been subjected to restrictions on access to education,
health services and livelihoods, underscoring that the lack of citizenship status and related
civil and political rights of Rohingya Muslims and others, including voting rights, is a
serious human rights violation,
Appreciating the Government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh for
welcoming Rohingya Muslims into the country and for providing safety and humanitarian
assistance to more than 1.2 Million Rohingya refugees fleeing persecution in
Rakhine state,
Taking into consideration that the plight of the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar cannot be
tackled from a purely humanitarian perspective, and should be dealt with within the
framework of their inalienable rights as citizens,
Annex 107
Welcoming the September 2017 letter addressed by President Haydar Abbadi of Iraq to
the heads of Muslim countries and the OIC Secretary General, regarding the Rohingya
crisis, along with the violations of human rights and genocide against the Rohingya, which
letter calls for holding an urgent meeting of the Council of the OIC Foreign Ministers to
form an international alliance to counter and stop these violations,
Having considered the Report of the Secretary General on the Muslim Community in
Myanmar (Document No. OIC/CFM-47/2020/MM/SG.REP);
1. Condemns the systematic brutal acts and horrendous atrocities perpetrated against
the Rohingya Muslim Community in Myanmar, especially post 25 August 2017,
which constitute a serious and blatant violation of international law, international
human rights conventions as well as violations of international humanitarian law
civilian Muslim minority; Particularly denounce the involvement of security forces
and militias in continued acts of violence towards Rohingya Muslims including
mass gang-rape, killings in thousands including of babies and children, burning
people alive, brutal beatings, disappearances, eviction and forced expulsion of
inhabitants, arbitrary arrests, detentions, torture, in addition to burning of Rohingya
homes, places of worship, villages and fields of standing crops;
2. Expresses serious concern over the fact that the Rohingya community continues to
face systematic discrimination in Rakhine state, including killing, rape, eviction
and forced expulsion of inhabitants, which derives from their lack of legal status
resulting in restrictions on their freedom of movement, access to land, food, water,
education, health care as well as restrictions to marriage and birth certificates;
3. Expresses concern over the fact that any radicalization or infiltration of radical
elements into the Rohingya minority community may further complicate the
solution of the problem and have implications on regional security;
4. Strongly condemns all violations and abuses of human rights in Myanmar,
including widespread, systematic and gross human rights violations and abuses
committed in Rakhine State, including the presence of elements of extermination
and deportation and systematic oppression and discrimination, which may amount
to persecution and to the crime of apartheid, also strongly condemns the
disproportionate response of the military and the security forces, deplores the
serious deterioration of the security, human rights and humanitarian situation, the
exodus of more than 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims and other minorities into
Bangladesh and the subsequent depopulation of northern Rakhine State, and calls
upon the Myanmar authorities to ensure that those responsible for violations of
international law, including human rights violations and abuses, are held
5. Expresses deep indignation at credible reports, assessments and conclusions of
various international and human rights organizations that recent atrocities are part
of a systematic strategy and plan of ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims of
Rakhine State which have since August 2017, affected over 723,000 Muslims who
have been forcibly displaced to Bangladesh, in addition to the 87,000 Rohingya that
Annex 107
have been displaced since violent incidents of October 2016 and more than 300,000
who have fled previous episodes of violence since 1990;
6. Expresses full solidarity with the Government and people of Bangladesh, unfairly
affected with the influx of a million plus Rohingya and appreciate them for opening
their hearts and borders for the distressed community now facing an existential
systematically, at genocidal scale, in Myanmar in violation of human rights and
total disregard of all international and civilized norms and laws;
7. Expresses serious disappointment and dismay at the Myanmar authorities denial of
evidences and findings or reports such as the UN Flash report of 3 February 2017
and 13-24 September 2017 and the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the
situation ofhuman rights in Myanmar, of 8 September 2017 which clearly identify
confirmed that the Myanmar security forces deliberately set fire to houses with
families inside, and in other cases pushed Rohingya into already burning houses ;
8. Expresses once again, its deep concern over the humanitarian and human rights
situation in Rakhine State of Myanmar;
9. Underlines the fact that the continuation of the current situation can engender
serious adverse repercussions in the region and beyond;
10. Expresses concern over the spread of hate speech and incitement to violence,
discrimination and hostility in the media and internet as well as the laws, which
were passed discriminating against the Muslim community in Myanmar such as the
interfaith marriage, religious conversion laws, etc;
11. Regrets the lack of response by the Government of Myanmar to the proposed OIC
Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) fact finding visit to
Rakhine State to ascertain the human rights situation of Rohingya minority and
requests the IPHRC to remain seized of the matter and continue to follow up on its
visit request with a view to presenting an objective account on the factual situation
on the ground to the CFM;
12. Welcomes the appointment of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General to
Myanmar, Ambassador Ibrahim Khayrat, and mandates the OIC Secretary General
to take the necessary measures to enable his Special Envoy to conduct a visit to
Myanmar as soon as possible, and make efforts with the Government of Myanmar
to conduct a fact-finding mission the soonest in order to ascertain the actual
situation on the ground and report thereon to the CFM within six months from the
adoption of the draft resolution, while taking the proper measures if the
Government of Myanmar continues to refuse to cooperate with OIC mechanisms;
13. Calls upon the Government of Myanmar:
a. To honor its obligations under International Law and Human Rights covenants,
and to take all measures to immediately halt all vestiges and manifestations of
the practice of ethnic cleansing, genocide, violence of all types, vigilantism,
acts of dispersion and discriminatory practices against Rohingya Muslims, as
Annex 107
well as the continuous attempts to obliterate their Islamic culture and identity
immediately; including delisting them from household lists and demolition of
places of worship, institutions and houses of Muslim minorities
b. To immediately restore stability and security in Rakhine State, primarily by
exercising maximum restraint, ending all violent acts, and protecting all persons
regardless of their race and religion.
c. To eliminate the root causes, including the denial of citizenship based on the
1982 Citizenship Act which has led to statelessness and deprival of their rights,
and the continued dispossession and discrimination affecting the Rohingya
Muslim Minorities, and work towards a just and sustainable solution to this
d. To de-escalate the situation in Rakhine State to prevent the further loss of lives
and displacement so that humanitarian aid may be provided to all affected
communities in need and medical support provided to the sick, injured and those
suffering from malnutrition and severe mental trauma and to ensure the right of
each individual to live and move without fear and persecution based on their
religion or ethnicity;
e. To take serious note about reports on the perpetration of crimes committed and
evidences and findings of reports of international organisations such as the UN
report (A/71/361)
of March 2017 and reports coming out in the post August 2017 period. To take
further note of the credible reports, assessments, and conclusions of various
international and human rights organisations, members of media and experts
that expose recent atrocities entirely on racial lines;
f. To allow Muslims meaningful and unhindered freedom of movement within
Rakhine State to pursue livelihood options and to access healthcare and
education without any hindrance and allow free and unhindered access of local
and international staff of humanitarian agencies to afford affected Muslims and
vulnerable population humanitarian assistance based on their needs;
g. To reverse and abandon policies, directives and practices that marginalize the
Rohingya community economically, such as demolition of houses in the pretext
of them being unauthorized, confiscation of lands in the name of development
and social projects delegitimizing their ownership of lands, depriving them
from business opportunities and accessing market places as well as employment
h. To create economic opportunities for the historically deprived Rohingya
community in order to achieve balanced socio-economic development of the
Rakhine State and to defuse tension among communities.
i. To take urgent measures for a sustainable
Bangladesh on 23 November 2017 and subsequent arrangements and
Annex 107
mechanisms agreed, by ensuring that the repatriation of any Rohingya refugees
to Myanmar must be voluntary, safe, dignified, sustainable and uphold their
human rights;
j. To create the conditions necessary for the safe, voluntary, dignified and
sustainable return of refugees, to proactively apprise the prospective returnees
about developments in this regard and to formulate a time-bound road map for
their implementation;
k. To cooperate fully with all national, regional and international mechanisms to
establish the facts and circumstances of the alleged recent human rights
violations by military and security forces, and abuses in Rakhine State, with a
view to ensuring full accountability for perpetrators and justice for victims;
l. To seek to address all aspects of insecurity in Rakhine comprehensively and to
this end positively engage with the Governments of neighboring countries
including Bangladesh on external aspects of insurgency and militancy in
Rakhine, and cross border crimes such as human trafficking, irregular border
crossing and settlement, smuggling of illegal drugs and arms etc., along with
cooperation in various sectors for development and economic uplift that are of
mutual interest;
m. To restore the citizenship of the Rohingya Muslim community with all
associated rights, which was revoked in the Citizenship Act of 1982;
n. To immediately start registering children at birth and children who have been
so far left out of such registration processes; reiterates the call upon the
Myanmar Government to make any verification process impartial, transparent
and voluntary and ultimately linked to citizenship free from threat of
marginalization, racial bias, discriminatory entries (such as race, religion and
language) and other kinds of arbitrariness.
o. To facilitate, for the sake of transparency and accountability, international,
independent and impartial investigations into allegations of human rights
abuses, atrocities and violations, including sexual violence, rape, and abuse and
violence against children, including violations and abuses carried out by
members of the military, other Government agents and members of vigilante
groups, including those motivated by extreme views against Rohingya Muslims
and those who divide communities and to hold to account all those responsible
for such acts and to provide justice for victims;
p. To undertake all measures to counter incitement to hatred and hate speech
leading to violence and to combat discrimination and violence against persons
belonging to national or ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities and ensure
exemplary punishment to establish due deterrents.
q. To further undertake all necessary measures to restore stability and launch a
comprehensive reconciliation process that includes all components of the
Rohingya community, including those who lost their nationality all forcibly
Annex 107
displaced and internally-displaced persons and refugees and others in irregular
situations in or outside of Myanmar; and invites OIC member states to join their
efforts to those of the international community at the UN with a view to
ensuring the return of all forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals, Myanmar
refugees and IDPs to their place of origin in safety and dignity.
State of Rakhine to address the healthcare needs of all communities and to
respond positively to the proposal of establishing a technical school and to
conducting a symposium on inter-faith dialogue.
Closure of Internally-Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps adopted in December
2019, with a view to closing down the IDP camps in Rakhine State and relocate
more than 120,000 Rohingya currently living in the camps to their places of
residence; and
t. Take proactive measures to protect the remaining Rohingya in Rakhine State
from being exploited by human traffickers.
14. Calls upon Member States to demonstrate solid unity and take up the Charter
bound duty of saving the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar from existential
threat and ensuring justice to heal the wounds, sufferings and grievous losses of
lives. In this pursuit, take concrete steps to bring the perpetrators of atrocities,
crimes against humanity and genocide and those responsible for destroying a
community, its distinct history and culture to the all the International Legal and
Juridical institutions and mechanisms. In this context, seeks necessary support from
relevant OIC organizations and institutions, under the overall coordination of the
Secretary General, and requests cooperation of OIC Ambassadors in New York,
Geneva and Brussels;
15. While welcoming the signing of th
November 2017 and in January 2018and expressing optimism about sustainable
return of Rohingya through arrangements agreed upon between Myanmar and
Bangladesh and urges, upon Myanmar to initiate return and resettlements with
delivery on the ground;
16. Expresses cautious optimism at the general arrangements agreed between the
Governments of Bangladesh and Myanmar as a beginning towards sustainable
return and reintegration of all displaced Rohingya into Myanmar society as equal
members and until their full realisation occurs in letter and spirit, urge Member
States and the international community to stand with the Government of
Bangladesh and the Rohingya community in support and with humanitarian
assistance in a collective responsibility of custodianship of the repatriation process;
17. Commits to work with the international community to urge Myanmar and
Bangladesh to implement this arrangement swiftly and create conducive
Annex 107
environment in Myanmar for voluntary, safe and dignified return of Rohingya to
their homeland in Myanmar;
18. Calls upon Member States to continue their efforts together with those of the
international community and the UN in order to ensure the return of all Myanmar
nationals who have been forcibly displaced from Rakhine State, through a
voluntary and transparent process which provides for their safety, dignity and
19. Commends Indonesia for the handover of the Indonesian Aid Project Station
Hospital on 10 December 2019 in Myaung Bwe, Rakhine State to Myanmar
Government in hope that the hospital can be utilized as much as possible for the
Rakhine State community, both Muslim and Buddhist, and can encourage peace in
the Rakhine State;
20. Commends the efforts made by OIC Member States in providing humanitarian
assistance to the affected Rohingya communities in Myanmar and Bangladesh,
Government of Malaysia that has been operated since 1 December 2017and the
Government of Turkey that has been providing critical medical and health
assistance to displaced Rohingya since January 2018.
21. Welcomes the invaluable support and contributions made by the Government of
United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Brunei Darussalam to
the field hospital that has enabled it to provide critical medical and health assistance
to the Rohingya community who are forcibly displaced from their place of origin.
22. Welcomes the concurrence of the Government of Myanmar with the
recommendations of the report of the Advisory Commission on the Rakhine State
led by Mr. Kofi Annan, made public in August 2017, and looks forward to their
prompt implementation for stability, peace and prosperity in Rakhine State, in full
consultation with all the communities concerned.
23. Recalls the Joint Communiqué signed on 16thNovember 2013 between the OIC and
the Central Committee for Implementation of Stability and Development in the
Rakhine State of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar which set the foundation
for future cooperation, and encourages the Government of Myanmar to implement
an all-inclusive and transparent verification process which will lead to the granting
of citizenship for the Rohingya Muslim minority;
24. Expresses its concern that if the plight of Rohingya and the root causes of their
suffering are not addressed, conditions on the ground will strengthen radical
elements seeking to infiltrate into the Rohingya community, further complicating
existing problems;
25. Acknowledges the substantial costs and social challenges incurred by countries in
the region as a consequence of hosting forcibly displaced Rohingya from Myanmar,
and invites OIC Member States to assist these countries in accordance with the
Annex 107
principles of burden-sharing and shared responsibility, and in the spirit of Islamic
26. Requests the CFM Chair and Summit Chair and the Secretary-General, to engage
and coordinate with the Myanmar Government for a high level delegation from the
OIC Contact Group to visit Rakhine State to meet with local officials and the
affected Rohingya Muslim Minority, and in this regard requests the cooperation of
the Government of Myanmar to receive this visit;
27. Calls upon international community to continue working with the Government of
Myanmar for protecting Muslim minorities in its territories;
28. Calls on OIC Member States to urgently render humanitarian assistance to alleviate
the suffering and hardship of the Rohingya Muslim Minority in Rakhine State as
well as those refugees and forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals in neighboring
Bangladesh and requests the OIC Secretariat to continue to pursue its efforts on the
humanitarian front including the establishment of an effective coordination
mechanism for humanitarian assistance;
29. Takes note of the other commitments of the Government of Myanmar to improve
the situation in Rakhine State for all communities, while underscoring the need for
expedited implementation, including through commitments to the return of
refugees and forcibly displaced persons, and the speech by the State Counsellor on
12 October 2017, in which she set out her vision for resolving the crisis, including
through the setting up of the Union Enterprise for Humanitarian Assistance,
Resettlement and Development in Rakhine;
30. Welcomes the initiative by the Republic of Indonesia to host the 1st Indonesia-
Myanmar Interfaith Dialogue (IMID) that was held on 21-24 May 2017 in
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, which aims to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue
that is essential to nurture peace, social harmony, sustainable development and
31. Pays tribute to the State of Kuwait for co-hosting, along with the European Union
(EU), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(UNOCHA), the Pledging Conference for Rohingya Refugee Crisis, in Geneva on
23 October 2017, where donor states and organizations pledged $344 million in
humanitarian response.
32. Commends the initiative by the Republic of Turkey to organize International
Rohingya Consultations Meeting on July 6th, 2018, in Ankara in order to discuss
the immediate measures to be taken by the international community with a view to
preventing an humanitarian catastrophe and alleviating the burden on Bangladesh,
33. Welcomes the convening by the Secretary General of a conference on
-20 December 2017
in Bangkok, Thailand in partnership with King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz
International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) and
Annex 107
support from the Religions for Peace-Interreligious Council of Thailand, Mahidol
University and Fatoni University, to strengthen understanding and cooperation
among religious leaders and communities in their respective countries in the region.
34. Requests the Secretary-General to further explore such joint initiatives with the
UN Secretary-General, ASEAN Secretary-General, the Government of Myanmar
as well as other international organizations to develop and implement inter-faith
and inter-communal dialogues that will foster greater understanding, tolerance and
cooperation among ethnic and religious communities in South and Southeast Asia;
35. Commends the Secretary General for dispatching a joint OIC-IPHRC delegation
Rohingya camps to obtain first-hand
information about the plight of the forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals; and
expresses appreciation to the Government of Bangladesh for facilitating the visit
and providing local logistical support.
36. Calls upon Members of the OIC Ad hoc Ministerial Committee on Accountability
for Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya to carry out the tasks of
ensuring accountability and justice for gross violations of international human
rights and humanitarian laws and principles; Assisting in information gathering and
evidence collection for accountability purposes; Mobilizing and coordinating
international political support for accountability for the Human Rights Violations
against the Rohingya in Myanmar.
37. Reiterates its support for The Gambia, as Chair of the Ad hoc Ministerial
Committee on Accountability for Human Rights Violations Against the Rohingya
for the legal case in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Myanmar for
genocide actions on the Rohingya minority.
38. Commends the Gambia, Chair of the OIC Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee for
initiating a legal case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on behalf of the OIC
to end the culture of impunity by bringing the perpetrators to justice for gross
violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws and principles;
39. Welcomes the decision by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), The Hague, to
conduct its first hearing, from 10-12 December 2019, in the case against the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar for its brutal actions against the Rohingya
Muslim minority.
40. Welcomes the unanimous decision on 23 January 2020 of the International Court
of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, in the case against the Republic of the Union of
Myanmar to order provisional measures to prevent further acts of genocide against
the Rohingya from occurring in Myanmar;
41. Calls upon Myanmar to fully comply with the Order of the Court and take all
measures to prevent the commission of all acts of genocide against the Rohingya,
including rapes of women and children killings of infants and pregnant women,,
physical abuse, causing serious bodily or mental harm, burning of homes and
villages, destruction of lands and livestock and inflicting conditions of life
Annex 107
calculated to bring about their physical destruction, and measures to prevent births
and to preserve all evidence related to the allegations of the crime of genocide;
42. Calls upon all OIC Member States to stand firmly with The Gambia and provide
all necessary support, including financial assistance for the Legal case, on a
voluntary basis, in accordance with the principles of burden-sharing and shared
responsibility, and in the spirit of Islamic solidarity;
43. Recognizes that as per article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
the Rohingya has the Right to citizenship and arbitrary deprivation and revocation
of this Right by Myanmar constitutes a serious violation of their Human Rights;
44. Emphasizes the need for Myanmar authorities to address the issue of citizenship
of the Rohingya, as recommended by the Kofi Annan Commission Report in 2017;
45. Calls upon the Government of Myanmar to ensure the safe, dignified and
sustainable return and resettlement of the Rohingya to their legitimate homeland in
the Rakhine State of Myanmar.
46. Invites the OIC Member States to focus and assist in the voluntary repatriation of
the Rohingya to their legitimate homeland in Myanmar.
47. Welcomes the establishment by the UN Human Rights Council, of Independent
Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) to collect, consolidate, preserve
and analyze evidence of the most serious international crimes and violations of
international law committed in Myanmar since 2011 and reiterates the call for
taking all necessary legal steps to facilitate and expedite fair and independent
criminal proceedings, in accordance with international law standards, in national,
regional or international courts or tribunals that have, or may in the future have,
jurisdiction over these crimes, in accordance with international law,
48. Welcomes the visits by the President of the Republic of Indonesia on 27-29 January
2018, Turkish Prime Minister on December 20 2017, Foreign Minister and First
Lady on 7-8 September 2017 to the Rohingya camps in Bangladesh and encourages
Members States to do the same in solidarity with the long suffering Rohingya
49. Welcomes the visit of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdallah of Jordan to the
Rohingya camps in Bangladesh on 23 October 2017 and the humanitarian
assistance sent by Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization as solidarity with the
long suffering Rohingya People.
50. Commends the visit made by the Muslim Council of Elders and Al-Azhar Al-
Sharif, led by Al-Azhar Grand Imam, to the Rohingya refugee camps in
Bangladesh, on26-27 November 2017, to take cognizance of their pain and needs.
51. Stresses the importance of the successful organization of the 2nd Congress of the
Arakan Rohingya Union in an inclusive manner and calls upon the General
Secretariat and Member States to support the Congress.
Annex 107
52. Requests the OIC Ambassadorial Group in New York, Geneva, and Brussels to
continue their efforts to further the cause of the Rohingya at all international levels;
53. Requests further that the OIC Permanent Missions in New York, Geneva and
Brussels and convene meetings of the Contact Group on Rohingya Muslim
Minority of Myanmar on a regular basis to review the situation of the Rohingya
Muslim minority and explore sustained engagement strategies with Myanmar, the
United Nations, the European Union, and other international organizations, and
report to the OIC Secretary General; and Encourages the Contact Group to make
necessary visits to the refugee camps in Bangladesh and Myanmar in this regard.
54. Calls upon Permanent Missions of OIC Member States in Geneva to remain
engaged on the human rights situation of Rohingya Muslim Minority of Myanmar
in the UN Human Rights Council and, as an update of the OIC-Group led resolution
tion of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other
th regular session of the UN Human
Rights Council in June 2015, to table a draft resolution with the same title by the
OIC Group in Geneva in the next regular session of the UN Human Rights Council
to be held in June 2020, with necessary updates and inclusions in the text reflecting
the continued deterioration of the human rights situation of the Rohingya Muslims
in Myanmar since October 2016, and more specifically since August 2017,
resulting into the ongoing crisis due to the exodus of more than seven hundred
thousand Rohingya Muslims to Bangladesh.
55. Welcomes the recent Security Council visit to Bangladesh and Myanmar co-led by
Kuwait, Peru and the United Kingdom with a view to finding a durable solution to
the plight of the persecuted Rohingya, the Ministers underscore on concrete actions
at the Security Council to facilitate the sustainable repatriation of the Rohingya to
their motherland/homeland,
56. Recalls in this regard, also the visit of the OIC Foreign Ministers to the camps in
and to suggest actions by the OIC for the immediate resolution of the crisis.
57. Requests the Secretary General remain seized of the matter and to follow the
implementation of this resolution and report thereon to the 48th Session of the
Council of Foreign Ministers.
Annex 107
Annex 108
Bangladesh, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Shahriar
Alam, MP, Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh at BIISSorganised
seminar at BICC on the theme- “Upcoming 45th Council of Foreign
Ministers (CFM) of OIC, Dhaka: Revisiting A Shared Journey; 10: 10 AM”,
updated 29 March 2018
Available at:
Text size A A A Color C C C C
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Hon’ble Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs,
The Foreign Secretary,
Chairman and Director General of Bangladesh International Institute of Strategic Studies-BIISS,
Your Excellencies, the Ambassadors and Members of the diplomatic corps,
Distinguished speakers of the seminar,
Senior officials of the Government and former diplomats,
Distinguished Guests,
Friends from the media,
Ladies and Gentlemen
Assalamu Alaikum and a very Good Morning to you all
Let me first thank and appreciate BIISS and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for jointly organising this timely seminar
on OIC’s 45th Council of Foreign Ministers –CFM while we are hosting it in Dhaka in five weeks from now This
seminar holds particular importance for the people of Bangladesh Through its rich discussions, I am confident; they
will come to know what honour their Government has been given by OIC in hosting the CFM and as part of the
Ummah, what they expect out of the forthcoming CFM and the OIC in years ahead The seminar is also useful in
reflecting what the people of Bangladesh would like OIC to be and to do in these trying times when the Muslim World
is faced with so many challenges coming both from within and beyond
Let me, for now, mention that this distinct honour came in recognition of Bangladesh’s active and constructive role
and growing importance at the OIC Unanimous endorsement in favour of Bangladesh is also a mark of the confidence
reposed in the Government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Distinguished Guests Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I come to the subject of discussion today (the 45th CFM in Dhaka and revisiting our shared journey in OIC), let
me dwell a little on why OIC is important for Bangladesh and why we are hosting this conference You must be aware
that giving top priority to Bangladesh’s association with the Muslim Ummah, we joined OIC under the leadership of the
Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rhman through his historic participation in the second OIC Summit
held in Lahore in 1974 This importance attached by the Father of the Nation’s Bangladesh got amply reflected in
Article 25 (2) of the constitution giving a clear foreign policy direction of closer relations with the Muslim world The
enunciation reads Quote-“The State shall endeavour to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among
Muslim countries based on Islamic solidarity”-Unquote
With OIC membership Bangladesh’s shared journey with the Ummah started The organization has evolved from being
a forum focusing on merely political issues into a much wider platform for cooperation in diversified fields of social,
Last updated: 29 March 2018
Statement by H.E. Mr. Md Shahriar Alam, MP, Hon'ble State
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh at BIISSorganised
seminar at BICC on the theme- “Upcoming 45th
Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) of OIC, Dhaka: Revisiting
A Shared Journey; 10: 10 AM
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Volume IV - Annexes 90-174
