Reply of the authors of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence to questions
posed by Judges Koroma, Bennouna and Cançado Trindade
at the close of the oral proceedings

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22.DEC.2009 15:01 0038138213183 s #2304 P.003 /018

I. Judge Koroma's Question

1.Judge Koroma asked the following question:

"It h~s been co~tended that international Iaw does not prohibit the
secess1o~ of a ten1tory from a sovereign State. Could participants in these
proceedmgs address the Court on the principles and rules of international
law~ if any, which, outside the colonial context, permit the secession of a

terr1toryfrom a sovereign State without the Iatter'sconsent?"

2. At the outset, we wish to recall that the question submitted by the

General Assembly in resolution 63/31 does not address the issue of the

conformity with international law of the secession of Kosovo from Serbia, or of

the recognitions of the Republic of Kosovo, which currently number 642, or

questions of statehood. The question addressed to Court is whether the

Declaration of Independence of 17 February 2008 was in conformity with

__i__t4;mcltiQna_Lla: w :.we made.clear in our oral contributi.onr~'[z,Jous-êt.e.s ..()

appeléàs répondrà e laseuleet unique question,trèspréciseet restreinte,delaconfomziti
de la déclarationd'indépendanc du 17février 2008avec le droitinternational,"3and

"[l.Jaquestionne porte sur rien d'autreetiln'y a aucunefàçon,ni aucunenécessité de,

luiaccorder un sensplus ((complet»":1

3. The narrowness of the question has been confinned by the overwhelming

majority of States participating in the proceedings. 5 Even Serbia, the sponsor of

1 UN Dossier No. 7,

2 Malawi was the most recent State to recognize Kosovo, on 16 December 2009. For the latest
information on recognitions, http:/ /""2,33.

1 CR 2009/25, 1 December 2009p.32,para,7 (Müller).
4 Ibidp. 33, para. 8.

s CR 2009/26, 2 December 2009p.26, para. 5-6 (Wasum-Rainer), CR 2009/27, 3 December 2009,
p. 6, para. 3 (Tichy), CR 2009/28, 4 December 2009, p. 23, para. 18-21 (Dimitroff}, CR 2009/29,

222.DEC.2009 15:01 0038138213183 s #2304 P.004 /018

resolution 63/3 of the General Assembly, has taken the same view.6 It is neither

necessary nor appropriate for the Court to widen the question submitted by

Serbia through the General Assembly and to respond to the - different _ issue of

secession in international law and its Iegality.

4. Nevertheless, in response to Judge Koroma's question, we recall that

general international law does not prohlbit secession of a territory from a State,

whether or not that State consents. This was explained by many States during

the written and oral proceedings.7

5. International law neither prohibits nor authorizes secession. 8 Many

States have taken the same view during the written and oral presentations in

these proceedings. 9 Secession is, as Professer Crawford has written, "neither

legal nor illegal in international law, but a legally neutral act the consequences of

which are regulated internationally."1o As Daillier, Forteau and Pellet say:
Quellequesoitsalégalitéauplan interne,lasécessioe nstunfait politiqueauregarddu

7 December2009, p.52, para. 10 (Metelko-Zgombié),ibid., p. 67 (Winkler); CR 2009/30, 8

December2009, p. 36, para. 35 (K.oh),CR2009/31,9 December2009, p. 9, para.4 (Belliard),
ibid,pp. 27-28,para. 3-6 (Prince Al Hussein),ibid.,p. 44, para. 10.

6 CR 2009/24,1December2009,p. 41,para. 17 (Djerié).
7 See,forexarnple,CR 2009/25, 1December2009,pp. 39-15,para.19-31 (Müller),CR 2009/26, 2
December 2009,pp. 26-27,para. 9 (Wasum-Rainer),CR2009/27,3 December 2009,pp. 11-12,

para. 19-21 (fichy), CR2009/30, 8 December 2009, pp. 29-30, para. 18-19 (Koh), CR
2009/31, 9 December 2009, p. 12, para. 12(Belliard),CR 2009/32, 10 Dêc@mbe2 T009,pp. 49-
52,para.11-22 (Crawford).

a CR 2009/25, 1 December 2009,p.44, para.30 (Müller).

9 See,for example, CR2009/26, 2 December2009,p. 12,para. 13 (Frowein), ibid.p. 20,para. 7
(Gill), CR 2009/28, 4 December 2009, p. 32 (d'Aspremont), CR 2009/31, 9 December 2009,
p. 15,para. 18(Belliard),ibid., p. 38, para,43 (PrinceAl Hussein).

inJ.Crawford, TheCreationofStatesin Inten-zationaLlaw,2 edn., OxfordUniversity Press, 2006,

3 #2304 P.005 .'018
22 .DEC.2009 15:01 0038138213183

droitinternational,qui se contented'entire1· les conséquences lorsqu'ell eboiltità la

miseenplaced'autoritésétatiqueseffectives etstables"11

6. International law does recognize a right for a people who have been

derùed the effective exercise of the right to self-determination to choose freely

their polilical status, which may lead to the creation of a State through secession.

As the Supreme Court of Canada recognized in its opinion ReSecessionofQuebec

from Canada: "[T]he international law right to self-determination only generates,

at best, a right to external self-determination in situations of former colonies;

where a people is oppressed, as for example under foreign military occupation;

or where a definable group is denied meaningful access to government to pursue

their political, economic, social and cultural development. In all three situations,

the people in question are entitled to a right to external self-determination

because they have been denied the ability to exert internally their right to seJf­

- ·-..
,..__,_. thü.s~ rn exceptiona lircumstances of persistent serious violations of

human rights and the prolonged,rigorousand oppressivedenial of the right to seJf­

determination, a people can, at last resort, exercise their external right of self­

determination.I-3 The people of Kosovo, as has been stated, were clearly entitled

under the specific circuwstances ta exercise their right to extemal self-

11P. Daillier, M. Forteau, A. Pellet,Droit intemational public (Ngyum Quoc Dinh), Bth edn.,

L.G.D.J.,Paris, 2(.Xpl,585.
12Reference reSecessianofQuebec, [1998}2 S.C.R. 217para.138.

13CR 2009/26, 2.December 2009, p. 21, para. 10 (Gill),ibid.p. 30, par_a._32(Wa.sum-Raine;~
CR 2009/30, 8 December 2009, PP· 56-57, para. 12 (Kaukoranta): _ _bid.. p. 26, para. _;i
(Koskenniemi), CR 2,m/32, 10December 2009, pp.8-10,para. 4-11 (L11nzaad).

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determination and have d
one so by choosing to establish a sovereign and
independent State.14

II. Judge Bennouna's Question

8. Judge Bennouna asked the following question:

~Est-:-ce_que les auteurs tie la déclaration unilatérale d'indépendance des

mstitutions provisoires d'administration autonome du Kosovo ont fait
auparavant campagne, lorsde l'élection de novembre 2007 de l'assembléedes
institutions provisoires d'administration autonome du Kosovo, sur la base
de leur volonté de déclarertmilatéralement, 1mefois élus,l'indépendance du

Kosovo, ou bien ont-ils, au moins, présenté à leurs électeurs la déclaration
unilatérale d'indépendance du Kosovo comme l'une des alternatives de leur
action future ?"

9. Elections for the Assembly of Kosovo, as well as for municipal assemblies

and mayors, took place on 17 November 2007 following a three-week election

campaignJ:_hatbeg~n 0_126_ October 2007... Itshould be noted that -the campaign -.­

took place at a time when the Troïka talks were ongoing; in the

campaign the leaders of the main political parties were careful not to do anyt:h:ing

that might disrupt that process.

10. In its Written Comments of 14 July 2009,Serbia asserted that

"Kosovo status issues were deliberately removed from the electoral
campaign by agreement of the election partidpants" 1•

14CR 2009/25, 1 December 2009,pp.45-46, para. 33-34 (Müller). SeeKosovo'sFurtherWritten
Contribution,p. 76-86, para. 4.32-4.52; CR 2009/26, 2 December 2009, pp. 21-23,..para. 11-16
(Gill)ibid.p. 30, para. 33 (Wasum-Rainer), C2009/30, 8 December2009, p. .,8, par39
(Koh), CR 2009/31,9 December 2009, p. 37, para. (PrincAl Hussein).

is Serbia Written Comments, para. 40.

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Serbia goes on to daim, wrongly, that those dedaring independence could not

have been acting as a ''constituent body'' because they were selected in an

election from which independence was excluded as an issue. Serbia cites in

support an article that refers to a "Gentlemen's Agreement 11between the main

political parties dated 5 October 2007. In fact, that agreement simply aimed to

ensure an electoral process characterized by a spirit of tolerance and

understanding 1, in an environment in which it was amply evident that support

for independence among the people of Kosovo was overwhelming. Neither that

agreement, nor any other agreement, contained any reference to removing

Kosovo status issues from the campaign.

11. There can be no doubt that the overwhelming majority of the people of

Kosovo favoured independence. That support had been articulated by the people

themselves when they voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum

in 1991; it was maintained by Kosovo's representatives in the negotiations held

·-.__ring.the __ill.and Rambouillet negotiations; and-it was adhered to by Kosovo's -- ··-··-----··- ----·-----,··-·

representatives throughout the final status negotiations of 2005-2007. It will be

recalled in particular that, as reported by the Secretary-General, on 17 November

2005 the Kosovo Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution confirming the

will of the people of Kosovo for an independent and sovereign State of Kosovo;

the resolution provided a mandate to the delegation of Kosovo for the future

status process 1•

12. The Council of Europe Election Observation Mission reported that "the

political campaign was largely focused on employment, economy, education,

16A copyof the Gentlemen's Agreement isattached, in Albanian with an English translation.

11Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations lnterim Administration Mission in
Kosovo, 25January 2006(S/2006/45, para. 4 [UN Dossier No. 75]).

6 s #2304 P.008 /018
22.DEC.2009 15:01 0038138213183

health and local issues rath th h .
, er an ont e issue of the future status of Kosovo"rn.

Nevertheless, in the elections of November 2007 those ,..,,,....., ~""-'-Ul.J.ior o 1ce

understood that the overwhelming preference of the people remained in faveur

of independence. Overwhelming popular support existed for seeking
independence at the ea 1· t · .
r ies opporturuty, which was reflected in the political

programmes of all the main parties, and is confirmed by contemporaneous

media reports. A BBC report of 25 October 2007, for example, stated

that "the majority of political forces that competed in these elections has as a

priority in their programs independence and economic development''l9,

13. In his report covering the elections, the UN Secr.etary-General recorded

"Throughout the election campaign, the members of the Kosovo Unity Team
remained engaged :inthe Troika-led negotiations on Kosovo's future status.

While the Unity Team continued to attend the Troika-led talks, its
representatives repeatedly stated that any further extension of talles would
__-·-·-··--be Jt._n.acc.ep.tablset,r-essing--that-a-date-fora declaration -of indeperrdencefo:r ·-·····

Kosovo, in coordination with the international community, should be
quickly set after 10 December. This has raised further expectati.ons in the
Kosovo Albanian community that Kosovo will be independent in the near

future. Public pressure on the new Government and Assembly to act swiftly

18Final Report, Council of Europe Election Observation Mission V in Kosovo (CEEOM V),
Strasbourg, 28 March 2008,para. 106.

19 albanian/ regionalnews/2007 /10/071025_hyseni_elections.shtmThe
German station Deutsd11!Welle noted in its report of 16 November 2007: "The e!ection
campaign in Kosovo has been dominated by the subject of province's future statu.s.With a trio
of diplomatie envoys from the European Union, thenited States and Russia facing a Dec. 10
deadline tocame up with a plan for the province, the Kosovar Albanian parties have become
increasingly vocal in their calls for independence." AofAmerica report of 17 November
2007 said:"The people of Kosovo are voting Saturday for a new local govemment. Ali the
main political parties in the Albanian-majority province have pledged to gain independence

from Serbia ...."

7 s #2304 P.009 /018
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ta declare independence folloWi th d f th .
high."20 ng e en ° e penod of engagement is

14 -The support of the people for independence as declared by those who

were elected in 2007, was clear, among other things, from the popular

celebrations on the day the Declaration was issued; far from being unexpected,

the event was fully accepted and endorsed by the people. As the United Nations

Secretary-General informed the Security Council the next day, on 18 February


"In much of Kosovo, there have been peaceful celebrations by tens of
thousands welcoming the declaration."21

III. Judge Cançado Trindade's Question

15. Judge Cançado Trindade asked the following question:

····•·r--,-~, •_.,.,'".•·· ---·-··.._,.,-e:·---·__,_''"····::---•":•,-•..--.··-···-·-·· ·.-...-·-···
"United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) refers, in its

paragraph 11 (a), to "substantial autonomy and self-government in
Kosovo", taldng full account of the Rambouillet Accords. In your

understanding, what is the meaning of this renvoi to the Rambouillet
Accords? Does it have a bearing on the issues of self-determination and/or

secession? If so, what would be the prerequisites of a people's eligibility
into statehood, in the framework of the legal ré set up by Security
Council resolution 1244 (1999)?And what. are the factual preconditions for

the configurations of a 'people', and of its eligibility hl.ta statehood, under
general international law?"

16. Paragraph 11 of Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) contains two

references to the Rambouillet accords. The reference in paragraph 11 (a) concerns the

20 Report of the Secretary•General on the United Nations Interim Adminhtration in Kosovo,
S/2007/768 of3January 2008,para. 8 [UNDossier No. 84].

21 Security Council, provisional verbatim record, sixty-third year, 5839 meeting, 18 February
2008(S/PV.5839),p. 2 [Dossier No. 119].

822.DEC.2009 15:02 0038138213183 s #2304 P.010 /018

international civil presence's responsibility to help establish self-governing institinions
Kosovo during the interim period, pending a final senlement, whereas the reference in

paragraph 11 (e) concems that presence's responsibility to facilitate a political process to

determine Kosovo's final status.

17. In paragraph 11 (a) of resolution 1244 (1999), the Security CoW1cil

decided that the main responsibilities of the international civilian presence in

Kosovo (authorized by paragraph 10) included:

(a) Promoting the establishment, pending a final settlement, of substantial
autonomy and self-government in Kosovo, taking full account of annex 2 and

of the Rambouillet accords (S/1999/MS)".

The issuance of the Declaration of Independence on 17 February 2008 by the

democratically-elected representatives of the people of Kosovo did not

contravene the international civilian presence' s responsibilities, including the

respànsibility in paragraph 11 (a). As such, the issuance of the Declaration was

·inaccordancewith ·resolution-1244,including paragraph 11 (a).-·- ·

18. In paragraph 11(a), the Council sought to promote the establishment of

substantial autonomy and self-government in Kosovo, prior to a final settlement,

"taking full account of ... the Rambouillet accords". Many of the provisions of

the Rambouillet Interim Agreement concerned the creation of self-goveming ·

institutions in Kosovo, protected from the arbitrary political will of the

authorities in Belgrade, for an interim period. Thus, the final version of the

Rambouillet Interim Agreement conta.ined extensive provisions on police and

civil public security in Kosovo (Chapter 2), the conduct and supervision of

Kosovo elections (Chapter 3), Kosovo's economic reconstruction and

development (Chapter 4), and so on 2• In the course of the UN Mission in

l1Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo, 23 February 1999,reproduced
inS/1999/648 [Dossier No. 30).

9 22.DEC.2009 15:02 003813B2131B3 .S #2304 P.011 /018

Kosovo (UNMIK)'s activities during the period inunediately coll ,.•· 1 .
1244' d · l• Ovvtng reso Ution
s a option, the Rambouillet accords provided guidance to UNMIK and the

Secretary-Genera] for creating Kosovo' s interim institutions and

progressively transferring authority to them. For example, the Secretary-General

advised in June 2000 that UNMIK's relationshlp with the people af Kosovo in

this period should be built upon the principles of the Rambouillet accords,

especially in establishing protections for existing and displaced Kosovo

residents. 23

19. This renvoi to the Rambouillet accords expressed the Council' s desi:re in
resolution 1244 for an extensive form of seli-governance in Kosovo, prior to

settlement of the final status, ·notwithstanding Belgrade' s rejection of the

Rambouillet accords. By doing so, the Council allowed for the conditions to

emerge in Kosovo during 1999-2008in which the people of Kosovo could choose

independence, having developed the capacity for legislative, executive, and

...... .,. ··-~..........__ .......______,_.,_...,···--··--··········-··'· ... . .....s,rl.png,. ........... .

20. Paragraph 11 (e) of resolution 1244 also refers to the Rambouillet

accords in the course of placing responsibility upon the international civilian

presence to facilitate "a political process designed ta determine Kosovo's future

status, taking into account the Rambouillet accords". 24 Here the reference to the

Rambouillet accords should be understood as directed in particular at Chapter 8,

Article I, paragraph 3 of the Rambouillet Interim Agreement, which stated that

"a final settlement for Kosovo" would be based upon various factors, the first of

which was "the will of the people", and omitted any language calling for a

l'.Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo, 6 June 2000,S/2000/538, p. 22,para. 132 [Dossier No. 44}.

24 Unlike paragraph 11(a),thisprovision containsno referenceto Annex 2, ~vhichconcem~d ~e
interim period, including the clause relating to "principles of sovere1gnty and tt?mtonal
integrity of the Pederal Republic Yugoslavia ...".

1022.DEC.2009 15:02 0038138213183 s #2304 P.012 /018

Belgrade-Pristina agreement (as had been sought by Belgrade) or for a further

Security Council resolution25.

21. This renvoito the Rambouillet expressed the Council's desire for a final

status process that would not be grounded upon Serbia's consent to secession,

and that could consist of independence ilthat proved ta be the will of the people
of Kosovo.

22. As explained in our written and oral pleadings, the Court may answer

the question by finding that the Dedaration of Independence did not violate

either resolution 1244or general international law, without reacrung the issue of
whether the people of Kosovo exercised their right to seJi-deter:m.ination in

February 2008. Ifthe Court reaches the latter issue, however, the references to

the "Rambouillet accords" contained within paragraph 11 of resolution 1244

reinforce the facts that the people of Kosovo are a "people" within the meaning

of the right of self-determination, and that they were exposed to conditions that
më!i fiîf-··aEillty,--u-·tpeeopie ·sac ·hos et,·exerc -ihs· right .throigh

independence, even without Belgrade' s consent 26. The provisio11Sof resolution

1244reflect the circumstances that had arisen by June 1999. As recogrùzed by the

Security Council, th.ose conditions included "a grave humanitarian situation in

Kosovo", one that involved "acts of violence against the Kosovo population" and
that had resulted in a "threat ta international peace and security".27 Further, the

Council determined that that there was à need to "provide for the safe and free

return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes", and that such
individuals had a right to return ta their homes in safety • In order to address

lSCR 2009/25, pp.52-56, paras. 27-41 (Murphy)Kosovo Further Written Contribution,
paras. 5.05-5.18.

26See Kosovo Further Written Contribution, paras. 4.45-4.48.
27Security Council resolution 1244(1999),10June 1999,pmbl. [UN Dossier No. 34].


11 #2304 P.013 .'018
22.DEC.2009 15:02 0038138213183 s

those conditions, and to ensure an enduring and peacefu1 resolution of the crisis,

the Council - invoking Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter - ordered the

withdrawal of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) and Serbian military and

police forces from Kosovo, provided for the deployment of international civilian

and military presences, and mandated them to help foster self-governance .in

Kosovo. As Professor Tomuschat concluded, "Security Council Resolution 1244

can be deemed to constitute the first formalized decision of the international
community recognizing that a human conununity within a sovereign State may

under specific circumstances enjoy a right of self-determination"W.

23. Further, resolution 1244 envisaged that a political process designed ta

determine Kosovo's final status would occur, in which the will of the people was

a central element. The Security Council launched that process in2005 with the

appointment of President Ahtisaari, who conducted extensive negotiations, and

then concluded that further efforts were futile and that independence was the

only via~~~ opti~_:tfor a~dr~ssiI_!g_ ari unst:able sitµation. Once that politicaL

process was exhausted, as occurred by the end of 2007 at the latest, the

conditions arase in which the people of Kosovo could express the:ir will, in

accordance with resolution 1244. The Declaration of Independence was the

expression of that will.

24. Finally, for a discussion of the meaning of "people" in the context of the

right of self-determination under general international law, and its application to

the people of Kosovo, the Court may wish ta refer to Kosovo's Written

Contribution, paragraph 8.40, and Kosovo's Further Written Contribution,

paragraphs 4.42 to 4.46, as well as its oral presentation, CR2009/25, pages 45-46,

29Ch. Tomuschat, "Secession and self-determination'', in M. G. KohSecessio1I:ternational

12 #2304 P.014 !018
.DEC.2009 15:02 0038138213183 s

and to the written and oral presentations of the m.any UN Member States that

addressed the issue of self-determination.

I hereby certify that the document annexed to this letter isa true copy and

conforms to the original document and that the English translation provided is

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Mi.nisterof Forei Affoirs
Representative of theR u lie of Kosovo before
the International ourt of Justice

1322.DEC.2009 15:02 0038138213183 s #2304 P.015 !018



Albanian Original

Duke qenë të vendosur thellë për të marrë pjesë në zgjedhjet parlamentare

dhe lokale në Kosovë të17nëntorit 2007;

Duke shprehur gatishmërinë tonë që të kontribuojmë që ky proces të

zhvillohet nè! pajtueshmëri me standardet më të larta demokratike

ndër kombëtare;

.puke respektua.~. në tërësi dis_po~itat në fuqi të Kosovës lidhur me

mbajtjen dhe organizi.min e zgjedhjeve;

Ne, përfaqësuesit e partive politike, koalicioneve dhe iniciativave qytetare, të

çertifikuar nga KQZ i Kosovës për të marrë pjesë në këto zgjedhje, duke iu

përgjigjur thirtjes së Presidentit të Kosovës, në ujdi të plotë nënshkruajmë

solemnisht këtë:


me të cilën zotohemi se:

Gjatë peridhës përgatitore parazgjedhore, do të bëjmë çmos për të

ndihmuar në përgatitjen sa më të m.irë tëprocesit të zgjedhjeve;

14 s #2304 P.016 /018
22.DEC.2009 15:03 0038138213183

Do të organizojmë fushatën tonë zgjedhore veç e veç për të prezentuar

projektet tona politike para elektoratit nêmënyrë të dinjitetshme në

përputhje me dispozitat në fuqi;

Do të anga.zhohemi që procesi zgjedhor të rtjedhë në frymën e tolerancës e

të mirëkuptimit. Nuk do të përdorim gjuhë dhe veprime që thyejne dhe

janë në kundèrshtim me etikën e kodit zgjedhor dhe të dispozitave ligjore

në fuqi;

Përfaqësuesit tanë në komisionet zgjedhore, ekipet vëzhguese dhe

mekanizmat tjerë që i parasheh ligji, pokështu do të respektojnë në tërësi

të gjitha dispozitat ligjore që kanë të bëjnême këtë proces zgjedhor.

Me këtë rast u bëjmë thirrje të gjithë qytetarëve të Kosovës me të drejtë vote

që të marrin pjese aktive në procesin zgjedhor, ditën e votimit dhe të votojnë

të preferuarit e tyre.

Thêrrasimpokështu të gjitha mjetet e komunikimit publik, të shkru.ara dhe

elektronike, që të angazhohen për prezentim gjithëpërfshirës dhe të

paanshèm W gjithë këtij procesi, duke iu përmbajtur kritereve profesionale,

etikës gazetareske dhe dispozitave ligjore në fuqi.

Prishtinë, 5.10.2007

1522.DEC.2009 15:03 0038138213183 s #2304 P.017 !018

English Translation

Strongly determined to participate in the Kosovo Parliamentary and Local
Elections of 17 November 2007;

Expressing our read.iness to contribute to the conduct of the process in
accordance with the hlghest democratic international standards;

Respecting fully the applicable provisions in Kosovo on the conduct and

organization of elections;

We, the reptesentatives of political parties, coalitions and citizens' initiatives

certified by the CEC of Kosovo to participa te in these elections, responding to the

cal! of the President of Kosovo, in full agreement solemnly sign the following:


whereby we pledge that:

During the preparatory pre-electoral period, we will do our utmost to
help the best preparation of the electoral process;

We will organize our electoral campaigns separately to present our

political projects to the electorate in a dignifying manner in accordance

with the applicable provisions;

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We will be com.mitted that the electoral process flows in the spirit of

tolerance and understanding. We will not use language and actions in
violation, or contrary to the ethics of the Elections Code and applicable

legal provisions;

Our representatives to the electoral committees, observation teams and

other mechanisms foreseen by the law will also completely respect all

legal provisions related to this electoral process.

On this occasion, we call upon ail citizens of Kosovo eligible to vote, to

partidpate actively in the electoral process in Election Day and vote for their

preferred candidates.

We also call upon all means of public communication, print or electronic, to

engage in a comprehensive and impartial presentation of the process,

.complying with professional criteria, ethics ofjournalism and applicable legal




Document file FR
Document Long Title

Reply of the authors of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence to questions
posed by Judges Koroma, Bennouna and Cançado Trindade
at the close of the oral proceedings
